T2) Individualistic Theories✅ Flashcards
What does individualistic theories consist of?
- psychodynamic🧠
- social learning👀
Who are the 3 criminologists?
- Freud
- Bowlby
- megargee
1)🧠Psychodynamic - Freud:
What did Freud say was the reason for his some one becoming criminal?
He said it was down to some ones psyche (personality)
🧠Psychodynamic- Freud:
What does the psyche consist of?
When does Freud say the psyche develops in some ones life?
- The id , ego and superego
- Within the first 5 years of life
🧠Psychodynamic- Freud:
What are the 3 superego’s he says result in criminality? Explain them
- Weak superego= don’t see criminal/ bad behav. As wrong , developed as a result of abnormal relationships in infancy
- Deviant superego= behaviours learnt of same sex criminal parent
- Strong superego= strong guilt, can either commit crime to be punished or minor emotions build up into something more aggressive and serious
🧠Psychodynamic- freud:
What is Freud’s reality principle?
Children progress from the pleasure principle (id,immature) to reality principle (ego, mature)
Criminals are those who don’t successfully make the transition between pleasure to reality
🧠Psychodynamic- Freud evaluation:
✅ state some strengths of Freud
✅ logical idea - someone’s psyche makes them criminal
✅3 forms of superego all account for being criminal
✅contributed towards research about crime and behav in particular the focus on childhood experiences and the importance on future behav
🧠Psychodynamic- Freud evaluation:
❌state 3 limitations of Freud
❌lacks quantitative data
❌unscientific and subjective theory, he knew the patients
❌how can you possibly test the accuracy of the unconscious mind?
2)🧠Psychodynamic- Bowlby:
What did bowlby look at?
How many juveniles did he study?
- Looked at the effects of maternal deprivation during early infancy
- 44
🧠psychodynamic- Bowlby:
- What percentage of delinquents (criminals) experienced motherly separation for at least 6 months during the first 5 years of their lives?
- How many in the control group of non criminals?
- 39%
2. 5%
🧠psychodynamic- Bowlby:
What was the term he referred to a criminal as who had experienced maternal deprivation?
“Affectionless psychopathy”
🧠psychodynamic- Bowlby evaluation:
✅state a strength of Bowlby
✅makes sense, if some one lacks a close relationship with their mother they may not know right from wrong and become criminal - lack of adequate socialisation from a young age
🧠psychodynamic- Bowlby evaluation:
❌state 3 weaknesses of Bowlby
❌small , unrepresentative sample
❌over estimates early life experiences
❌time consuming and subjective- other factors can lead someone to criminality
👀social learning- bandura
What did bandura believe?
What was the name of his experiment?
- Said some one becomes criminal by observing others actions and copying them
- Bandura’s bobo doll experiment
👀social learning- bandura:
- How many nursery children did he study?
- How many groups were there? What did they all watch?
- 72 children
- 3 groups of 24:
Group1- watched an adult be aggressive to the doll
Group2- watched a non- agressive adult
Group3- watched no adult , just improvised
👀social learning- bandura:
1. What did he find out about children in group 1 with the agressive adult?
- what gender was more physically agressive?
- Who was more verbally agressive?
- They copied the behaviour and came up with new ways of being aggressive such as using toy guns
- Boys
- they were both as bad as eachother
👀social learning- bandura:
What did he conclude from his study?
That criminal behaviour is learnt through “observational learning”
Often showed from the media or adults
👀social learning - bandura:
- Who supported bandura? What did they say?
- What was the term he came up with?
- Sutherland supported bandura and claimed ppl learn attitudes off association with others
Accounts for high reoffending rates - “Universities of crime” - ppl learn worse behaviours off others for example in a prison some one could go in bad and learn even worse behaviours and come out a lot worse
👀social learning- bandura evaluation:
✅what are some good things about banduras theory
✅solid control groups - produced reliable results
✅many studies back this up
✅explains the Jamie bulger case on the train track - the murders watched a lot of child’s play 3
👀social learning- bandura evaluation:
❌what are 3 criticisms?
❌small sample size , doesn’t uncover more long term effects - lack of ecological validity
❌unethical study - could be disturbing for little kids to witness violent behaviour
❌cumberbatch said those who had never played w a bobo doll before were 5x more likely to immitate aggression as they had never been shown any other way to play with it correctly
what term did he use?
what did megergee want to find out?
what did blackburn say to support this?
‘over controlled offender’
why when a person with no previous convictions has the inability to express emotions so they build up and results in crime
found that violent offenders tended to have fewer previous convictions and lower levels of aggression
❌list 3 limitations of megergee
❌subjective approach
❌unscientific - only explains behaviour after it’s happened
❌doesn’t separate whether they don’t experience anger normally or they experience it they just don’t express it