T4.4: Financial Sector Flashcards
What is a bank?
A business that makes its profit by paying interest to those who keep money there and charging a higher rate of interest to people/businesses who borrow money from the bank.
What are bank assets?
Assets are ‘owned’ by the bank e.g. cash, their balances with the Bank of England, loans (advances), securities (e.g. bonds) and physical assets such as property.
What is bank capital?
Bank capital is the value of the bank’s assets minus its liabilities (or debts).
What are bank liabilities?
Liabilities are ‘owed’ by the bank e.g. customers can walk into a bank or use an ATM machine to withdraw some/all of their deposits.
What is a bank overdraft?
With an overdraft, the bank lets the business ‘owe it money’ when the balance goes below zero.
What are bank reserves?
Money and liquid assets (such as securities that can be sold quickly) held by banks in order to meet cash withdrawals by customers.
What is banking credit?
An arrangement with a bank for a loan, or bank lending in general.
What is the banking system?
The way banks work together to handle payments, make money available.
What is barter?
The practice of exchanging one good or service for another, without using money as a medium of exchange.
What is base money?
Currency (banknotes and coins) in circulation plus minimum reserves credit institutions are required/choose to hold with a country’s central bank.
What is the base interest rate?
The interest rate set by the monetary Policy committee of the Bank of England, being in effect the lowest rate that commercial lenders will charge interest at.
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital currency that was launched by a secretive entrepreneur in October 2008, with the aim of being ‘a new electronic cash system that is fully peer-to-peer with no trusted third party’.
What is the bond market?
The market for interest-bearing securities (with either a fixed or a floating rate) and with a maturity of at least one year that companies and governments issue to raise capital.
What is bond yield?
The yield is effectively the interest rate on a bond. The yield will vary inversely with the market price of a bond.
What is broad money?
A measure of the money supply. Broad money is a measure of the total amount of money held by households and companies in the economy.
What are building societies?
Building societies are owned by their members (i.e. customers) and not for profit. They offer a broad range of retail banking products.
What is the capital market?
Market for medium-longer term loan finance. Capital markets are where securities are sold to raise medium to long-term financing.
What is the capital ratio?
A commercial bank’s capital ratio measures the funds it has in reserve against the riskier assets it holds that could be vulnerable in the event of a crisis.
What are commercial banks?
Commercial banks have a licence to take the deposits of savers and make loans.
What is credit risk?
This is the risk to the commercial bank of lending to borrowers who turn out to be unable to repay their loans.
What are credit unions?
Credit unions are small and local non-profit lending institutions owned by their members.
What is crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a form of equity finance that involves the collective effort of a large number of individuals who pool small amounts of their capital to finance a new or existing business venture.
What is debt default?
Failure to meet a debt obligation payment, either principal or interest.
What is the debt equity ratio?
The debt-equity ratio is the total liabilities of a firm divided by total shareholder equity.
What is debt finance?
Debt finance means borrowing money from an outside source with the promise of paying back the borrowed amount, plus the agreed-upon interest at a later date.
What is default?
The failure of a debtor to make agreed payments of principal or interest on a loan, a bond or other type of borrowing.
What is equity?
Equity refers to the value of the interest of an owner or partial owner in an asset.
What is equity finance?
Equity financing means raising capital by selling shares of a business to investors.
What is the forward market?
A market dealing in commodities, currencies and securities for future (forward) delivery at prices agreed upon in advance.
What is financial debt?
Financial debt is the outstanding (unpaid) debts of banks and financial corporations.
What is a financial market?
A financial market is any exchange that facilitates the trading of financial instruments, such as stocks, bonds, foreign exchange, or primary commodities.
What are investment banks?
An investment bank provides a wide range of specialized services for companies and large investors.
What is leverage?
Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to increase profitability.
What is liquidity?
Liquidity means the ease and cost with which assets can be turned into cash and used immediately as a means of exchange.
What is a liquidity ratio?
A liquidity ratio is the ratio of liquid assets held by a bank on their balance sheet to their overall assets. Banks need to hold enough to cover expected demands from depositors.
In the wake of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the Basel Agreement requires commercial banks to keep enough liquid assets, such as cash and government bonds, to get through a 30-day market crisis.
What is the money market?
The money market is the market for short-term loan finance for businesses and households, where money is borrowed and lent normally for up to 12 months.
It includes inter-bank lending and short-term government borrowing, such as 3-12 month Treasury Bills.
What is the money supply?
The money supply is the total amount of money in circulation in a country or group of countries in a monetary union, with a distinction made between narrow and broad money.
What is peer-to-peer lending?
Peer-to-peer lending happens when individual savers lend directly to borrowers, often through online platforms, benefiting both parties with higher interest rates for lenders and lower rates for borrowers.
Examples include Zopa, Crowdcube, Funding Circle, Rate Setter, and Thincats.
What is an asset bubble?
An asset bubble is a sustained rise in the prices of assets such as housing and equities, taking their values well above long-run sustainable levels.
What are externalities?
Externalities are third-party effects arising from the production and consumption of goods and services for which no appropriate compensation is paid.
What is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)?
The FCA is funded entirely by the firms it regulates and has three main objectives: (i) Secure an appropriate degree of protection for consumers; (ii) Protect and enhance the integrity of the UK financial system; (iii) Promote effective competition in the interests of consumers.
What is the role of the Financial Policy Committee (FPC)?
The FPC’s main role is to identify, monitor, and take action to remove or reduce risks threatening the resilience of the UK financial system.
The FPC publishes a Financial Stability Report identifying key threats to stability and can instruct banks to change their capital reserves.
What is a financial crisis?
A financial crisis is a disturbance to financial markets, typically associated with falling asset prices and insolvency among debtors, disrupting the market’s capacity to allocate capital.
What is an illiquidity crisis?
An illiquidity crisis occurs when an agent is solvent but unable to meet short-term debt obligations, potentially leading to insolvency.
What is an insolvency crisis?
An insolvency crisis occurs when an agent’s debt relative to its income is so high that it cannot pay back its debt, requiring debt restructuring or relief.
What is a liquidity trap?
A liquidity trap occurs when low interest rates and high cash balances fail to stimulate aggregate demand due to a lack of confidence.
What is market rigging?
Market rigging is the illegal and unfair control of price or interest rates to increase joint profits or exploit consumers.
What is moral hazard?
Moral hazard exists when an individual or organization takes excessive risks because they are covered by insurance or government protection.
What is the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)?
The PRA is part of the Bank of England responsible for the prudential regulation and supervision of banks, building societies, credit unions, insurers, and major investment firms.
What is speculation?
Speculation is the activity of buying a good or service in anticipation of a change in price or market value.
What is sub-prime lending?
Sub-prime lending is lending money, usually for purchasing a house, to individuals considered risky borrowers, often at higher interest rates.
What is systemic risk?
Systemic risk is the possibility that an event at the micro level of an individual bank or insurance company could trigger instability or collapse of an entire industry or economy.
What is the role of a central bank?
A central bank is the monetary authority and major regulatory bank in a country, responsible for issuing currency and acting as a lender of last resort.
What is central bank intervention?
Central bank intervention refers to a central bank entering the foreign exchange market to buy or sell currency to influence exchange rates.
What is the European Central Bank (ECB)?
The ECB is the central bank for the euro, tasked with maintaining the euro’s purchasing power and price stability for member nations.
What is a lender of last resort?
A lender of last resort is typically a central bank that provides funds to financial institutions when they cannot borrow from the market.
What is monetary policy?
Monetary policy involves the manipulation of the supply of money, interest rates, and exchange rates to influence output, prices, and employment in the economy.