Tactical Tasks Flashcards
A surprise attack by fire from concealed positions on a moving or temporary halted enemy. (Is fundamentally a type of attack, enemy oriented and is planned and executed accordingly)
fires (direct and indirect) in the physical domains and/or through the information environment to engage the enemy from a distance to destroy, fix, neutralize or suppress. (Closely resembles the task of support by fire. the difference is that one unit conducts the support by fire task to support another unit so it can maneuver against the enemy)
fires (direct and indirect) in the physical domains and/or through the information environment to engage the enemy from a distance to destroy, fix, neutralize or suppress. (Closely resembles the task of support by fire. the difference is that one unit conducts the support by fire task to support another unit so it can maneuver against the enemy)
to deny the enemy access to an area or prevent the enemy advance in a direction or along an avenue of approach. (Differs from the tactical task fix because a blocked enemy can still move in another direction, it just cannot advance. A fixed enemy force cannot move)
to break through or secure a passage through an obstacle
to maneuver around an obstacle, position or enemy force to maintain the momentum of the operation while deliberately avoiding combat with an enemy force
to restrict enemy movement to a narrow zone by the use of existing or reinforcing obstacles, fires or friendly maneuvers
to stop, hold or surround enemy forces or cause the enemy to center activity on a given front and prevent the withdrawal of any part of the enemies forces for use elsewhere. (allows for some enemy movement within the designated area)
to change, debase, or otherwise alter information from its original or correct form or version by intentionally introducing errors or alterations, thereby rendering it useless
to manipulate an enemy into believing and acting upon something that is not true for a selected period of time and/or at a particular location to create a friendly advantage
to disrupt or nullify the enemy commanders plan and overcome the will to fight, thus making the enemy commander unwilling or unable to pursue the adopted course of action and yield to the friendly commanders will
to diminish the effectiveness or efficiency of an enemy’s C2 systems, communications systems, and/or information collection efforts or means; lower the morale of an enemy unit; reduce a targets worth or value; and/or impair an enemy’s decision making capabilities
to hinder or prevent the enemy from using terrain, space, personnel, supplies, facilities and/or specific capabilities
to physically render an enemy force combat ineffective unless it can be reconstituted or render a target or capability so damaged that it can neither function as intended nor be restored to a usable condition
What is the difference between destroy and defeat? (EOTT)
destruction of the enemy force normally leads to their defeat, but defeat does not necessarily require destruction
to employ or integrate fires and obstacles in order to break apart an enemy’s formation and tempo, interrupt the enemy’s timetable, or cause premature commitment or the piecemealing of enemy forces
to employ, to the greatest possible advantage, the success achieved in a military operation or enemy information that has come into friendly hands. it extends the initial success of the attack by preventing the enemy from disengaging, withdrawing and reestablishing an effective defense
contact with the enemy to deceive the enemy about the location or time of the actual main offensive action. (this is the counterpart to the type of attack)
to prevent the enemy from moving any part of the enemy’s forces, either from a specific location or for a specific period of time, by holding or surrounding them to prevent their withdrawal for use elsewhere
to cause the enemy to behave in a manner favorable to friendly forces
to divert, disrupt, delay or destroy the enemy’s surface military potential before it can be used effectively against friendly forces
to seal off – both physically and psychologically – an enemy from sources of support, deny the enemy freedom of movement, and prevent that enemy force from having contact with other enemy forces
to render the enemy or enemy resources ineffective or unusable
to break through the enemy’s defense and disrupt the enemy’s defensive system
to obtain, by visual observation or other methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or adversary.
movement to a position where the maneuver force can engage the enemy by direct fire in support of another maneuvering force
support by fire
the transient or temporary degradation of an opposing force or the performance of a weapons system below the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives
to remove enemy forces and eliminate organized resistance in an assigned zone, area or location by destroying, capturing or forcing the withdrawal of enemy forces that could interfere with the units ability to accomplish its mission
to maintain physical influence by occupation or range of weapons systems over the activities or access in a defined area
to prevent an enemy units withdrawal from or reinforcement to a position
to move onto an objective, key terrain or other area without opposition and control the entire area
to secure data, by visual observation or other methods, about the meteorological, hydrographic or geographic characteristics of a particular area
Reconnoiter (TOTT)
to occupy and hold a terrain feature to ensure it is free of enemy occupation or use
to gain possession of a position, terrain feature, piece of infrastructure or civil asset, with or without force, and prevent its destruction or loss by enemy action. The attacking force may or may not have to physically occupy the area
secure (TOTT)
to clear a designated area and gain control of it. (Differs from occupy in that this tactical tasks occurs in the face of enemy opposition)
to conduct offensive and defensive actions independent of the main body to protect the covered force and develop the situation
to break contact with the enemy and move to a point where the enemy cannot observe nor engage friendly forces by direct fire
to leave one position to take another while remaining in contact with the enemy
to remove personnel or units from areas under enemy control by stealth
follow and assume
a second committed force follows a force conducting an offensive operation and is prepared to continue the mission if the lead force is fixed, attrited, or unable to continue. (this second force is not a reserve force)
follow and support
a committed force follows and supports a lead force conducting an offensive operation
to protect the main force by fighting to gain time while also observing and reporting information
to prevent observation by engagement with or interference from an adversarial or enemy force, system, capability or location
to observe, identify and report information, and only fight in self protection
to improve the individual and unit capabilities and capacities of host nation security forces through the development of personal and professional relationships between United States and host nation forces
assess the population
to evaluate the nature, situation and attitudes of a designated population or elements of the population inhabiting the area of operations
to provide designated support or sustainment capabilities to host nation security forces to enable them to accomplish their objectives
Build/restore infrastructure
to construct, rebuild or repair local infrastructure to support the host nation and gain or maintain the cooperation of the local population
contain (POTT)
to prevent or halt elements of a population or designated party from departing or projecting physical influence beyond a defined area
control (POTT)
to use physical control measures and information related capabilities to influence elements of a population or designated actors to respond as desired
coordinate with civil authorities
to interact with, maintain communication, and harmonize friendly military activities with those of other interorganizational agencies and coalition partners to achieve unity of effort
cordon (POTT)
to temporarily prevent movement to or from a prescribed area
enable civil authorities
to support or assist the host nation government and designated interorganizational agencies in providing effective governance
to prevent or halt elements of a population or designated party from entering or projecting physical influence into a defined area
to persuade the local population, including potential and known adversaries, within the operational area to support, cooperate with, or at least accept the friendly force presence, and to dissuade the local population from interfering with operations
to teach designated skills or behaviors to improve the individual and unit capabilities and capacities of host nation security forces
transition to civil control
to handover civil government and security responsibilities from friendly force military authorities to legitimate civil authorities