T2- Paternal med techniques: SUBCUTANEOUS (based off document) Flashcards
What layer of the skin is the SQ?
The subcutaneous tissue is the “_____” that serves as a _____ for the body
Fatty tissue
Heat insulator
What all does the subcutaneous skin contain?
Blood vessels
Loose connective tissue with fat cells
Why are meds given SC more slowly absorbed than IM?
They do not have as many blood vessels like muscle does
What are some drugs that are commonly given SC?
Allergy injections
(the are other meds given this route too besides just the ones listed above)
What are the common sites for SQ?
Upper arms
Abdomen from below the costal margins to the iliac crests
Anterior aspect of the thighs
What type of syringe is used for SC?
What kind of syringe does insulin administration require?
What type of syringe does heparin require?
Tuberculin syringe is used if med is not already in a prefiled syringe
What size gauge is used for SC?
What size needle is used SC?
1/2-5/8 inch
What is the total amount that can be given?
If a client has more than 1/2 inch of adipose tissue in the injections site, it would be safe to administer the injection at a ___ angle with the skin ___.
90 degree, skin spread
If the client is thin or lean and lacks adipose tissue, the SC injection should be given with the skin ___ and at a ___ degree angle.
Pinched; 45-60 degree angle
After giving the medication, wait ___ seconds and then quickly withdraw the needle while placing _____ gently above or over the site. Apply only _____. Do we massage site?
5 seconds
alcohol swab
Gentle pressure
No, don’t massage
When anticoagulants are to be given SC, the site used is the ____ and an “____” technique is used to help ensure the med is given in the deep SC tissue.
Abdomen; “inch of pinch”
To administer meds anticoagulants, choose a site on the right or left abdomen, at least __ inches away from the umbilicus.
2 inches
Do we aspirate on SC injections?
Do we massage the site after administration with SC injections
What do we need to do if frequent SC injections are given?
Rotate sites systematically to prevent the formation of lipohypertrophy or lipoatrophy for skin