T2- E of A quiz 1 Flashcards
Trapezius origin
Medial 1/3rd of the superior nuchal line
nuchal lig
SP C7-T12
Trapezius insertion
Lat. 1/3rd of the clavicle
Spine of scap
Nerve innervation of the trapezius
CN 11 (M) C3,C4 (M,S)
Action of the Trapezius
Of the scap:
Rotates glenoid cavity superiorly
Latissimus dorsi origin
SP of T6-12
thoracolumbar fascia
Iliac crest
Rib 8-12
Latissimus dorsi insertion
Floor of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
btw the greater and lesser tubercle
Latissimus N
Thoracodorsal N
Root of Thoracodorsal N
C6,C7, C8
Latissimus M
Action of the Latissimus
Of the humerus:
Origin of rhomboid major
SP T2-T5
Insertion of Rhomboid Major
Medial border of the scap
from spine of the scap to inferior angle- on the post. side
N. of Rhomboid major
Dorsal Scapular N
Rhomboid Major action
Retraction of the scap
rotates scap to depress against the glenoid cavity
Fixes scap to thoracic wall
Origin of Rhomboid minor
Nuchal lig
SP of C7-T1
Insertion of Rhomboid Minor
Medial end of the scap spine
N of rhomboid minor
Dorsal Scapular N (C4,C5)
Action of rhomboid minor
Retraction of the scap
rotates scap to depress against the glenoid cavity
Fixes scap to thoracic wall
Origin of Levator Scap
TP C1-C4
Insertion of Levator Scap
Medial border of the scap - sup. to the root of the scap spine
N. of the levator scap
Dorsal Scap N. (C5)
C3, C4
Action of the levator scap
Elevation of the scap
Teres Major origin
(post side)
inferior angle of the scap
Teres Major insertion
Medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of humerus
N of the teres Major
Subscapular N (C5,C6)
N. root of the subscapular N
C5, C6
Teres Major
Teres minor origin
Lateral border of the scap
superior to major
Teres minor insertion
inf. facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus
post. part of the humerus
N of teres minor
Axillary N (C5,C6)
Root of the axillary N
C5, C6
Teres minor , deltoid
Action of the Teres Minor
ER of the humerus
Supraspinatus origin
Supraspinatus fossa
supraspinatus insertion
Sup. facet of the greter tubercle of humerus
Action of the supraspinatus
Abd of the humerus
N of the supraspinatus
suprascapular N (C4,C5,C6)
Origin of the infraspinatus
Infraspinatus fossa
Insertion of the infraspinatus
Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus
N. of the infraspinatus
Suprascapular N (C5,C6)
Action of the infraspinatus
ER of the humerus
Subscapularis origin
(ant.) subscapular fossa
Subscapularis insertion
Lesser tubercle of the humerus
N. of the subscapularis
upper and lower subscapular N. (C5,C6,C7)
N. root of the subscpular N
Action of the subscapularis
IR of the humerus
Origin of the deltoid
Lat 1/3rd of the clavicle
spine of the scap
Insertion of the deltoid
deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
mid way down the humerus
Nerve for the deltoid
Axillary N (C5,C6)
What two muscles are innervated by the axillary (C5,C6) N.
teres minor
Action of the deltoid on the clavicle
on clavicle: Flex, IR
Action of the deltoid on the acromion
abducts on the acromion
Action of the deltoid on the spine of the scap
Pectoralis Major origin
Ant surface of the medial clavicle
ant sternum
Rib 1-6
Aponerosis of the external oblique M
Pectoralis major insertion
lat lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus
N. of the pec major
Lat. Pectoral N (C5,6,7)
Medial Pectoral N.(C8,T1)
Action of the pec major at the clavicle
Flexes the humerus at the clavicle
Action of the pec major at the sternocostal insertion
Extension of the humerus
Action of the pec major at the humerus
total actions of the pec major
flexes humerus
extension of humerus
Adduction of humerus
IR of humerus
Pectoralis Minor origin
Rib 3-5
Pectoralis minor insertion
coracoid process
N. of the pec minor
Medial pectoral N (C8,T1)
Root of the medial pectoral N
Root of the lateral pectoral N
Serratus anterior origin
Rib 1-8
Serratus anterior insertion
(ant side) of the medial border of the scap
Serratus anterior N
Long thoracic N (C5,6,7)
Root of the long thoracic N
Action of the serratus anterior
protraction and stabilization of the scapula
suprasternal notch aka: ____
jugular notch
jugular notch is at ______ vertebral level
Where is the clavicular notch located ?
the top lateral notch of the manubrium
What joint does the clavicular notch form?
Sternoclavicular Joint
The sternalclavicular joint is located in the ______
clavicular notch
Rib 1’s sternal attachment is at the _____
Rib ___-___ are attached to the sternal body
Rib ____ is located on the xiphoid
rib 7
The sternal angle (of Louis) forms at what joint?
manubriosternal joint
What vertebral level is the steral angle located at
the xiphoid makes up the _____ angle
infrasternal angle
The inferior end of the xiphoid lies at _____ vertebrae
The xiphoid makes the ____
inferior limit of the thoracic cavity
Where are anterior ridges located ?
the anterior surface of the sternal body