Takeoff, Climb, Cruise 323 Flashcards
What is range?
How far an aircraft can fly by an airplane without having to refuel.
What is maximum range?
Maximum Range
o Minimum Drag
o Maximum L/D
For Prop Driven Airplanes Max Range means
♣ Prop Driven Airplanes: Max Range Means
o Max Fuel Load
o Minimum Fuel Consumption
o Max Prop Efficiency
Specific Range is the same on all aircraft?
What is endurance?
Total time an airplane stays in the air on a tank of fuel
For a prop driven plane you should
____ fuel consumption and use
_______ power required
Is endurance effected by wind?
♣ Propeller driven airplane
o Minimize fuel consumption
o Minimum power required (Vx Best Glide)
♣ Pull power and as you start to descend add power back in to stay level.
o Lower altitude is desirable
♣ HP required is lower
♣ KTAS is lower
o Lower Weight is desirable
♣ HP required is lower
♣ Ve(KTAS) is lower
o Endurance is not affected by wind, just trying to stay off the ground
What are variables for takeoff? (4)
Runway Slope
Pilot Technique
How does density affect takeoff?
o Temperature
♣ High temperature means low density (longer takeoff roll)
o Pressure
♣ Low Pressure means low density
o Moisture
♣ High Humidity means Low Density
How does wind effect takeoff?
Where does the airplane start it’s takeoff roll?
What is the eqution for takeoff distance?
Does this work with all aircraft?
• Wind
o Airplane starts takeoff roll with Velocity equal to headwind component.
o Takeoff Distance = (Vlo-Vhw/Vlo)^2 (VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOUR LIFE FOREVER)
♣ Gives your actual takeoff distance
♣ Works with any aircraft because you calculate through POH and this gives wind value for real takeoff
How does Slope Effect takeoff distance?
What is the average ° slope on a runway? Does it really matter?
o Upslope
♣ Weight becomes the retarding force
o Downslope
♣ Weight becomes an accelerating force
o Most paved runways have less than 2 degree slope
How does pilot technique effect takeoff distance?
Too High of a speed?
Too Low of a speed?
First half of flap travel? (takeoff)
Second half of flap travel? (landing)
o Speed to high
♣ Increases distance (due to your rolling resistance)
o Speed too low
♣ Increases distance
• Induced drag (when you pull back that’s aerodynamic braking)
o Flaps
♣ First half of flap travel
• Big increase in lift (takeoff)
• Small increase in drag
♣ Second half of flap travel (For landing)
• Small increase in lift
• Big increase in drag
How can you minimize your ground roll? (3)
o Minimize weight
o Maximize Clmax
o Maximize surface area
How can you minimize takeoff distance? (1)
How is it done? (4)
• Maximize acceleration o increase thrust o reduce drag o reduce weight o increase lift
What are the forces during take off? (3)
Define each one.
During Thrust ____ decreases as velocity increases.
Drag is initially ______ drag, but at lift off it is both ____ and _____ drag.
Friction is effected by what three things?
Rolling takeoffs take up ____ energy.
• Thrust (density altitude considerations etc.) (how much can I put out?)
o Decreases as velocity increases
• Drag
o Initially parasite drag
o Induced & parasite at liftoff
• Friction (rolling resistance of the aircraft)
o Forces acting on runway itself
♣ Surface
♣ Weight of the aircraft
♣ Lift (how much can you produce? The more you can make the less weight on wheels.)
♣ Rolling takeoffs take less energy
Takeoff basics:
Airplanes must accelerate from ______ to liftoff.
Liftoff speed is usually (equation)
Accleration = _____
• Airplanes must accelerate from 0 kts. To liftoff (disregarding winds)
• Liftoff speed is usually 1.2xVso
• Acceleration = A = Sum of all forces/Mass (don’t need to have for exam)
o Sum of forces over mass of object
What are complimentary angles?
Vx and Vy are complimentary, meaning If you climb at Vx or Vy your Vsi will rate the same regardless. Angle is what’s different. which changes the horizontal plane.
What is it?
Vx Best Climb Angle
♣ Airspeed that provides greatest gain in altitude for the shortest horizontal distance.
What is it?
Vy Best Rate of Climb Speed
♣ Airspeed that provides the greatest gain of altitude in the shortest time
Angle of Climb
What is it. the effect of?
What does it do?
_____ but not. rate of climb.
♣ Effect of wind
o Reduces horizontal velocity ( travel shorter distance while climbing)
o Angle of climb changes but not rate of climb
Cruise Climb
When is it used?
What is the usual cruise climb speed?
What are it’s benefits? (3)
♣ Used when traveling cross country
o Usually 10% below normal cruise speed
o High forward speed (wallet)
o Good rate of climb (regs)
o Excellent engine cooling (
Normal High Speed Climb
This is seen a lot in what?
How do you calculate it?
Climb at en-route speed using ______.
At level off ______ is reduced.
Normal High-Speed Climb ( done a lot in the airlines)
♣ Calculate en-route speed (enroute speed = climb)
♣ Climb at en-route speed using climb power
♣ At level-off reduce to cruise power
Cruise Flight:
What are the forces perpendicular to flight?
♣ Lift
♣ Weight
♣ Lift Weight coupling is the #1 force perpendicular to the flight path.
♣ Thrust Line – “Pendulum Effect” : any time thrust line does not equal the CG line on a horizontal plane or “water line”
o Nose up Or Down
o General rule of thumb – waterline is generally at the bottom of the windows.
o Engines above thrust line, cut in power makes it pitch up and vice versa.
♣ Drag
o Nose up or down
o Helps put the nose down or up tendency to even out the forces, but hurts performance.
♣ Weight
o Fuselage is just a de-stabilizing force
What are the forces parallel to flight?
♣ Thrust
♣ Drag
Any imbalance in forces will cause an
Acceleration or Deceleration.
Straight and level flight, the sum of forces is __________
In equilibrium
Three Factors of Maximum Level Cruise Speed
Describe Maximum Level Cruise speed in regards to altitude.
Altitude provides better performance, less fuel use, and usualy stronger tailwinds.
Describe weight in regards to Maximum Level Cruise
Forward CG provides you
Aft CG gives you
Worst peformance wth ___
Always fly with your CG right at the ____ limit but not past becuase you will be ____ and _____>
♣ Weight – how heavy you are (cost gas to carry gas) (CG & Taildown force) (tail down force only thing keeps you level)
o Forward CG – Lower TAS
o Aft CG – Higher TAS
o Worse performance with an Aft CG
♣ Always flight with CG right at the aft limit but not past)
• Flatter
• More slippery in the slipstream