Tally's Blood - Quotes and Analysis - Ann Marie Di Mambro Flashcards
ROSINELLA - I don’t know anybody works so hard as the Italian men
- Ironic, as she is speaking we can visually see Hughie working very hard in the shop
- Juxtaposition between Hughie’s work ethic and Rosinella’s prejudice show how ridiculous and unfounded her prejudice really is
ROSINELLA - You said you got plans for my Lucia
- Became extremely protective over Lucia despite her not being her own daughter. Lucia grew up with Rosinella and sees her as more of a parent than Luigi
ROSINELLA - Franco, he’s Italian, he’s played around a wee bit with some Scotch girls - so what? You’re no the first and you’ll no be the last
- Rosinella is openly hostile towards Bridget
- Assumes that all Scotch girls have looser morals than Italian girls
ROSINELLA - marry your own kind. You watch none of them catches you
- Rosinella compares all Scottish girls to predators
- ‘Them’ and ‘they’ make large generalisations unfairly
ROSINELLA - these Scotch girls they’re all the same. They just go out with you for one thing - because your father’s got a shop and they think you’ve got money
- Racial prejudice
- Believes that Scottish women are only interested in a man for his money
ROSINELLA - listen hen, you’re Italian, that makes you special
- Racial prejudice
MASSIMO - listen Rosie, I thought you went to Glasgow to buy yourself a new coat?
ROSINELLA - oh, but when I saw that wee dress I just had to get her it
- Lucia is spoiled
- Rosinella happily makes personal sacrifices for Lucia’s sake
MASSIMO - (smiles with great affection. Squeezes her cheek between his thumb and fore finger)
- Shows that Massimo is a pleasant, affectionate person
- Devoted, family man, parental love for his niece
MASSIMO - listen hen, you’ve no to bother about paying it back you hear?
- Better off than their neighbours and reflected in Bridget’s need for £2 and Massimo’s ability to give her £3
MASSIMO - I always thought I was lucky. I had two countries. Now I feel I’ve got nowhere
Since the outbreak of war, the family had been targeted because they are Italian
BRIDGET - see if Italy does come into the war, Mr Pedreschi, you’ll no have to worry. Everybody likes you.
- Dramatic irony
- However, in the war he is labelled a Tally and victimised because of this
BRIDGET - I thought Franco didn’t love me. You told me that
- Rosinella is xenophobic and controlling
HUGHIE - I have waited years-years for Lucia. Blending into the background, knowing my place - ‘och it’s just you’
HUGHIE - I have come for Lucia and I am not leaving without her
- Determination, completely dedicated to Lucia, stubborn perseverance
LUCIA - I had to feed the pigs Rosinella…and fetch the water and pick the olives
- Lucia is unused to work as she is always spoiled
LUCIA - If I want something I’m not supposed to get - I just - cry
- Women are more likely to manipulate, men more likely to use brute force
FRANCO - I cannie be expected to spend my whole life working from morning till night in a wee pokey shop
- Signs up to fight for British before Italy entered the war
- Died in war fighting for British
- Proud of Italian heritage
- Sees himself as British
LUIGI - when you’ve finished the clothes, you’ve to come up to the house. Ma wife’s going to teach you to clean a chicken
- Instead of Luigi showing Lucia himself, he gets his wife to do it, highlighting his lazy qualities