T2- Ant of Ext. Lab 1 Midterm Flashcards
On the AC side of the clavicle there is what two lig. attachments
trapezoid (more lat)
Conoid (more medial to the trapezoid)
Where is the CONOID located ?
it is a tubercle on the inferior side of the clavicle
_____ lig. depression on the SC side of the clavicle
costoclavicular Lig.
What M has its insertion on the superior side of the clavicle
AC side
M. origins on the superior clavicle
Pectoralis Major
M that has an insertion on the inferior side of the clavicle
subclavius M
M.s that have an origin on the inferior side of the clavicle
deltoid (O: on sup. also) Pectoralis Major (O: on sup. also) Sternohyoid
List M. who have an origin on the lateral epicondyle
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor digitorm
extensor digiti minimi
extensor carpi ulnaris
(the superficial extensors)
2 lig. with an attachment on the SC portion of the clavicle
anterior sternoclavicular lig
Costoclavicular lig
Which two extensor M do not have an insertion on the lateral epicondyle
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Origin of the extensor carpi radialis longus
Lateral supracondylar ridge
The _____ M are off of the lateral epicondyles
Origin nd insertion of the bicep brachii (short head)
O: Coracoid process
I: radial tuberosity
Origin and Insertion of the bicep brachii (long head)
O: Supraglenoid tubercle of scap
I: Radial tuberosity
Where is the CORACOID process located ?
Action of the biceps
resists dislocation of shoulder
Supination of forearm
Flexes forearm
action of the coracobrachialis
Flex arm
Adduct arm
(chest fly M)
What is the only anterior brachium M that has its origin on the humerus
O & I of the brachialis
O: distal half of the humerus
I: coronoid process of the ulna
What bone does the bracialis insert on ?
coronoid process of the ulna
Action of the brachialis
flexes forearm in all directions
up-side down curls
M pierced by the musculocutaneous N
Which part of the bracip is most likely to be ruputred ?
long head
What M have their Origin on the anterior portion of the scap
Tricep (long head)
Which tricep has its origin on the anterior scap
tricep long head
M that has its insertion on the anterior scap
serratus anterior
What M has its insertion on the coracoid process ?
pec minor
____ M.s have their origin on the medial epicondyle
Flexors that have their origin on the medial epicondyle
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor digitorum superficiallis
The pronator teres has its origin on what bone(s)
humerus and ulna
Supinator M has its Origin on the ____bone
radius & humerus
Supinator M has its insertion on the _____bone
Where is the coronoid fossa located?
distal humerus
Location of the trochlea
On the medial epicpndyle side
Location of the capitulum
lateral epicondyle side
Tricep brachii ___ head has its orgin along the radial groove of the humerus
lateral head
Tricep brachii ____ head has its origin on the distal portion of the humerus
medial head
Origin of the anconeus
posterior portion of the lateral epicondyle
Where is the olecranon fossa located
posterior distal end of the humerus
- where the ulna attaches
Where is the radial groove located
posterior humerus
Where is the conoid lig located
at the Clavicle and coracoid process
Where is the superior transverse lig
coracoid process to scapular notch
The superior transverse lig forms a foramen which the _____ N runs through
Suprascapular Nerve
N= navy below
What runs over the superior transverse lig
suprascapular artery
airforce above
Delto-pectoral groove contains _______ V
cephalic V
What are the two coracoclavicular lig
trapezoid (lat)
conoid (med)
Which coracoclavicular lig is more lateral
Subclassification of the GH JT
sphenoid JT
___ lig is around the head of the radius
annular lig
Name the 2 lig that make up the radial collateral LIg of the elbow
anterior lig
posterior lig
Name the 3 lig that make up the ulnar collateral lig
(transverse makes up the base)
Which elbow lig is made up of 3 parts?
ulnar collateral lig
What is the structural purpose of 3 lig. making up the ular collateral lig
valgus stress placed on the ligs
2 ligs that go btw the radius and ulnar
oblique cord (thinner and superior to inteross.)
interosseous membrane
______: a person with more than 5 digits
Thoracoacromial art branches from what artery
axillary (2nd part)
1st part of the axillary art
Superior thoracic art
2nd part of the axillary Art
thoracoacromial (CAPD)
Lateral thoracic
3rd part of the axillary art
subscapular (thoracodorsal, circumflex scapular)
Anterior and posterior circumflex
What artery runs in the radial groove
profunda brachii
and radial N
What nerves run with the axillary artery?
posterior, medial and lateral cords
What Nerve runs with the brachial artery
median N
What nerve runs in the radial groove
radial Nerve
What artery runs with the radial N
radial artery
The common interosseous art gives off what two arteries
anterior / posterior interosseous artery
What is the origin of the common interosseous art
ulnar artery
common gives off the ant/ post interosseous art
What nerve runs with the anterior interosseous artery
anterior interosseous N from the median N
What nerve runs with the posterior interosseous artery ?
posterior interoseous N from the radial N
What artery supplies the thumb ?
princepts pollicus artery
The base of the thumb lies on what bone?
