Shelley Flashcards
Highlight the 2 main factors of Shelley’s life
1: Expelled from Oxford due to his pamphlet against Christianity
2: ran away in Italy
What is the big idea behind Shelley’s themes?
Ode to the west wind(destroyer, anti-conventional, freedom. He was alienated and wanted a “wind” to destroy and ricreate society from the ground up. It became too materialistic
How would you go about his poetry?
Nothing revolutionary. He just follows the convention about believing in the power of imagination used to create new words
What is the big idea behind Shelley’ conception of nature?
Remember Virgilio & Wordsworth. He is a mixture. He states that it is not the real world. It is a veil over the real world of the inner+he believes in what was shared by Wordsworth first: nature is a peace of joy and tranquility for man. SHELLEY BIG ADVOCATE OF THE REFUGE
What are the three main poet’s tasks?
He is a PROPHET more than just a teacher(meaning he has connection with the universal truths of life and existence), tradition against anti conventional
TITAN: he challenge the cosmos
He want to reach an IDEAL NEW WORLD OF FREEDOM