T3 - Genetics and modern synthesis Flashcards
What is blending inheritance ?
Theory that pehnotypes in offspring are an average (blend) of their 2 parents
Darwins version of this was called pangenesis - all parts of te body produce particles of hereditary information (gemmules) which accumulate in the gonads and are transferred to offspring
- Environmental impacts could alter gemmule production so this theory was not further developped
Impacts > phenotype > gemmules > gonads > offspring
What does a blending theory eventually lead to?
A population of the exact same phenotypes allowing for no variation
What is the germ plasm theory? Who developped this idea?
August Weismann developped the theory for multi cellular organisms proposing that heritable information was transmitted only by the germ cells in the gonads (reproductive cells/gametes)
All other body cells (somatic cells) did not transmit such info. and only serve to carry out the body functions necessary for the transmission of the germ cells
What is a germ cell vs a somatic cell?
Germ cell = pass on hereditary info to offspring
Somatic cell = bodily functions and supporting of germ cells
How are somatic cells produced?
Germ cells produce somatic cells (soma) anew each generation
Info flows from germ cells to somatic cells but not the other way around (one way flow of info)
The soma is disposable; the germ plasm is (potentially) immortal
How do germ cells and somatic cells differ in plants, corals and sponges?
In these taxa, germ cells are produced by somatic cells and changes in those somatic cells can affect subsequent germ cells derived from them and hence can be transmitted across generations
Somatic cells can also carry on mutations that occur to germ cells to offspring
Why did Mendel succeed in his experiments with peas?
- he worked with discrete (binary) characters rather than quantitive ones
- he used true breeding plants (plants made self-fertile that only get 1 type of offspring - no variation)
Mendel proposed a model in which heredity was controlled by ‘factors’, what are these factors now called today?
These factors are called genes - a specfic sequence of DNA (sometimes RNA in viruses) that encoded the synthesis of a gene product (RNA/protein)
What is a locus?
(Plural loci) = broader term meaning a specific location on a chromosome; locus may or may not contain an actual gene (could be a promoter region with no coding genes)
What are alleles?
Unique variants of a gene that differ in nucleotide sequence
What are Mendel’s laws?
Law of dominance; if 2 alleles at a locus differ, then 1 (the dominant allele) determines the phenotype and the other (recessive allele) has no noticeable effect
Law of segregation; alleles segregate independently during meiosis such that a heterozygote produces 50% of their gametes carrying one allele and 50% carrying the other allele
Law of independent assortment; during gamete formation, alleles at a given locus segregate independently of those at other loci (the allele a gamete receives for one gene does not influence the allele it receives for another gene)
What is a phenotype vs a genotype?
Phenotype = any quantifiable character/trait of an organism (morphologcal, behavioural, physiological)
Genotype = the genetic makeup of an individual in terms of the identity of the alleles it carries at one or more loci
What is the multiplication (product) rule in Mendelian inheritance?
The probability that 2 or more independent events will both occur is the product of their indiv. probabilities
Pr(A and B) = Pr(A) x Pr(B)
What is the addition (sum) rule in Mendelian inheritance?
For outcomes that are mutually exclusive (only one can occur) the probability that any one of them occurs is the sum of their independent probabilities
Pr(A or B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B)
What are some reasons that Mendel’s laws were not 100% correct? Why are inheritance patterns more complex that he hypothesized?
- Mendel’s law of (complete) dominance is far from universal
- dominant-recessive is a continuum and all possible intermediate phenotypes can occur (incomplete dominance/partial dominance) - the offspring becomes a mixture or blend of the 2 parents (red+white=pink)
- co-dominance can also occur (contribution of both alleles are distinctly visible in the phenotype) - partially red and partially white flower
- Alleles do not always segregate independently within a locus (not always fair in a heterozygote)
- Meiotic drive
- Ex. in maize; Rr x rr test crosses produced 70% rr offspring
- Addition complication for single genes
- Pleiotropy
- Dominance has nothing to do with the frequency of an allele
- there can be more than 2 alleles at a gene/locus
- Assortment of alleles at one locus is often not independent of those at another locus
- physical linkage
- Recombination
- Many traits are quantitative - they vary in a continuous manner (height, BP, hair colour)
- quantitative variation
- height is not only either tall/short, there exists heights in between (variation)
What is recombination?
Cross over events during meiosis - this can produce the missing gamete tyes
Probability of this event between 2 loci on a chromosome increase as the distance between them increases
i.e. if 2 loci are too close, recombination is less likely to occur
What is a physical linkage?
Physical linkage = arises because genes are physically close together on a chromosome, these genes tend to be inherited together
What is pleiotropy?
Pleiotropy = one gene affects multiple phenotypes (extremely common)
What is meiotic drive?
Meiotic drive = when a locus mipulates meiosis to favor the transmission of one allele over another (overrepresentation vs under-representation)
Why does quantitative variation arise?
i) multiple (often many) genes affect the trait (polygenic)
ii) an indivs. environment can also affect expression of the trait
What are polygenic traits?
When multiple genes affect the trait
As the number of loci increases, phenotypic variation becomes more finely graded (continuous)
Truly continuous environmental variation further obscures discrete genetic segregation (someone could have many ‘tall’ genes but is malnourished during childhood)
What is saltationism?
The thought that evolution occured from selection acting on mutations of large effect
What is the Hardy-Weinberg equation? Why was it created?
Was created from the criticism that if Mendelian genetics were true we should always see a 3:1 ratio of dominant:recessive phenotypes which is not true
What is a population?
Group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and that interbreed
A species can consist of more than 1 population
What is a gene pool?
Consists of all copies of each allele at a given locus
What is the math behind obserevd genotype frequencies within a gene pool?
- freq. CRCR = # CRCR indiv. / total # of indiv.
- freq. CRCW = # CRCW indiv. / total # of indiv.
- freq. CWCW = # CWCW indiv. / total # of indiv.
These all must sum to 1 - if it does not equal 1, there is no population
What are the HW assumptions?
- Diploid locus that reproduce sexually (2 alleles)
- Random mating wrt the lcus (random union of gametes)
- No NS at the locus
- No mutation at the locus
- Indivs. do not move in or out of the population (no migration)
- Population is infinitely large (no genetic drift)
What are the expected frequencies if HW assumptions are met?
p^2= expected freq. CRCR
2pq = expected freq. CRCW
q^2= expected freq. CWCW
recall the sum must = 1