Tamar Medterm Flashcards
2-By etiology periodontitis divided into Select one
A. Infectious traumatic
B .apical marginal
C .local diffuse
D .acute, chronic , exacerbated chronic
4-Active form of chronic periodontitis is Select one A .serous
B .granulating
C .fibrous
D .granulomatous E .Purulent
5-fistulas on the gum one granulating often develops
A .during granulation periodontitis
B .during granulomatous periodontitis C.in acute purulent periodontitis
D.in case of fibrous periodontitis
6- Odontogenic hypodermic granuloma consist of
A. granulomas fistulous tract, causative tooth
B. granulomas
C. granulomas, causative tooth
7-in which localization of the periostitis of Jaw there is no edema on the face Select one A .lower incisors on the vestibular side
B .lower molars from the vestibular side
C .upper jaw on palatine the side
8-periodontitis is:
A. inflammatory process that affects the periodontal tissue
B.diffuse inflammation of the tooth pulp
C.disease with the spread of the inflammatory
D.process to the periosteum degenerative disease with a decrease in bone tissue
9-in treatment in purulent acute periodontitis,it is necessary:
A.make incision of mucous membrane along the mucobuccal fold
B.make incision of mucous membrane and periosteum at the site of greatest bulging of the infiltrate C. resect the apex of the of the affected tooth
D.create a free exudate by way of the root canal
10- Odontogenic infections originates from Select one
A .Periodontal tissues /periapical tissue/pericoronal tissue /pulpal tissue
B. Mucosa
C .Skin
D .Lymph node
11-During acute periostitis on the radiograph can seen Select one
A .Osteosclerotic area
B .chronic odontogenic Foci on the root of the casual tooth
C .shadow of the sequestration
13-Types of odontogenic granuloma Select one
A. submucosal
B. All of the above
C. subperiosteal D. hypodermic
14-Opening of the subperiosteal abscess may result in injury Select one
A. inferior alveolar nerve and artery
B. mucous membrane of the cheek
C. Mental nerve and artery
15- Opening of the subperiosteal abscess may result in injury Select one
A. inferior alveolar nerve and artery
B. mucous membrane of the cheek
C. Greater palatine artery and nerve
16-What periods of development of subcutaneous granulomas are distinguished? Select one
A.acute and chronic-exacerbated chronic B.acute subacute and chronic
C.latent and skin manifestation
17-Clinical manifestations of acute serous periodontitis: Select one :
A. numbness of the skin of the chin and lower lip
B. irradiation of pain along the branches of the facial nerve .
C .paresis of facial muscles
D. exact localization of the affected tooth
18-Acute purulent periostitis of the jaw can lead to the following complication Select one :
A odontogenic jaw osteomyelitis
B. all of the above
c. abscess
D. purulent lymphadenitis e. phlegmon
19-Contraindication for apicotomy Select one :
A Teeth with deep periodontal pockets
B .fracture of the instrument in the apical third of the root canal C .cystgranuloma
D .fracture at apical third of tooth
21-The fistulous course is formed in chronic periodontitis: a ) serous
b) purulent
c ) granulomatous
d) Fibrotic
e) granulating
22-when opening the subcutaneous granuloma in the infiltrative stage, you can get: Select one :
A. There no liquid contents
b. blood with pus
c . blood d. pus
23-diameter of cyst granuloma Select one :
A . ranges from 1 to 5 mm b . more than 1 cm
C. ranges between 4-8 mm
24-The nature of pain in acute purulent periodontitis : Select one :
A. periodic dull
B. constant aching .
C. acute pulsating or constant aching D . paroxysmal
25-Fluctuation in the infiltrative stage of subcutaneous granuloma is explained by: Select one :
A . the presence of granulation tissue
b. the presence of mucus ; . C. the presence of blood;
d. the presence of pus ;
26- When opening the subperiosteal abscess , an incision is made:
a. mucous membrane along the transitional fold
b. mucous membrane and periosteum at the site of greatest bulging of the infiltrate
c . mucous membrane along the gingival margin d . maxillary soft tissue
34-factors affecting the change in the width of the periodontal gap:
a) Lack of antagonist teeth
b) Pathological process in the periodontium c) Functional overload
42-palatal abscess most commonly result from infection of :
a.the palatal roots of posterior teeth and maxillary lateral incisor
b.all of above
c.maxillary central and lateral incisor
c.maxillary canines and palatal root of 1 premolar
43-palatal abscess most commonly result from infection of :
a.maxillary lateral incisor
b.maxillary central incisor c.maxillary canine
61-Resection of the apex of the root of the tooth is performed in the treatment of:
a ) incisors
b ) canines
c) third molars
d) second molars of the lower jaw
e) foci in the area of the buccal root of the first premolars of the upper jaw
61-Resection of the apex of the root of the tooth is performed in the treatment of:
a ) incisors
b ) canines
c) third molars
d) second molars of the lower jaw
e) foci in the area of the buccal root of the first premolars of the upper jaw
67-Periostitis of the jaw occurs:
a ) after treatment of general purulent pulpitis
b ) with exacerbation of chronic apical periodontitis c ) with suppuration of a radicular cyst
d ) after traumatic tooth extraction
71-General condition of the patient with periostitis of the jaw :
a)not shanged
b ) moderate c) satisfactory d) heavy
e ) mild
72-General complaints of jaw periostitis:
a ) headache
b ) weakness
c) increase in body temperature d ) chills
e )sleep disturbance
76-Indications for hemisection and amputation of the root of the tooth:
a) resorption of the apex of the interalveolar septum
b) obstruction of one of the root canals
c) the presence of a deep bone pocket in one of the roots of the tooth
d) interroot granuloma
e)periostitis of the jaw
84-By etiology, periodontitis is divided into:
a ) traumatic b ) chemical c ) Infectious d) apical
e ) marginal
during cutaneous incisions for drainage of the submandibular abscess must be taken into the consideration the course of the
A .facial vein
B .facial nerve
C .facial artery
D .all of above
93- with periostitis of the jaw, radiographs reveal changes in the bone, characteristic of
A. granulating of the causative tooth
B. causative tooth granulomatous periodontitis C. semi impacted tooth
D. radicular cysts
General complication of jaw periostitis:
1.headache – weakness
2. sleep disturbance
3.increase in body temperature