T52 Ode to the west wind Flashcards
What is the setting?
The poem’s setting is in autumn.
What are the main themes? PDT
The main themes are: the P ower of nature, the D desire for freedom, T transformation
How does the poet sees the west wind
The poet sees the wind as both a destroyer and a preserver. It symbolizes the cycle of death and then contributes to its rebirth
What kind of imagery devices does the poet uses in this poem?
1: destroyer: a wind that sweeps away the leaves of autumn
2: preserver: a wind that spreads out seeds for the rebirth of nature
What is the structure of this poem?
How many cantos are present here? What do each canto describe?
The poem is written in terza rima, used by Dante in “La divina commedia”
-A different aspect of the wind’s power
What are the 2 main figures of speech used here?
1: Apostrophe
2: Personification