T1: Measuring experiences Flashcards
1) bottom-up process
2) ability to detect stimulus.
1) top-down process
2) giving meaning to a detected sensation.
The Steps of the Perceptual Process
a) Stimuli:
Step 1 - environmental stimulus
S2 - reflection and transformation of light
b) Receptor processes:
S3 - Transduction
c) Neural processes:
S4 - Neural processing (network from the visual receptors -> retina -> back of the eye -> primary receiving area = cerebral cortex)
d) Behavioural responses:
S5 - Perception = awareness
S6- Recognition = meaning/category
S7 - Action = motor activity.
transforming light energy into electrical energy.
Bottom-up processing
- data based
- stimuli based
Top-down processing
- knowledge
- labelling
- often unaware
- more complex stimuli => TDP increases
Approaches for study of perception
Physiological approach /. Electrophysiology
Cognitive neuroscience
- Fechner’s methods of measuring perception
- relationship between stimuli and behavioural response
- Oblique effect (Coppola/Furmanski) = better vision for verticals or horizontals
present a stimuli and measure brain activity
Physiological approach
Relationship 1 = stimuli and physiological responses
R 2 = physiological resp. and behavioural resp.
- brain process => perception
- affects of brain damage on behaviour
Cognitive neuroscience
stimulus => brain process => perception (fMRI)
Methods of measuring perception
- Measuring thresholds with psychophysical methods
- Estimating magnitude
Absolute threshold
- minimum amount of stimulation necessary for a person to detect stimulus 50% of the time
- no distinct transition
Difference threshold or JDI
- minimum difference/change that exists between two stimuli