taekwondo orange belt Flashcards
When do we bow?
We bow to the flags when entering and leaving the Dojang, when class starts and when class
ends. We also bow to the Grand Master, Master Instructor, to a higher belt, and to other students.
The bow is used anytime and anywhere, Sir.
: Why do we take tests?
We test to further our knowledge of Taekwondo through the test preparation and the test
experience. We test to gain confidence by performing under pressure, and to let a qualified judge
determine the increase of our knowledge, Sir!
What is the meaning of the 50 stars on the American Flag?
: The 50 States, Sir!
What is the meaning of the 13 stripes on the American Flag?
: The original 13 colonies of the U.S., Sir!
What are the meanings of the 3 colors on the American Flag?
The color RED in the flag stands for bloodshed in battles and wars.
The color WHITE in the flag stands for purity.
The color BLUE in the flag stands for liberty and justice, Sir!
What is JTC Membership Oath # 3?
We as members will comply with regulations and obey our instructors, Sir!
What is JTC Home Rule #3?
Children will be kind to their brothers and sisters, Sir!