Prologue quotes Flashcards
…bever hat’
‘His bootes…
…clasped faire and fetisly’
‘Ther wiste…
…no wight that he was in dette’
‘Weping and wailing…
…care and oother sorwe’
‘She is a shrewe…
…at al’
‘In which he…
…lived in greet propseritee’
‘On wommen,…
…ther as was his appetit’
‘To take a wif…
…it is a glorious thing, and namely whan a man is oold and hoor’
‘For who kan be…
…so buxom as a wyf? Who is so trewe, and eek so entenif To kepe him, sik and hool, as is his make?’
‘And if thou take a wyf…
…unto thyn hoold, Ful lightly mystow been a cokewold’
‘Mariage is a ful…
…greet sacrement’
‘He which that hath no wyf,…
… I holde him shent; He liveth helplees and al desolat’
‘So buxom and so vertuous…
…is she, They moste nedes live in unitee’
‘How mighte a man…
…han any adversitee That hath a wyf?’
‘She seith nat ones…
…“nay”, whan he seith “ye”. “Do this”, seith he; “Al redy, sire” seith she’
‘Lo Judith…
…as the storie eek telle kan, By wis conseil she Goddes peple kepte, And slow him Olofernus, whil he slept’
‘Lo Abigail…
… by good conseil, how she Saved hir housbonde Nabal, whan that he Sholde han be slaine’
‘For which this Januarie…
…of whom I tolde, Considered hath, inwith his days olde, The lusty lyf, the vertuous quiete’