T8.Case Management Flashcards
What’s the financial ceiling for claims for Fast Track
CPR 26.9
-Not more then 25k
How many expert evidence would indicate that fast track
1 expert per party or expert evidence was required in more than two expert fields.
How many days would indicate fast track is the normal track?
Trial likley last for at least one day
What are the factors court consider when allocating the appropriate track
CPR 26.13
- nature of remedy sought
-complexity of facts,law,evidence
-Val and complexity of any counterclaim/Part 20 claim
-Amount of oral evidence
-Wider imp of the claim
-View expressed by the parties
-Circumstnace of parties
What is the financial val for Intermediate Track
Claim not more than 100k
What are the determinative factor need to be aware in small claim track
-Val of claim up to 10k
-Rmbr for PI (up to 1.5k) only, if it goes above this number it goes to fast track
What is financial ceiling for claims for multi track
Claim not more then 100k
Whar are three steps when deciding how to allocate , ex: When there is indication claim to go to Intermeditate
First Step: Look at Value (CPR 26.9)
-Not more then 100k
Second Step: Complexity factor
-Oral expert evidence at trial is likely to be limited to two experts per party
Third Step: Look at length of trial
-Rmbr that for intermediate - its up to 3 day trail.
As to parties, the req for intermediate track is that there be :
1 C, 2 Def
For it to go Multi track- It must be in interest of justice to be allocated there.
What are the costs consequence would follow the Def if claim allocated to Fast track
- Fast Track fixed costs would apply against the D if the C were to win
Claims that go to Multi-Track
-More than 100k
- Claim is an asbestos lung disease or Mesothelioma claim
-Clinical cases ( unless the BOD and causation are admitted then it goes to the Intermediate Track)
- Abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults
-Claim which the court could order to be tried by jury
-Claim against police for reckless or intentional accident arising from negligent police driving
After The D files defence files defence and counterclaim , what procedural step court will take (26.4-26.9-26.13) (Be aware of this)
-The court officer decide the track which appears to be most suitable to the claim
-Serve notice of proposed allocation on each party.
-Requires party to file completed Direction questionnaire and serve on the other party a copy of it.
-Parties return the DQ
-If case appear suitable for the track, the parties to file proposed directions by the date specified in the notice.
What happen if party fails to file DQ
The non-compliant party is given oppurtunity to put things right, If action is not taken by that person then that party SOC is auto struck out
What stage in litigation, court alloacte case to app track
CPR 26.4 -When D files a defence
What stage court finally allocate the case to app track
Court allocate claim to track when all parties filled and completed DQ and serve notification to each party. (CPR 26.7(1)(a)
Can a party apply for stay for settlement of the case during proceedings and how long is the stay?
-CPR 26.5
-A party may file the completed DQ make a written req for proceedings to be stayed while the parties try to settle the case by ADR or by other means.
-If all parties req a stay, then it will be stayed for one month and the court shall notify the parties accordingly.
-where it is stayed, the C must tell the court if a settlement is reached, if don’t court will give directions as to the management of case as it considers appropriate.
IF a court lists for multitrack and court lists for the case for a Case Managment Conference (CMC)
CPR 29.4
Since this is multitrack case the parties shld endeavor to agree directions for the management of the proceedings prior to the CMC
Parties shld file with the court agreed directions or their respective proposals at least 7 days before the CMC
What directions shld be sought for Multi Track
- A direction for standard disclosure or menu option disclosure by a specified date.
- A direction for disclosure of witness statements by a specified date.
- A direction for permission to appoint expert (s) and exchange of expert reports by a specified date.
- A direction that if the experts reports are not agreed for the experts to meet/discuss and file a statement with the court in relation to issues agreed/not agreed.
- A direction for the sending of pre-trial checklists by the court/filing of pre-trial checklists.
The listing of a pre-trial review - The listing of a trial date or the fixing of a trial period.
IF the solicitor for ex not able to come for CMC can he rearrange the date fixed for the CMC
CPR 29.5
-Parties cant agree to vary the date of CMC. If he req the date to be changed he must apply to the court
CPR 29.3(2) make clear that person with conduct of case shld attend or certainly a representative familiar with the case.
If the inadequacy of the person attending leads to an adjournment, the court will be expected to make a wasted costs order.
If the parties agree what proposed direction be, can the court be able to give directions without holding CMC
Yes. PD 29 para 4.5
In straightfoward case, not uncommon for court to give directions without having listed a CMC. It must be desireable or necessary to hold a CMC before the court will list one for hearing.
CPR 29.4
-Where court approves agreed directions the CMC will be vacated.
At the time parties file QD, what other cost documents must be filed with the court
Where for Multi-Track
-Cost budget “must” be filed and exchanged. Unless the court order otherwise, the budget must be prescribed form of Precedent H.
