Talkback (android) Flashcards
Turn TalkBack on or off
Hold volume up and down
keys for a few seconds
(when setting is enabled)
Open the TalkBack menu
Swipe down, then right Or swipe up, then right
Or three-finger tap (on devices with multi-finger gestures*)
Pause or resume
Two-finger tap
Start reading continuously from
the top Or Repeat last phrase
- Open TalkBack menu
- Select “Read from top”
or “Repeat last spoken phrase”
Scroll a page, menu, etc.
Two-finger swipe up, down,
left, or right
Cycle through reading controls
Swipe up, then down Or swipe down, then up Or three-finger swipe up, down, left, or right (on devices with multi-finger gestures*)
Start reading continuously from this point on
- Open TalkBack menu 2. Select “Read from next item”
Or two-finger triple tap
Go to next link, heading, form
element, landmark/region, etc.
- Select the desired reading
control 2. Swipe down
Read next item
Swipe right
Read previous item
Swipe left
Navigate table cells
Swipe right or left
Or explore by touch
Activate element
link, button, etc.
Double tap
Go to main content
Use the page’s “Skip to Main Content” link if present; or
explore by touch; or swipe left, then down (or open the TalkBack menu and select “Search screen”) to search for the desired section
Go to previous link, heading,
form element, landmark, etc.
- Select the desired reading
control 2. Swipe up
Go back
Swipe down, then
Go to home page
Swipe up, then left
Recent apps
Swipe left, then up
Swipe right, then down
Or two-finger swipe
down from top
Start or stop media Or
Answer or end a call
Two-finger double tap
(reading text) Say prior paragraph, line,
word, character
- Select the desired reading
control - Swipe up
(reading text) Say from cursor
- Open TalkBack menu
- Select “Read from next
item” Or two-finger triple tap
(reading text) Say character phonetically
. Open TalkBack menu 2. Select
“TalkBack Settings” > “Verbosity”
> “Speak phonetic letters”
(reading text) Say next paragraph, line,
word, character
- Select the desired
reading control - Swipe down
(reading text) Spell word
- Navigate by words 2. Open
TalkBack menu 3. Select
“Spell last spoken phrase”
(tables) Cell to right
Swipe right
(tables) Cell to left
Swipe left
(tables) cell below
Explore by touch
(tables) cell above
Explore by touch
(forms) Select and deselect
double tap
(forms) open combo box
double tap
(forms) Browse comb box options
Explore by touch
Or swipe right or left
(forms) Select combo box options
Double tap each option to
select or deselect
(forms) Toggle radio button selection
- Swipe right or left to the
desired option - Double tap to select
Adjust a slider up or right
Swipe right, then left
Or swipe up
Adjust a slider down or left
Swipe left, then right
Or swipe down
Search for a word or phrase
Swipe left, then down.
Pass-through next gesture to
system / current application
Four-finger double tap and
hold (on devices with multifinger gestures*
Voice commands
- Swipe right then up. 2. Listen
for a confirmation sound. - Speak a command. (Available
only with TalkBack 9.1 and up.)
Search for a word or phrase
Swipe left, then down
When in a text editing field, a virtual
keyboard appears at bottom of screen.
Drag finger over letters, and release when
you hear the desired letter
Speak characters typed
In TalkBack Settings, enable “Keyboard echo.”
Gesture hints:
Gesture hints: Select “TalkBack Settings” > “Verbosity” > “Speak usage hints.”
Reformat documents for simpler
Chrome: Go to Chrome settings > Accessibility > select "Simplified view for web pages." A button for simplified view will appear at the bottom of the screen, when supported. Firefox: Reader View. When viewing an article, the button appears in the URL bar