TA1 Flashcards
How does age affect pre conception health of a woman ?
• Fertility declines after age of 35
• changes of downs syndrome in baby
increase-> older woman
• menopause-> woman can’t conceive
How does age affect pre conception health of men?
• can father child until old age
• sperm quality decrease after age of 40 -> higher chance of child with condition
How does weight affect pre conception
health of woman?
• unhealthy weight-> affect ovulation
• lead to health complications e.g. diabetes-> put pregnant woman & baby at higher risk
How does weight affect pre conception health of men?
• unhealthy diet-> lower sperm count & quality
• excess weight can interrupt sexual activity-> difficult to ejaculate in vagina
How does smoking affect pre conception health of women?
• affect ovulation timing
• lead to changes in cervix area & lining of uterus
How does smoking affect pre conception health of men?
• lower sperm count
• abnormal sperm
How does alcohol affect pre conception health of women?
• heavier & irregular periods
• prevent egg implantation
How does alcohol affect pre conception health of men?
• affect production of testosterone -> leads to impotence ( not being able to have an erection)
• lower sperm count & abnormal sperm
How does drugs affect pre conception health of women?
• ovulation problems
• long term drug use-> permanent damage to reproductive organs
How does drugs affect pre conception health of men?
• lower sperm count & quality
• long term use-> permanent damage to reproductive organs
Advantages of being a younger parent
• healthier, fitter, more energy
• longer life expectancy
• recover from pregnancy faster & birth faster
• less likely to have a child with Down’s syndrome, healthier baby
• other family members can help
Disadvantages of being a younger parent
• less financially stable
• may not feel ready or not confident about the responsibilities
• may not be in a secure relationship
• may not want yo give up a large part of their social life
Advantages of being a older parent
• financially stable
• mature, relaxed, confident, experienced
• stable relationship
Disadvantages of being an older parent
• likely to have a baby with down syndrome
• menopause, lower sperm count
• shorter life expectancy
• take longer time to recover from pregnancy
Why is it important to have vaccine for rubella ?
• high risks of birth defects e.g blindness/ deafness
• lead to miscarriages & stillbirth
Why is it important to have vaccine for whooping cough?
• prevent pneumonia & brain damage in babies
Why is it important to have vaccine for Flu ?
• pregnant woman has higher risks of developing complications if she catches flu
• cause baby to be born prematurely, low weight, stillborn, die
Why is it important to have vaccine for Covid 19 ?
• could pass on the virus to her baby
Male & female condom
• 98% (male) , 95% (female) effective if used correctly
+ protect against STI
+ no side effects
+ widely available & free
+ allow man to take responsibility
- can slip or tear
- may interrupt sexual pleasure
- single use
- female condom can be pushed into vagina
Diaphragm/ cap
• 92% effective if used correctly
+ gel kills sperms
+ can be put in place hours before intercourse
+ no serious side effects
+ no need to take any hormones
- requires practice to use it correctly
- no protection against STIs
- not easily available
Progesterone only pill
• 99% effective if used correctly
+ doesn’t interrupt sexual pleasure
+ can be used whilst breastfeeding
+ thins uterus lining
+ thickens cervical mucus
- only available on prescription
- needs to be taken at same time each day
- may be affected by use of other medicines
- irregular periods e.g irregular periods
Combined pills
• 99% effective if used effectively
+ lighter & less painful periods
+ reduce risk of health conditions & diseases e.g. fibroids, cancer
+ prevent ovulation
+ doesn’t interrupt sex
- only available on prescription
- not suitable for women over 35 or who smoke
- needs to be taken same time each day
- side effects e.g. mood swings
- increase blood pressure & blood clots
Emergency contraceptive pill
• most effective if taken within 3 days
+ used after intercourse e.g. if condom breaks
- only available at designated pharmacies
- may be affected by other medications
- side effects e.g. heavy bleeding
Contraceptive injection
• any time during menstrual cycle
• 99+% effective if used correctly
+ doesn’t interrupt sexual pleasure
+ protect against cancers & infections
+ safe when breastfeeding
+ no need to take a daily pill
- side effects e.g. headaches
- could take up to a year to get fertility levels back to normal
- only available on prescription
Contraceptive implant
• 99+% effective if used correctly
+ no need for daily pill
+ safe when breastfeeding
+ fertility levels go back to normal once it’s removed
+ makes womb less likely to accept fertilized egg
- requires doctor to put it in
- initial bruising & tenderness
- doesn’t protect against some STIs
- side effects e.g. irregular periods
Contraceptive patch
• 99+% effective if used correctly
+ doesn’t interrupt sex
+ no need for daily pill
- doesn’t protect against STIs
- side effects e.g. headaches
• 99+% effective if used correctly
+ no need for daily pill
+ no hormonal side effects
+ in emergency situations-> can be inserted up to 5 days after sex
- requires doctor to put it in & out
- may cause heavy periods in first 6 months
• 99+% effective if used correctly
+ no need for daily pill
+ safe to use when breastfeeding
+ lighter & less painful periods
- requires doctor to put it in & out
- hormonal side effects e.g. mood swings
Natural Family Planning
• 99% effective if used correctly
+ accepted by all religions/cultures
+ no side effects
+ no need for pill prescriptions
- takes time to learn & practice
- couple can only have sex on certain days
- doesn’t protect against STIs
Role of ovary
• eggs mature here
• produces hormones oestrogen & progesterone
Role of fallopian tube
• Carries sperm to egg
• conception happens
• transports egg to uterus
Role of uterus
• Lining thickens each month to receive fertilised egg
• lining sheds
• fertilised egg implants
• contains, protects, nourishes foetus & placenta
• expands during pregnancy
Role of cervix
• produces mucus to protect uterus & help sperm move
• opens for periods
• widens during labour
Roles of vagina
• penis enters vagina
• holds sperm before it passes into the uterus
• birth channel for baby
What happens in each day of the menstrual cycle?
• 1-5-> menstruation/ lining of uterus sheds-> least fertile
• 6-12-> new egg matures, linkng if uterus thickens
• 13-15-> ovulation egg released-> best chance of pregnancy
16-28-> lining of uterus thickens-> egg travels to uterus & if not fertilised it dissolves-> unlikely to become pregnant
Role of seminal vesicle
• release nutritious fluid which mixes with sperm to produce sperm
Role of Sperm duct/ epididymis
• sperm matures here
• carries sperm from testes to bad deferens
Role of penis
• ejaculate sperm during sex & urine
Role of vas deferens
• takes sperm to urethra before ejaculation
Role of urethra
• tube which carries urine & semen out of penis
Role of testes: testicles
• produce & store semen
• produce male sex hormone testosterone
What happens at each stage of reproduction ?
- intercourse
- conception
- implantation
• intercourse: erect penis in vagina-> sperm travels through testes, bas deferens, urethra into the vagina
• conception: penis ejaculates in vagina-> sperm reached fallopian tube-> sperm fertilises egg
• implantation: fertilisation in fallopian tube-> egg travels towards uterus & cell division happens-> reaches & implants in uterus-> embryo
Role of amniotic fluid
• protects embryo
• maintains temperature in womb
• helps muscle development as embryo can move freely
• lubricates embryo to prevent webbed fingers/ toes
Role of umbilical cord
• transfers oxygen & nutrients from placenta to baby
• transfers waste products
Role of placenta
• produces hormones to support pregnancy
• supplies nutrients & oxygen for baby
• filters waste products
• separates woman’s & baby’s blood