The budget gives a detailed breakdown of the costs and disbursements alrdy incurred plus an est of future costs. (PD 3D 4a pg 185
Do cost budget need to be verified by a statement of truth
Cost budget must be verified by a statement of truth signed by legal rep of that party
If a C is not represented do they have to file a cost budget together withe DQ.
No. CPR 3.13, nevertheless they would recieve a copy of the cost budget of the other party, if the other party were represented.
IF the C solicitor fails to file cost budget what are the cost consequence?
CPR 3.14. provides that unless the court otherwise order,
-A party who fails to file a cost budget despite being req to do so will be treated as having filed a budget comprising only of the applicable court fees and will therefore only be able to recover those–
They would have to make an application for relief from sanctions
What will happen next if the C files the relevant doc within the period of time. What Order court may make (Cost Management Order)
The court will make a “Cost Management order” when the budget have been filled and exchanged unless it is satisfied that the litigation can be conducted justly and prop cost
What is the effect of the CMO
It gives the court control over cost, parties by their cost budge have provided a detailed analysis of their likely costs.
The budget shld reflect an accurate statement of both incurred and estimated costs which would be considered both reasonable and proportionate for the purpose of the litigation.
IF a C is claiming contractual intrest, but the contract did not contain interest provision,would interest still be payable?
Yes, intrest would still be claimed but it would have to be sought expressly. (CPR 16.4)
If there is no contractual provision, in the contract, the C could still claim interest pursuant s.69 CCA BUT THIS NEEDS TO BE PLEADED.
Rmbr that court also have discretion to reduce rate of interest or the period payable
What will happen if one of the parties files for discontinuance, will the other party be able to recover cost.
GR (CPR 38.6)
- Unless the court orders otherwise, a C who discontinues is laible for the D costs incurred on or before the date on which the notice of discontinuance was served
Where there is discontinuance, and there is a counterclaim by D, that is a separate claim and will continue.
Rmbr for Multi Track can parties agree to vary the date for pre-trial review
CPR 29.5
-No they cant need permission from court to do so.
Rmbr for Multi track on the allocation of a claim, to the MT the court “May” or “must” hold a CMC regardless of whether this is necessary of desirable
The court hold a CMC, but if parties agree to directions, then court don’t need to hold CMC, and can allocate the claim accordingly
IF a party does not agree with the directions given by the judge during a CMC what can the party do?
-The C shld make an application to the court to reconsider the decision however he would need to do so within “14 days of service of the order containing the directions”
In a claim that is allocated to MT, the court don’t need to make a cost management order if satisfied that litigation can be done according to OO
Yes. The court only makes a CMO in multi-track case and the court does not have to make such an order if its satisfied that litigation can be conducted justly and at proportionate cost.
Rmbr if a person is not represented and does not file a cost budge will that person suffer cost conseq (his conseq shld be limited to the applicable court fees in accordance to CPR)
No, rmbr that a person who not represented don’t need to file a cost budget, but nevertheless he is entitled to receive the other party copy of filed cost budget.
If a party in addition to the agreed costs as set out in the budget also claim the cost of two interim application, and the other side rep say its not payable , since D rep fail to deal with it in cost management directions . What order court likely to make
Though the cost of the interim applcation not included within the agreed or approved budget, if the application were necessary and the cost could not reasonably have been included within the budge, then the costs will be treated “as additional to the approved budget” and allowed.
Rmbr that no separate application will have to be made for these posts to be dealt with, they will be allowed.
IF a claim has been allocated to MT, and both parties filled DQ and parties wish to instruct their own expert. Both parties agreed proposed directions that court can dispense with listing the case for a CMC
If the judge agress CMC not req and give direction but instead of give permission, instruct single joint expert. Can the judge do this?
No he cant dont this, as it was not agreed proposed direction. The judge if he wishes to make such an order list the claim for CMC. This is because the court cant make a decision about expert evidence without hearing the parties
Normal rules is that court can overide parties wishes if don’t approve agreed directions, it can make order on its own initiative. The judge can make order on its own initiative, normally the court will go with directions agreed by party
But if judge dont, have to list the case for CMC in rider for him to do that, Judge cant make decision about expert evidence without hearing the parties.
Rmbr where party not happy appeal within 14 days of order given.
The court when allocating a claim to a track which has specific val will disregard..
Allegation of contributory negligence.
A C must obtain permission of the court if he wishes to disc all or part of his claim in relation to which:
The court has granted an Interim Injunction
A party has given undertaking to the court
Where there is more than one C and the other C have not given consent
Dont have to get permission of court to discountinue a claim against a Def who has brought
(3) Where the court proposes—
(a) to make an order of its own initiative; and
(b) to hold a hearing to decide whether to make the order,
it must give each party likely to be affected by the order at least 3 days’ notice of the hearing.