Narrator Flashcards
Turn on/turn off
Windows logo + Control +
Enter (or Caps Lock +
Escape to turn off)
Stop talking
Next item
Caps lock + Right arrow
Previous item
Caps lock + Left arrow
Read next focusable item (e.g. link, button)
Previous focusable item
Shift + Tab
Toggle scan mode on/off
Caps lock + Space bar
Next heading
H (in scan mode)
Previous heading
Shift + H (in scan mode)
Next landmark/region
D (in scan mode)
Previous landmark/region
Shift + D (in scan mode)
Navigate table cells
Control + Alt + Arrow keys
Activate a link
Activate a button
Enter or Space bar
Open and navigate a select list
Alt + Down arrow, then Down/Up arrow
Start reading continuously from this point on
Caps Lock + Down Arrow
or Caps Lock + Control + R
Read from beginning of page
Caps Lock + Control + I
Read current item
Caps Lock + Tab
Repeat last statement
Caps Lock + X
Activate link or button
Caps Lock + Enter
Toggle scan mode
Caps Lock + Space Bar
Primary action (e.g activate an item)
Enter or Space Bar
Secondary action (e.g select or expand)
Shift + Enter or Shift + Space Bar
Next or previous line
Control + Down or Up Arrow
Next or previous character
Right Arrow or Left Arrow
Next or previous word
Control + Right or Left Arrow
Next (previous) paragraph
P (Shift + P)
Next (previous) text or item
Down Arrow (Up Arrow)
Next heading
Next heading level
Next Table
Next link
Go to next landmark/region
Next form field
Go to next table
Cell to right
Control + Alt + Right Arrow
Cell to left
Control + Alt + Left Arrow
Cell below
Control + Alt + Down Arrow
Cell above
Control + Alt + Up Arrow
Read row header
Control + Shift + Alt + Left Arrow
Read current row
Control + Shift + Alt + Right Arrow
Read column header
Control + Shift + Alt + Up Arrow
Read current heading
Control + Shift + Alt + Down Arrow
Announce location in table
Control + Shift + Alt + / (Forward Slash)
or Control + Shift + Alt + 5 (Numpad)
List all headings
Caps Lock + F6
Go to main content region
Caps Lock + N
Navigate table cells
Control + Alt + Arrows
List all links
Caps Lock + F7
Rotate between characters, words, lines, paragraphs, headings, links, tables, and landmarks
Caps Lock + Page Up or
Caps Lock + Page Down
Toggle developer mode
Caps Lock + Control + F12
Read title and contents of window.
Caps Lock + W
Go to previous heading, landmark, table, focusable
item, etc.
Shift + [H, D, T, Tab, etc.]
(touch gesture) Read what’s under your finger
Touch or drag a single finger
(touch gesture) Activate primary option
Double tap
(touch gesture) Activate secondary option
Triple tap
(touch gesture) Quick double (or triple) tap
Hold with one finger, tap (or double
tap) anywhere with another
(touch gesture) Next or previous item
Flick right or left
(touch gesture) Change view
Flick up or down
(touch gesture) Stop reading
Two-finger tap
(touch gesture)Change verbosity
Three-finger tap
(touch gesture) Show commands for the current item
Four-finger tap
(touch gesture) Show context menu
Two-finger double tap
(touch gesture) Read text attributes
Three-finger double tap
(touch gesture)Open search mode
Four-finger double tap
(touch gesture) Show all narrator commands
Four-finger triple tap
(touch gesture) Scroll
Two-finger swipe up, down, left, or
(touch gesture) Tab forward or backward
Three-finger swipe right or left
(touch gesture) Read current window
Three-finger swipe up
Start reading on explorable text
Three-finger swipe down
Enable (disable) semantic zoom
Four-finger swipe up (down)
Move Narrator cursor to beginning
or end of unit
Four-finger swipe left or right