Quadrangular space contents
axillary N
Posterior circumflex humeral art & V
Triangular Space
Circumflex scapular artery
branching from the subscapular artery of the 3rd part of the axillary
Boundaries of the quadrangular space
(inf) teres minor
(sup) teres major
(lat) tricep long head
surgical neck of the humerus
Boundaries of the triangular space
(inf) teres minor
(sup) teres major
(med) tricep long
Boundaries of the triangular interval
(inf) teres major
(lat) tricep long head
Contents of the triangular interval
Radial N Profundus Brachii (branch of the brachial)
Axillary artery ends of ____
after teres MAJOR
Communicating vein btw the cephalic V and basilic V
medial cuboital V
The axiallary V is derived from the union of what two veins
Basilic V & brachial V
Cephalic V is more _____ then the basilic V
basilic is medial
Axiallary lymph recieved _____ % drainage from the mammary glands
What nodes drain to the central nodes
humeral, pectoral, subscapular Nodes
least active tricep M
Long head tricep
Which tricep resists inferior displacement of the humeral head
long head of the tricep
______ head of the tricep is the most active at all speeds
medial head
Insertion of the triceps
_____ head is the strongest, but only active against resistance
lateral head
Boundaries of the cubital fossa
Sup: line btw the medial and lateral epicondyles
Med: pronator teres
Lat: brachioradialis
Floor: brachialis and supinator
Roof: bicipital anoneurosis
What are the contents of the cubital fossa?
brachial art –> radial Art/ ulnar art
Median N
bicep brachii tendon
What is overlying the cubital fossa
median cubital V
medial antebracial cutaneous N
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous N
Anterior compartment M of the antibrachium actions
wrist Flexors
Primary innervation to the anterior compartment of the antibrachial M
Median N
exception is the ulnar N to the flexor carpi ulnaris
What M is not innervated by the median N in the anterior compartment of the antebrachial
flexor carpi ulnaris
by the Ulnar N C7, C8
N. innervation for the posterior compartment of the antebrachium
Radial N
Primary actions of the Posterior antebrachial M
wrist extension
N to the flexor digitorum Superficialis
Median N (C7,8,T1)
N. to the flexor digitorum profundus
ulnar N
Anterior interosseus branch of the median N (C8&T1)
M innervated by the anterior interosseous N (C8&T1)
Pronator quadratus
flexor pollicus longus
Flexor digitorum profundus
What M make up the deep layer of the anterior antibrachial compartment
pronator quadratus
flexor pollicus longus
flexor digitorum profundus
N of the posterior antebrachial compartment that are innervated by the radial N
Extensor carpi radialis Longus
(** These are also the M that do not originate from the lateral epicondyle)
Nerve root of the radial N that innervates the anterior A.B.C. compartment
Radial N C5,6,7
N of the posterior antebrachial compartment that are innervated by deep brachial N (C7,8)
Extensor carpi radialis bravis
N of the posterior antebrachial compartment that are innervated by posterior interosseous N (C7,8)
Extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
Extensor carpi ulnaris
(all have Lateral condyle origins )
Nerve root of the posterior interosseous N
Nerve root of the deep radial N
N of thedeep layer of the posterior antebrachial compartment are innervated by _____
posterior interosseous N C7,8
supinator will be C6,7
N and nerve root of the spinator M
POsterior interosseous N (c6,7)
- the other M in the deep layer of C7,8
The median N enters the forarm with the __ art
brachial artery
The median nerve peirces the ____
pronator teres
2 branches of the median N
anterior interosseous
palmar cutaneous
Ulnar N pierces ___M
flexor carpi ulnaris
The palmar cutaneous N is a brach of the _____
Ulnar N
_____N is inbetween the Brachialis and brachioradialis M when it is in the cubital fossa
Radial N
2 deep branches of the radial N
posterior interosseous
posterior cutaneous N of the forarm
Deep radial N is _____ fibers
Superficial Radial N is ______ to the dorsum of the hand and digits
______N pierces the supinator
deep radial N (motor)
There is no dermatome to the face bc the ____N gives sensory to the face
trigeminal (V1,V2,V3)
Where does the brachial artery bifurcate . What does it branch into
at the cubital fossa
Radial & ulnar art
name the 5 branches of the ulnar Artery
- anterior ulnar recurrent
- posterior ulnar recurrent
- muscular branches (palmar carpel & dorsal carpel)
- common interosseous (anter/post braches)
- Superficial palmar branch
What artery gives off the superficial palmar artery
ulnar & radial artery give off a superficial palmar artery
Which artery gives off the deep palmar arch
radial artery
Cephalic V is on the _____side
radial side
Basilic V is on the _____side
ulnar side
____nodes receives lymph from the upper limb
humeral nodes
___lymph nodes receive from the abdominal wall, trunk, and mammary gland
pectoral nodes
___lymph nodes receive from back, shoulder, and neck
scapular nodes
____lymph nodes receive from the humeral, pectoral, and subscapular groups
central nodes
____lymph nodes receive from the central group as well as the cephalic vessels
apical nodes