tale of custard dragon Flashcards
Why did Custard cry for a nice safe cage? Why is the dragon called “cowardly dragon”?
Custard cried for a nice safe cage because it was a coward and was scared very easily. It is called “cowardly dragon” because everyone else in the house is very brave while the dragon is the only one, who fears a lot and looks for a nice safe cage for himself. Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears, Ink and Blink can chase lions and Mustard is as brave as an angry tiger.
“Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful…” Why?
Tickling always works on people, who are a little softer. So, Belinda tickled the dragon unmerciful as it worked a lot on him. Despite being a dragon, a tickling could disturb him and this showed his cowardice on which everyone laughed.
The poet has employed many poetic devices in the poem. For example “Clashed his tail like iron in a dungeon” – the poetic device here is a simile. Can you, with your partner, list some more such poetic devices used in the poem?
In the poem, ‘The tale of Custard, the Dragon’, the poet has used a lot of poetic devices. Following are the devices used 1. Simile: mouth like a fireplace
2. Repetition: the repetitive use of the word ‘little’ in stanza 1.
Do you find ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ to be a serious or a light-hearted poem? Give reasons to support your answer.
‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ is a very light and funny poem meant to be enjoyed by everyone. The way the poem has been written with a fix rhyme scheme, makes it very easy and enjoyable to read. The poet has even used wrong spelling to maintain the rhyme scheme. The features of Belinda and her pets described in the poem make it quite funny. Belinda’s bravery has been compared to a barrel full of bears, a liquid substance. All the tiny creatures such as the kitten and the mouse have been shown so brave that they can scare a lion and the dog’s bravery is like a tiger’s rage. The biggest of them all, the dragon is the only one, who has been shown as a coward and soft being, who looks for a cage for himself, which is very ironic, hence making the poem funny.
How did Ink and Mustard make fun of the dragon?
As dragon used to cry for a nice, safe cage so, Ink and Mustard considered him to be a meek and timid creature who wanted to escape dangers and lead a life of ease and comfort. They made fun of him by asking him his age because they thought that Custard was too old to cry like a child for a safe, comfortable cage.
How does the poet describe the appearance of the dragon?
Though Custard has a terrifying appearance but he has been described as a meek and cowardly dragon. He had big sharp teeth, spikes on his body and scales beneath his belly. His reddish, fiery mouth looked like a furnace and his long nose resembled a chimney. His claws were sharp like dragon.
How have Ink, Blink and Mustard been described?
Ink was described as a little black kitten and Blink was described as a little grey mouse. They both have been shown to be so brave that they could chase lions down the stairs. Mustard was the name of a yellow, sharp dog. He has been described to be as brave as a tiger in rage is.
How has the bravery of Belinda been described? Did she prove her bravery?
Belinda has been described to be as brave as a barrel full of bears. She used to consider her bold and courageous and so, she made fun of Custard for being a coward and tickled him hard only to ridicule him.
However, Belinda was not at all brave. She could not face the pirate bravely and was so terrified that she turned pale out of fear and cried for help. So, all her boasts of bravery proved to be hollow.
Who was ‘Percival? Why did the pets call the dragon ‘Percival?
Percival was one of the brave knights of King Arthur who was renowned for his strength and fighting prowess. The pets called the dragon ‘Percival’ satirically making fun of his cowardice as he always demanded of a nice, safe cage. They compared him with Percival to show how unlike he was from the brave knight who went on dangerous adventures.
How does the poet describe the pirate’s appearance?
The pirate has been described as a wicked, sinister person who had come to harm the pets because he carried a pistol in each of his hands and a small sword between his teeth. He supported a black beard and his one leg was wooden. With all this, the pirate seemed to be a wicked fellow with evil intentions.
How did Custard prove to be a brave dragon?
Custard who was considered as a meek and coward creature proved to be fearless and brave when he came face to face with the pirate. The moment, he saw the pirate, he charged at him and began to snort loudly. With his tail, he then thrashed the floor making a loud clattering sound. This frightened the pirate who shot two bullets at the dragon but in panic and nervousness, missed his aim. The brave dragon then attacked him and gobbled him up alive. Thus, by killing the pirate, Custard emerged as a ‘brave heart’.
how did Belinda and her pets behave at the presence of the pirate?
At the appearance of the pirate, Belinda was so terrified that she turned pale with fear and cried for help.
Mustard, the dog yelped out of fear and ran away. Ink, the cat ran to the bottom of the house to hide herself and Blink, the mouse, took shelter in his hole. It was only Custard, the dragon who faced the pirate bravely, killed him, ate up his body and rescued all the inmates of the white house.
What excuses did Ink, Blink and Mustard give for showing cowardice in front of the pirate?
in front of the pirate, Ink, Blink and Mustard proved to be extremely timid and instead of facing the danger boldly, they ran away to safety. However, they could not admit that they had behaved in a timid manner and found lame excuses to justify their behaviour. Mustard, the dog arqued that he would have shown twice the bravery of the dragon but he was flustered and agitated. Therefore, he could not show his courage. Ink and Blink, too came out with the same excuse and stated that but for their agitation, they would have faced the pirate with thrice the bravery of Custard.
How did Belinda and other pets rejoice when the pirate was killed?
When the pirate was killed, the inmates of the white house were extremely happy at the victory of Custard, the dragon. Out of joy and admiration, Belinda embraced him and Mustard, the dog licked him lovingly, appreciating his brave deed. While Ink, the cat and Blink, the mouse circled around Custard in jubilation, the dragon was busy gobbling the pirate alive. Thus, everybody celebrated the killing of the sinister pirate.
What is the central idea of the poem? How is it conveyed?
The poem gives a significant and serious message that appearances are deceptive. The poet reveals that those who boast of their bravery usually cut a sorry figure while encountering a critical situation. The kitten, the mouse, and the dog boast about their bravery and the dragon always cries for a nice, safe cage and is thought to be a coward. However, when the pirate appears, Belinda who is considered as brave ‘as a barrel full of bears’ is extremely frightened and cries for help. The kitten, the mouse and the dog too flee in fear and hide themselves.
Their boasts of bravery prove to be hollow. It is only the dragon who kills and eats him up.
Even after their cowardice, Ink, Blink, and Mustard keep boasting of their bravery, whereas Custard only remarks that they all are braver than him and still longs for a nice, safe cage. All this indicates that we must not judge people by their words but by their deeds. Appearances are not always true and are quite often deceptive. Thus, on a deeper lever, the comic narration has a serious message and teaches a lesson that a book must not be judged by its cover.
How can ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ be considered as a ballad?
A ballad is a narrative poem relating the adventures and brave deeds of the protagonist in a simple language. It is usually written in short four-line stanzas. The poem falls in the category of the parody of a ballad as it narrates the brave fight of the dragon against a pirate in a humorous manner. It has four-lined stanzas and simple language. But there is a twist as the protagonist is not a brave human being but an animal - a dragon.