Tale quotes Flashcards
‘Unto som mayde…
…fair and tendre of age’
‘She shal nat passe…
…twenty yeer, certain; Oold fissh and yong flessh wolde I have ful fain’
‘Ne children sholde I…
… none upon hire greten; Yet were me levere houndes had me eten, Than that myn heritage sholde falle’
‘Seyn that I have the mooste…
…stedefast wyf, And eek the mekeste oon that bereth lyf’
‘Ther passeth thurgh his herte…
…night by night, As whoso tooke a mirour, polisshed bright, And seete it in a commune market-place, Thanne sholde he se ful many a figure pace’
‘For love is blind…
…alday, and may nat see’
‘Hir fresshe beautee…
…and hir age tendre, Hir middel smal, hire armes long and skelndre’
‘Which that of beautee hadde…
…greet renoun, Al were it so she were of smal degree: Suffiseth him hir yowthe and hir beautee’
‘That I shal have…
…myn hevene in erthe heere’
‘They wroghten so…
…by sly and wys tretee, That she, this maiden, which that Mayus highte’
‘If I yow tolde…
…of every scrit and bond’
‘Mayus, that sit with so…
…beninge a chiere, Hire to biholde it seemed fairerye’
‘The bride was…
…bought abedde as stille as stoon’
‘He lulleth hire…
…he kisseth hire ful ofte; With thikke brustles of his berd unsofte, Lyk to the skin of houndfish’
‘A man may…
…do no sinne with his wyf’
‘Thus laboureth he…
…til that the day gan dawe’
‘And after that…
…he sand ful loude and cleere, And kiste his wif, and made wantown cheere’
‘But God woot what that May…
…thoughte in hir herte’
‘but fresshe May heeld…
…hire chambre unto the fourth day’
‘So brenneth that…
…he dieth for desir’
‘But prively a penner…
… gan he borwe, And in a lettre wroot he al his sorwe’
‘He is as wys…
…, discreet, and as secree, As any man I woot of his degree, And therto manly, and eek servisable’
‘This purs hath she…
…inwith hir bosom hid, And wente hire; ye gete namoore of me’
‘Ther as ye woot…
…that every wight moot neede; And whan she of this bille hath taken heede, She rente it al to cloutes atte lastee’
‘How that he…
…wrought, I dar nat to yow telle; Or wheither hire thoughte it paradis or helle’
‘Under his pilwe…
…rede it if him leste. She taketh him by the hand, and harde him twiste’
‘He baar alwey…
… of silve a clicket, with which, whan that him leste, he it unshette’
‘He in the gardyn…
… parfourned hem and spedde’
‘But worldly…
…joye may nat alwey dure’
‘Is woxen blind…
…and that al sodeynly’
‘in warm wex hath…
…emprented the clicket’
‘and stille he…
…sit under a bussh anon’
‘And wommen have…
…have repreve of yow ay newe. Ye han noon oother cpunternance, I leeve, But speke to us of untrust and repreeve’
’ “My wyf”…
… quod he “ther may no wight seye nay, Th’ expeirence so preveth every day, The tresons whiche that wommen doon to man’
‘By cause, allas…
…that he is bling and old, His owene man shal make him cokewold’
‘That I shal yeven…
…hire suffisant answere, and alle wommen after, for hir sake; that, though they be in any gilt ytake’
‘Yit shul we wommen visage…
it hardily and wepe, and swere, and childe subtilly, So that ye men shul been as lewed as gees’
‘What though he made a temple…
Goddes house? What though he were riche ans glorious? So he eek a temple of false goddis’
‘This fresshe May, that is so bright…
…and sheene, Gan for to sike’
“Allas, my side. Mow Sire…
…for aught that may bitide I moste han of the peres that I see, Or I moot die, so soore longeth me to eten of the smale peres grene”
‘May han to fruit so greet…
…an appetit that she may dien, but she of it have’
’ “Allas” quod he…
…“that I ne had heer a knave That koude climbe. Allas allass” ‘
“so I my foot….
…mighte setter upon youre bak”
“theron hal be no lak…
…mighte I yow helpen wih myn herte blood”
‘I kan nat glose…
… I am a rude man - And sodeynly anon this Damyan Gan pullen up the smok and in he throng’
‘And whan that he hadde caught…
…his sighte again’
‘And to his palays hoom…
…he hath hire lad. Now, goode men, I pray yow to be glad’
‘Lo whiche sleightes and subtilitees…
…In wommen been. For ay as bisy as bees Been they, us sely men for to deceyve, And from the soothe evere wol they wyeve’