T182-T Flashcards
Wheel span
Lycoming TIO-540-AK1A
Turbocharged, air cooled, fuel injected,
235 BHP @ 32” MAP & 2400rpm
Fuel capacity
92 Gal / 87 Usable
Each Tank
46 Gal / 43.5 Gal Usable
Oil capacity
8 Qt sump
9 Qt total
4 Qt Minimum for flight
Ramp weight
3110 lbs
Takeoff Weight
3100 lbs
Landing Weight
2950 lbs
(150 lbs / 25gal 100LL below max t/o)!
Baggage area weight limit
200 lbs total (A + B + C)
A - 120 lbs
B - 80 lbs
C - 80 lbs
175 KIAS
140 KIAS
3100 lbs - 110 KIAS
2600 lbs - 101 KIAS
2100 lbs - 92 KIAS
Flaps 0-10 deg -—-140 KIAS
Flaps 10-20 deg — 120 KIAS
Flaps 20-Full ——- 100 KIAS
Airspeed Indicator Markings
White Arc:
41–100 Kts (Vso to Vfe full flap)
Green Arc:
51–140 Kts (Vs to Vno)
Yello Arc:
140–175 (Vno to VNE)
Red line
175 (VNE)
Tachometer marking
Green range
2000–2400 rpm
Red Arc
2400–2700 rpm
Note: 2400 rpm is max operating limit
Manifold Pressure marking
Green Arc
S.L - 15,000 Ft
15,000ft - 20,000ft
Red Arc
Note: 32” MAP is max operating limit
Max Glide airspeed
3100 lbs - 75 KIAS
2600 lbs - 69 KIAS
2100 lbs - 62 KIAS
Making Power changes in flight, increasing power
Avoid High Manifold Pressure and Low RPM.
Increasing Power: increase rpm first, then manifold pressure
Making Power changes in flight, decreasing power
Avoid High Manifold Pressure and Low RPM
Decreasing Power: Decrease Manifold Pressure, then decrease rpm
Takeoff: Normal
Power setting & Procedure
Flaps 0-20 Deg
Throttle: 32” MAP
Propeller: 2400 RPM
Mixture: 24 GPH
Rotate @ 50-60 Kts
Climb @ 70 (flaps 20) or 80 Kts (flaps up)
Takeoff: Short Field
Power Setting & Procedure
Flaps: 20 Deg
Brakes: Hold
Throttle: Full
Propeller: 2400 Rpm
Mixture: 24 GPH
Elevator hold Tail-Low
Climb @ 60 Kts until obstacles are cleared
Accelerate to 70 before raising flaps
Enroute Climb: Normal
Power Setting & Procedure
Airspeed 90-100 Kts
Throttle: 25” MAP
Propeller: 2400 RPM
Mixture: 16 GPH
Fuel Selector: Both
Cowl Flaps: Open (as required)
Oxygen Control: Open (as required)
Enroute Climb: Max Performance
Power setting & Procedure
Airspeed: 84 Kts @ Sea Level
80 Kts @ 20,000 ft
Throttle: 32” MAP
Propeller: 2400 RPM
Mixture: 24 GPH
Fuel Selector: Both
Cowl Flaps: Open
Oxygen Control Lever: On (as required)
Power Setting & Procedure
S.L. to 15,000ft:
Throttle:15”-28” MAP
Propeller: 2000-2400 RPM
Mixture: Lean for desired Perform or Econ
15,000 to 20,000ft: Throttle: 15”-27” MAP Propeller: 2000-2400 RPM Mixture: Lean for desired Perform or Econ Cowl flaps: Closed Oxygen: monitor quantity if in use
Power Setting & Procedure
Power: As Desired Mixture: Adjust as Necessary for smooth engine operation Cowl Flaps: Closed Fuel Selector: Both Flaps: As Desired (0-10 DEG below 140Kts) (10-20 DEG below 120Kts) (20 Deg-full below 100Kts)
Leaning procedure
In cruise, 50 deg Rich of Peak using the G1000 Lean Assist
Or: 50 deg rich of 1685 degrees (Hunter’s) airplane
Fuel Vapor Procedures for Ground Operations
If engine roughness is observed and fuel vapor formation is suspected, increase rpm to 1800-2000 for 1-2 minutes,
Alternatively, switch on fuel pump until just before takeoff
If symptoms persist, select opposite fuel tank
Cowl Flap Operation
Cowl Flap: Open during Start, Ground Operations, Climb
Cowl Flaps: Closed during Cruise (referencing CHT), Extended Descent
Preferred Propeller RPM in Cruise
2200 RPM