Tac Flashcards
Objective of tac form?
Increased maneuverability and optimize weapons and radar employment & visual lookout
Main reference for wingman?
The wingman’s primary reference for heading and airspeed is lead.
Element LAB (Tac) Position
- 2000-3000 lateral separation, LAB to 10 deg aft, vertical stack of up to 500 feet
Lateral references for tac?
2000 - ejection seats and helmets visible. 2500 - ejection seats discernable, but individual pilots not. 3000 - canopy blends with fuselage, but prop blade visible
Which turns are not signaled visually?
All tac turns except a cross turn, shackle, or hook turn into wingman are signaled visually
The Contract Turn
200 KIAS, MAX power, G to hold airspeed (2-3), and level turns
Turns Away from Wingman
Large wing flash from lead (approx 90 deg) away from wingman
Turns Into the Wingman
Lead just goes
How large can a check turn be?
Up to 30 deg
When does delay a/c start 90 turn?
increase in LOS (this occurs approx when lead is approaching nose on)
How do you correct for an out-of-position 45/90 turn?
“Tight or behind, come early”
How do hook turns into work?
- Must be called over radio
- Lead: During first half, lead is visual. Match fuselage through 90 deg turn. Blind 1/2 through
- Wingman: After passing through 90, begin looking out the top of the canopy for lead while continuing turn. Blind first half.
How do hook turns away work?
- Signaled visually with a wing flash or called over radio
- If initiated w/ wing flash, lead will begin turning when wingman begins turn
○ Lead’s immediate turn indicates hook turn
- If initiated w/ wing flash, lead will begin turning when wingman begins turn
When do you cross over on a cross turn?
A/c cross after 60-90 deg turn
Parameters for a Tac GX?
3000 LAB