Tac Crew Flashcards
5 Types of LAA’s
Security Zones
Naval Vessel Protection Zones
Restricted Waterfront Areas
Safety Zones
Regulated navigation Zones
Define Security Zone
Designated areas of land or water established for such time as a COTP deems necessary to prevent damage or injury to any vessel or waterfront facility.
Define Naval Vessel Protection Zone
a 500 yd regulated area of water surrounding naval vessels.
Has the authority to:
Assignment of tasks
designation of objectives
Authoritative direction to complete mission
Local direction and control of movements and maneuvers necessary to accomplish the mission.
A part of the Security Zone Protection Unit (SZPU). Designated by TACON to handle on scene organization of the operation.
Overall unit performance
operation status and if mission success
specific areas of concern
lessons learned
Pre mission checklist
Table 3-1 of BOAT 3
Define Vessel Posing an Imminent Threat
(VPIT) A vessel that has demonstrated hostile intent and/or committed a hostile act.
Define Non-Compliant Vessel
(NVC) A vessel that has failed to obey lawful orders.
Screening Vessel shall determined a reasonable person would determine that based on the totality of the circumstances, the vessel poses an imminent threat.
VPIT Considerations
Best use of weapons available
How to present the smallest profile
triangulation (if more boats responding)
Stopped VPIT
Do the people on board still pose a threat
is the vessel in danger of sinking or capsizing
is medical assistance required
UOF Continuum
1: Command Presence
2: Warn
3: disrupt
4: Disable
Define Command Presence
proximity, appearance, and/or direction to influence actions.
Level 1
Visibly uncover weapons
communicate an order to heave to or stop
maneuver close to boat
energize LE lights and siren
Increase number of LE on scene.
Proximity to Maneuver (lvl 1)
25 yards
Define Warn
The unambiguous audio or visual signal indicating consequences will be delivered if a vessel fails to heave to.
Ballistic Warning Shots
One burst (3-5 rounds) a minimum of 50 yards forward or 10yds aft. at 25yds away.
Minimum of two shots:
25yds away, detonating no closer than 20 yds off bow. Between 10-45 degrees off bow and 5-15 off surface.
Define Disrupt
Temporarily prevent a NCV from operating under its own power or maneuver freely.
Techniques to Disrupt
disconnect or sever fuel
flood engine
physically blocking
less then lethal munitions
Define Disable
Irreversibly prevents a NCV from operating under its own power.
Target Areas for Disabling Fire
Center mass of outboard
center mass of visible outdrive
NEVER where people may be located
When is a pursuit completed
when a NCV becomes compliant or is disabled
Ideal Security Zone
Security Zone Parts
Assessment Zone, Boundary line, intercept zone, reaction zone.
Minimum for Security Zone
2 boats.
When can one boat be used
When HVA is:
Operating in protected waters patrolled by LE
Has embarked one or more security
is covered by shoreside security
Regulated Navigation Area
Prescribe what type or size of vessels may enter an area or in what manner they must navigate
Missions of Maritime Homeland Security
1: Counter Drug
3: Migrant
4: Enforcement of Laws and Treaties
Threats to Boat Crew
Vessel with small arms
explosive laden boat
IEDs placed by surface swimmers and divers
suicide bombers on public transportation or crowded areas.
OP Details
Fields of Fire
Operational Commander
Has the authority to assign missions or tasks, to deploy units, and reassign units.
Designated by the operational commander to have the same authorities at any level below that of Area Commander
Reaction Zone
The area contained completely within the security zone where VPITs shall not be allowed in.
Security Zone
Designated area of land, water, or both established by the COTP for such a time as deemed necessary to prevent damage or injury to any vessel or waterfront facility; to safeguard ports, harbors, territories, and waters of the United States or to secure the rights and obligations of the United States.
Three things a TOI Can be
Compliant CV, Non-Compliant NCV, VPIT.
18 USC 2237
Failure to Heave to. A vessel subject to the jurisdiction of the United States who knowingly and intentionally fails to obey an order to heave to.
Train Stops for 240
Shall be set to stop the arc of motion no less than 6 inches from the cabin of the vessel.
Single Boat Patrol Requirements
OPCON Approval
Operating in protected waters patrolled by LE assets
Has embarked security Teams
Is covered by Shoreside Security
Safety Zone
33 CFR Part 165 Subpart C: Protect mariners from a hazard
Security Zone
33 CFR Part 165 Subpart D: Protect HVA from threats
Regulated Navigable Area
33 CFR Part 165 Subpart B: A permanent solution to a safety or environmental hazard is needed, vessel traffic is limited because of this.
TOI Escorts
Switching sectors
Loitering handoff
Drop back
Response Boat techniques
Max Effective Range 240
Max: 3725
Max effective range: 1100
Point: 800
Suppress: 1800
Max Effective Range 240
Max: 3725
Max effective range: 1100
Point: 800
Suppress: 1800