Tammy Duckworth Illinois Flashcards
Presidents born in Pennsylvania
Buchanan 15
Joseph robinette Biden 46
Slayed the Trojan hero hector outside thr gates of Troy
Uh kill e’s
Boasted in a 10 song thr club can’t handle me
Flow ride uh
Boots with thr fur apple bottom jeans
Ships of discover included the endeavor
and resolution
Captain James cook
Straight named after him off coast of New Zealand
Died in Hawaii - killed by angry natives who didn’t want to be colonized
The infamous shower scene in thr kubrick classic psycho took place in this building
Bates motel
First single released by Madonna
Not borderline
Only African country with 1 syllable
Only human bone with three C in its name
According to Hesiod, Rhea had six children with Cronus:
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.
Only internal organ in the human body that can regenerate or regrow a damaged or missing part
This is a term used to describe the physical structure of of this complex molecule that Carrie’s genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism
Double helix for DNA
Players can revive fossils into living creatures such as kabuto amaura and tyrunt in this video game franchise
Cuh boo toe
Uh more uh
This is the subtitle 2020 animal crossing game in which players customize a deserted island into a community of human like animals
New horizons
Term for an organism that lives on or in a boat gets its food from or at the expense Id the host and often harms it
More people Nigeria or Mexico
Nigeria 210 M
Mexico 125 M
Published more books
Dean koontz or Stephen king
Koontz -105 that we know ; apparently did some pornography books
King -77 ish
Older google or yahoo
Yahoo -94
Google -98
First person on thr dollar bill
Samon P chase
Sal mon b chase hahahah
He left office after serving only one term, as he had promised the voters, and then contracted cholera on a goodwill tour of the South. He died at only 53 years of age, the youngest age for any president to die in retirement. He also enjoyed the shortest retirement of any president, at only 103 days.
James Knox Polk was the 11th US President
Actress big break came with the role of Rose Hsu Jordan in the 1993 hit film “The Joy Luck Club”. That said, she also played a South Korean refugee in the closing episodes of the TV series “MASH”. That character ended up marrying Klinger in the final episode, which led to her co-starring in the “MASH” sequel “AfterMASH”.
Rosalind Chao’s
“This” is Latin for “opening”.
A hiatus is a break or opening in a material object, or an interruption in time.
Graduate Record Examination
Poets of Ancient Rome
Far from Rome this first century poet wrote thr leaders anger done grant me the right to die in my native country
Ovid ah vid
Great Roman poet who died in exile for writing erotic poetry that was a bit too erotic
Best reason to be exiled
OK Ike !!!! Bahr in holtz
Emmy-winning sitcom created by Susan Harris :
Former TV writer and producer Susan Harris created quite a few hit TV shows, including “Soap”, “Benson”, “The Golden Girls” and “Empty Nest”.
” is the stage name of British singer and poet Anaïs Marinho. Parks seems to have hit the big time early in her career, with her first studio album “Collapsed in Sunbeams” (2021) garnering a lot of positive attention.
Arlo Parks
Broken heart of aMerica about St. Louis and American violence is new with a 14 shooting in this city
Ferguson Missouri
With 1920s outline of history this time machine man went from bestselling novelist to bestselling educator
Orson wells
Edward gibbon wrote thr decline and dell of thr Roman empire ; William shirer wrote thr rise and fall of this sinister empire
The third rike
First weekend update anchor
Chevy chase
Marx bros film that contains a scene in a speakeasy where Groucho uses this specific password to get in door which is also inspiration for this film where same password serves as the name of a film a password and operation code name
Longest running SNL cast member
Keenan Thompson
At jazz funerals in New Orleans this original phrase refers to the mourners that trail behind the casket family and musicians
Second line
This pre Islamic religious of India and Iran still lays their dead on towers of silence to be eaten by birds of prey
Zoro astreeism
6th century Bc Indian physician sushruta wqs a pioneer of surgery including this reconstruction of thr nose
Seeew shh roo tuh
Part of the Limbic system this structure in the brain is though to playa role in spatial navigation
This author wrote a letter asking a friend to burn all of his unpublished work like the trial and the castle
Nazis tried to destroy copies of a propaganda film by this female director since it heavily featured a supposed nazi traitor
(Len E )reef en sthal
After herostratus burned down this edifice in Ephesus it’s no wonder thr townsfolk banned mentioning his name
The temple at Artemis
In the film divorce Italian style scandal comes
To a small town when the theater shows this sweetly named 60 Fellini film
La dolce vita
Dole chay
In this film andy do frain and reds watch this actress’ hair flip scene in Gilda
Shawshank redemption
Rita Hayworth