Kalle Anka (pronounced kah-lay ahn-kah) Donwld Duck Sweeden Flashcards
Dwarf planets in our solar system
5 total
Sear Eees - asteroid belt
Other 4 All past Uranus - outer solar system.
Huh may uh
Mah key mah key
Air is
dawn space craft mission
The birth of Venus painting
Also displayed where
Bot uh chell E
Uffuzi gallery in Florence
Ew fee ZZ
5 stages of grief
Also this model postulates the progression of the notional states
Name suggests 2 but name just hyphenated
Kubler- Ross in her 69 book on death and dying - Swiss American psychiatrist
Not Kruger dunning
Only 2 UN countries that begin with an A and don’t end in an A
This cardinals player scored thr game winning run in thr 46 World Series against Red Sox
Flight from FAT to KIX
Impractical flight
Layovers would most likely be San Fran and Tokyo
FAT Fresno California
KIX Osaka Japan
Originating from the Philippines and commonly sold as street food this popular south East Asian food is a developing bird embryo usually a duck that is boiled and eaten from the shell
buh loo
Bare necessities?
Song lyrics
Reached 28 on billboard 100
would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds
But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside
Swallow my doubt, turn it inside out
Find nothin’ but faith in nothin’
Wanna put my tender heart in a blender
Watch it spin ‘round to a beautiful oblivion
Rendezvous, then I’m through with you
Inside out by Eve 6
In 13 thr NYT released an article calling this a household item the must steal of thr holdiay season
Stable value and inability to trace
Tide (laundry detergent)
Target for shoplifters
Shelf stable holds its value
Ideal currency for drug dealers
Bet on red and black on a roulette wheel
Odds of losing
2:38= 1/19
1-36 black and red
Zero - green
Double zero - green
Whose my owner?
Barfy the dog
Family circus
Whose my owner?
Bo the dog
Barack Obama
Whose my owner?
Ruff the dog
Dennis the menance
Whose my owner?
Arnold the pig me puff
Ginny weez lee
Whose my owner?
Dorothy the goldfish
Whose my owner?
Klaus the goldfish
Stan smith
Fish is a German ski jumper whose mind transferred into goldfish so wouldn’t win
American dad
Whose my owner?
Trevor the toad
Neville longbottom
Whose my owner?
Slimy thr worm
Oscar the grouch
Whose my owner?
Thr siamese cats coco and yum yum
James quill er in - detective in the cat who mystery novels by Lillian Jackson brawn
Whose my owner?
Dick the mockingbird
Thomas Jefferson
2016 World Series
And who said I’m in a glass case of emotion right now
Cubs defeated Indians
Anthony rizzo 1B said to C David Ross (grandpa)
Movie math
2004 romantic comedy starring drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler minus 02 drama starring Eminem and Britney Murphy
Express answer in Roman numerals and answer using NATO phonetic alphabet
X ray
A 1927 Girl Scout guidebook included the first printed recipe for this flame melted treat
This purple spring blooming plant is considered the national flower of France
Also mistaken For this other flower
Mistaken for lilies
This band named this hit song for a line in thr movie young Frankenstein
Aerosmith walk this way
This fourth state of matter can be created by cooking grape halves in this appliance
Drink from Hitchhikers guide to thr galaxy
Out of this word potent potable
President of the universe zafe way b bull brox
Alcohol Equivalent to a mugging expensive and bad for the head
Pangalatic gargle blaster
Douglas adams
42- answer to life the universe and everything
Portland light rail system which shares its name with a 15 movie about a dog that helped American marines in Afghanistan
Metropolitan area express
When prince became the artist formerly known as prince he used this text icon
Also request made by record company causing prince to break his contract and change stage name
The love symbol no 2 - combines male and female symbol in overlapped
Warner bros wanted him to stop releasing music so fast
Has enough in his valut to Release for 20 - 30 years
Almond shaped area of thr brian that is known to regulate this
Whitman from university of Texas
Chapin chay pin song called sniper about him
Uh mig duh luh - from Greek word for almond
Area of the brain responsible for autonomic functions such as bottoming and sneezing
Muh dulla ahm luh got uh
Canadian born African American inventor and engineer is known for his 57 us patents most known for lubrications of steam engines
Elijah J McCoy
Inspiration for the real McCoy
6 man football played on a field this many yards long
15 yards first downs
80 yards
Less because too much running
This weather event is an intense small
Scale down draft produced by a thunderstorm or rain shower that can be particularly dangerous to aircrafts especially during landing due to wind shear caused by gust front
Severe historic crashes ; training how to properly recover
Othello based on this game
Re ver see
2 pairs of characters are this in this Shakespeare play
Comedy of errors
Identical Twins
One set servants one set nobles
Separated at birth ; each servant became employed by noble
Hilarity ensued
Royal game of err is so named because first board rediscovered in city state of err which was from this early civilization
Wicked Bible issue and book
Missing not in shall not commit adultery
Commandment 7
Exodus 20:14
PR Shortstop led NL in errors in 21 and AL in 22
Javier biaz
Cubs ?
Writing system consisting of scratching marks into stone and wax plus clay tablets used by ancient Sumerians
Donna summer won Grammy in 78 for this song that won AA and golden globe for best original song
Last dance
Not hot stuff
Movie thank god it’s Friday , commodores also in