Mandibular Facial Spaces Flashcards
Which teeth for sublingual space infection ?
Mandibular first molar
Mandibular anterior
Mandibular premolars
Sublingual space get infected from which spaces ?
submandibular, submental, lateral pharyngeal spaces
What’s sublingual space symptoms ?
swelling of themucosa of the floor of themouth, resulting in **elevation of the tongue towards the palate and laterally **
The mandibular lingual sulcus is obliterated and the mucosa presents a bluish tinge.
Sublingual space incision ?
intraorally»> laterally, and along Wharton’s duct and the lingual nerve.
If teeth above mylohyoid attachments to which space the infection will spread ?
angle of the mandible is obliterated, while pain during palpation and moderate trismus due to involvement of the medial pterygoid muscle which space ?
Submandibular incision ?
on the skin, approximately 1 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible
Which nerves and arteries should be taken in consultation while submandibular incision?
facial artery and vein (the incision should be made posterior to these)
Where does blunt dissection should be taken in submandibular incision ?
along the medial surface of the mandibular bone also, because pus is often located in this area as well.
Swelling in posterior border of the ramus of the mandible as far as the anterior border of the masseter muscle which space ?
In which area submasseteric space swell Intraorally ?
edema present at the retromolar area and at the anterior border of the ramus. This abscess rarely fluctuates, while it may present generalized symptoms.
How submasseteric space incision done ?
Intraoral»_space;» begins at the coronoid process and runs along the anterior border of the ramus towards the mucobuccal fold
approximately as far as the second molar
extraorally»> on the skin, beneath the angle of the mandible
What’s the PROPLEM of submasseter space ABCESS drainage ?
access is distant from the purulent accumulation, often it is difficult to drain the area well, resulting in frequent relapse.
Hemostate should touch bone
What’s clinical extra and Intraoral manifestation of Pterygomandibular space infection ?
- slight extraoral edema beneath the angle of the mandible are observed.
- Intraorally, edema of the soft palate of the affected side is present, as is displacement of the uvula and lateral pharyngealwall, while there is difficulty in swallowing.
Pterygomandibular space infection etiology ?
- Third molar
- inferior alveolar nerve block, if the penetration site of the needle is infected (pericoronitis)
- pterygopalatal, infratemporal, submandibular, and lateral pharyngeal spaces.
Pterygomandibular space incision ?
Intraoral oral : in the mucosa of the oral cavity and , along the mesial temporal crest. The incision must be 1.5 cm long and 3–4 mm deep.
hemostat is then inserted, which proceeds posteriorly and laterally until it comes into contact with the medial surface of the ramus.
Mental ABCESS incision ?
** depth of themucobuccal fold, if the abscess fluctuates intraorally
** extraoral : on the skin, parallel to the inferior border of the chin, 1–1.5 cm posteriorly
Submental ABCESS incision ?
around the abscess, an incision on the skin beneath the chin, in a horizontal direction and parallel to the anterior border of the chin.
Which teeth for mental vs Submental space infection ?
Mental : incisors
Submental : mandibular anterior teeth or (mental, sublingual, submandibular) spaces