His First flight Flashcards
Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps?
The young seagull was afraid to fly because it was his first flight and he feared that he might fall and hurt himself. He thought that his wings would not support him while he attempts to make his first flight.
Yes, I believe it’s quite natural and obvious that doing something for the first time can be fearful and a bit challenging. Certainly, all birds must be afraid to make their first flight.
Likewise, a human baby is also afraid and finds it very challenging when he/she takes his/her first steps or when he/she learns to crawl or walk on his/her own without any support.
“The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?
The young seagull failed to muster up courage in order to make his first flight. His family constantly upbraided him to take the plunge, but to no avail. They let him stay on the ledge until he was ready to take the plunge. He was left there for more than twenty four hours and was very hungry by then. Due to this hunger, he was ultimately compelled to fly. Furthermore, his hunger intensified when he saw his mother tearing at a piece of fish that was lying at her feet. He cried desperately begging her to get some food for him. Seeing this, when his mother came towards him with food in her beak, the little seagull screamed with joy and anticipation. However, she stopped midway and the young seagull wondered why she did not come closer to him. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the food in his mother’s beak. At that moment, he fell outwards and downwards into the great expanse of sea beneath the cliff. He was terrified and could feel his heart stood still. But soon enough, he felt his wings spread outwards and he realized that he could fly like others. Therefore, his hunger overpowered his fear and finally he made his first flight joyfully.
“They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?
The young seagull’s parents were constantly beckoning him and tried everything to make his first flight. However, he was very reluctant to take the plunge due to his fear of falling down from the cliff. He looked at his brothers and sister who flew away, but he was hesitant to make any effort. Due to this reason, his whole family had left him alone on his ledge and threatened and persuaded him to fly, but all efforts went in vain.
Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try? Discuss this in pairs or groups.
Yes, I had a similar experience while trying to learn how to ride a bicycle when I was in the fourth standard. Initially, I found it difficult to balance myself and fell down often which developed a fear of cycling in me. Unable to overcome the fear, I gave up cycling, but my parents would always cajole me to try and practise cycling whenever I get time. My father would hold the bicycle from behind to help me balance myself, but whenever he left it, I would lose balance and fall down. Gradually as I practised every day, my cycling skills improved and I could ride it without my father’s support from behind and this also developed my confidence to a great extent. Thus, I overcame my fear of cycling and started riding a cycle confidently when I practiced it on a daily basis. Now, I use a cycle while going to and coming from school every day.
In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, and a foregone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given in answer to the previous question, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try, regardless of a possibility of failure?
It is natural for everyone to face some problems initially while trying to learn or pick up a new skill. Many a time, due to the fear of failure, we are reluctant to perform a particular task or attempt something new. In case of the seagull, his parents constantly cajoled him to fly. Similarly, when I was learning to ride a cycle for the first time, my father always persuaded me to learn cycling. Hence, at that stage, it was important for me to overcome my fear and learn cycling for my own good.
Yes, my success was assured because if one is focused and determined to achieve something then success is guaranteed. Moreover, we are all aware of the famous adage, “Practice makes a man perfect”.
How did the young seagull’s family celebrate his first flight?
The young seagull was afraid to fly. Even the encouragement and coaxing didn’t work. But when the seagull had his first flight, he as well as his family was happy, relieved and proud of him to have completed his first flight.
Flying is a natural act in birds. Then why was the young seagull ‘exhausted by the strange exercise’?
The seagull didn’t have the courage to fly. Hence, he used to make excuses for not flying. He felt certain that his wings were too weak to support him. He had no courage to flap his wings and failed to muster up the courage to take the plunge.
What was the young seagull’s experience during his first flight?
Falling from the ledge, the seagull was terrified, but soon he started soaring, and then, flying. He forgot that he didn’t always know how to fly. His fear soon turned into confidence, and then into amusement. As he was landing, he was again afraid, but, soon became at ease. It was a memorable first flight.
How did the young seagull’s parents treat him initially when he did not fly?
First, his parents encouraged him, coaxed him then scolded and taunted him for his cowardice. They even threatened to let him starve if he did not fly. But the young seagull could not muster up the courage to fly.
Why could the young seagull not fly with his brothers and sisters?
The young seagull felt certain that his wings were too weak to support him. He had no courage to flap his wings. Even when each one of his brothers and sisters whose wings was much shorter than his, ran to the brink of the ledge, flapped their wings and flew away, he failed to muster up the courage to take that plunge.
What did the young seagull do to attract the attention of his mother?
While alone on the ledge, how did the little seagull try to draw the attention of his family?
He came slowly up to the brink of the ledge and stood on one leg. He hid the other leg under his wing. He closed one eye and then the other and pretended to be falling asleep. Thus he tried to attract the attention of his mother.
When did the seagull’s flight begin? And where did it end?
The young seagull’s flight started when he dived trying to snatch the piece of fish from his mother’s beak. He fell down but instinctively his wings spread out, he flapped them and started flying. His flight ended after half an hour when he landed on the green sea with his family.
When did the seagull’s flight begin?
The seagull was very hungry. When he saw his mother bringing food in her beak, he dived towards her. But he fell from the brink of the ledge. He screamed with fear. But his fear lasted only for a moment. The next moment he felt that his wings spread outwards. He was flying now. Now he screamed with joy.
How did the seagull express his excitement when he saw his mother bringing food to him?
The seagull saw his mother bringing food to him. He screamed with joy. He leaned out eagerly. He tapped rock with his feet and tried to get nearer to her as she flew towards him.
How were his two brothers and sister different from the young seagull?
His two brothers and his sister had far shorter wings than he had. But still, they had flown away only the day before. He would watch his parents perfecting them in the art of flying. They were taught how to skim the waves and dive for the fish. The young seagull had seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it.
Why did the young seagull cry “Ga, ga, ga”? Did her mother oblige him?
When he saw his mother holding a piece of a fish in her beak, the young seagull became almost mad with hunger. He cried “Ga, ga, ga”. He begged her mother to bring him some food. When he saw his mother flying across to him with a piece of fish, he uttered a joyful scream. He started tapping the rock with his feet impatiently. He was almost within the reach of the fish but failed to get at it.
How did the young seagull overcome his fear and soared gradually towards the sea during his first flight?
The young seagull had taken the final plunge. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish which his mother was carrying in her beak. With a loud scream, he fell outwards and downwards. He was seized with fear and his heart stood still. But the fear lasted only for a minute. He overcame it. The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards. Now he was soaring downwards over the blue sea.