What is philology?
is the study of a language, its literature and culture in order to understand it
What is the difference between natural and human sciences?
- the object they study. While human sciences study products created by humans, natural sciences study objects outside the human being (nature…)
- Human creations can be understood, but not predicted. While the object of natural science is to predict, the goal of human science is to understand
History of Literature Science: what are the three schools
Psychocritics, russian formalism, empirism Literaturwissenschaft
attempt to understand the author’s mind by analyzing their literary works
Russian Formalism
Russian Formalism: The goal of the real literary science has to be literature itself. Russian
formalists realized that there was a difference on how you use language in a work of art, and how you use language in a daily basis. Such difference lies in the shape/form of the literary work of art. Upon that realization, they placed the text at the center of their studies 1 . (Viktor Schklovski is an example of this ideal “art as a device”; O. Brik studying rhythm…)
Empirism Literaturwissenschaft
It’s the attempt to leave any trace of subjectivity out
of literature and literary studies, in order to find literary laws.
What are the 3 subjects of Literary Science?
- Literary history
- Literary Criticism
- Literary Theory
Definition of Literary History
Literary history is a literary scientific discipline, therefore, a philological discipline, that approaches the study of literature from a chronological point of view.
Definition of Literary Criticism
Literary Criticism is a literary scientific discipline, therefore a philological discipline that approaches the texts from an analytical point of view (understanding it before). In order to access, evaluate and judge them
(practical,particular and specific)
Definition of Literary Theory
Literary theory is a literary scientific discipline, therefore a philological discipline that studies literary texts in order to describe them from a general abstract and theoretical point of view
Its object of study are literary texts, wether written or oral.
(Theoretical, general and abstract)