T&T Book 2 - Questions Flashcards
Who was the first man? A) Jesus B) God C) Adam
Who were the first two Sons of Adam and Eve? A) Cain and Seth B) Cain and Able C) Able and Seth
Proverbs 4:1 tells sons to A) Obey your Mother and Father B) Listen to a father’s instruction C) Fight with your brother
The definition of the word Instruction is A) how to do something B) Something a teacher does C) tells you when you’ve done wrong
The verse that tells us that “I am an important member of my family” is found in A) Proverbs 3:5-6 B) Proverbs 4:1 C) Matthew 7:14
The verse that tells us that parents teach their children by their words is found in?. A) Psalm 100:2 B) Psalm 23 C) Psalm 78:4
Parents are to tell the (Blank) about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders he has done. A) Unsaved B) Next generation C) their parents
According to Psalm 78:4, what should parents not do? A) Tell their children about the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord B) Hide God’s word in their heart C) Hide God’s word from their children
The definition of the word “Generation” in Psalm 78:4 means: A) You and your friends B) People in your family C) The world around you
Colossians 3:20 Tells children to: A) Witness to your friend B) Read the Bible C) obey your parents in everything
Parents teach their children by?.. A) Their Actions B) Sending them to Sunday School C) Sending them to church
Parents are to impress His Word on their children. “To Impress on” means to A) teach with great care B) Firmly tell them C) command
What was the promise Hannah made to the Lord if He would give her a son. A) She would raise him to be a prophet B) She would love him C) She would give him back to the Lord
Children are to Honor their parents, Honor means A) Love and respect B) Do everything they say C) Bow down to Them
The verse that tells children to follow rules is found in?. A) Proverbs 3:5-6 B) Ephesians 6:4 C) Proverbs 1:8-9
The definition of the word “Garland” in Proverbs 1:9 means? A) Seasoning for food B) A Christmas tree decoration C) a chain to adorn your neck - a word picture that shows honor
The verse that supports the statement, “I learn to help others” is found in A) Galatians 5:22 B) Galatians 5:13b C) I Corinthians 10:13
According to Galatians 5:13b, how should we serve on another A) in love B) with a good will C) as Christ served us
Philippians 2:3-4 tells us to consider other people as A) Better than my parents B) targets for our witnessing C) Better than ourselves
The definition for ‘Ambition’ in Philippians 2:3-4 means A) Trying to impress others B) Trying to beat everyone else C) greed
The definition for ‘Vain Conceit’ in Philippians 2:3-4 means? A) trying to impress others B) dressing up to look really good C) Trying to be better than anyone else
What did Jesus say to Zaccheaus when he saw him? A) Come Down you look foolish B) Come down I’m going to your house C) Climb up the tree so you can get a better view
The verse that tells us to care about others is found in?. A) Philippians 2:3-4 B) Philippians 1:8 C) Galatians 5:13b
The verse that tells us that our eternal home is in heaven is found in A) John 1:9 B) John 3:16 C) John 14:2
Which of the following is a reason why we should go to church? A) It is a safe place where I can go B) It is a place where the Satan won’t go C) it is a place where I can learn about the Bible
The verse that tells us that all scripture is Inspired or God-Breathed and useful or profitable for teaching (doctrine), rebuking correcting and training in righteousness is found in A) I Timothy 1:16 B) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 C) John 3:16-17
According to 2 Timothy 3:17 scripture is good for the Christian that he may be throughly equipped?. A) for every good work B) To fight the devil C) To pray and love God
The definition for the ‘man of God’ in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 is?. A) a Christian B) a Steward of God C) a Servant of God
The verse that tells us that we should bow down and kneel before god is found in A) Psalm 1:2 B) Psalm 100:2 C) Psalm 95:6
According to Psalm 100:2, we should worship the Lord with A) Gladness and Singing B) Other Christians C) Praying and Singing
According to Acts 2:42-43, who were the leaders of the church? A) Paul and Timothy B) Jesus C) Peter and John
The apostles appointed deacons to serve the poor so that they could A) Devote themselves to study God’s Word B) Make more Christians C) Keep the church growing
According to Acts 4:32, what did the Christians share with one another A) Salvation B) God’s word C) Everything that they had
The verse that tells us that we should pray for all the saints is found in A) Matthew 6:33 B) Ephesians 6:18 C) Ephesians 6:1
Christians should pray in the Spirit and be (Blank) and always keep on praying for all the saints A) Alert B) Faithful C) diligent
According to 1 Thessalonians 5:11, what were the Thessalonians already doing? A) Praising and singing to the Lord B) encouraging and building up each other C) Witnessing to the lost
The definition of the word Requests found in Ephesians 6:18 means A) Asking others to meet your needs B) Telling God what you want him to do C) talking to God about your needs and the needs of other
The definition of the word ‘Saints’ in Ephesians 6:18 means A) People who have died B) Only the best Christians C) believers in Christ
According to Hebrews 10:24-25 Christians should spur on another to A) Witness and Love God more B) Give to the poor C) love and good deeds
Christians are not to forsake/give up (Blank) A) meeting together B) Helping each other C) praying
Christians should meet together more and more as we get closer to A) Old age B) The time we are to die C) The day of Christ’s return
The definition for good deeds? A) Helping some across the street B) Giving money to the church C) doing good for others
Paul tells Timothy not to look down on him because he is A) Weak B) Young C) Single
Christians are to set an example for the believers in ?(Blank …) A) speech, life, love, faith, and purity B) Things that pertain to life and godliness C) All thing
The definition of the word “Speech” in 1 Timothy 4:12 means A) Your conversations B) Everything you do C) the things you say
The definition of the word “Live” in 1 Timothy 4:12 means A) your behavior B) the time when you were born again C) The days that you live
Purity means ? A) Not dirty B) Holiness C) clean thoughts
What did Anna do after she saw the baby Jesus? A) She could now die because she saw the savior B) She finally went home C) She gave thanks to God and told the people about Jesus
When Peter was in Jail, who rescued him? A) Jesus B) an angel C) The prayers of the saints
The verse that tells us that Church is a place I can give my offering is found in A) 2 Corinthians 9:7 B) 2 Corinthians 5:12 C) John 3:3
How much should each man give cheerfully to the Lord? A) the tithe B) Everything we have C) What each has decided in his heart
The definition of the word Compulsion means?.. A) being sick and throwing up B) a feeling that you have to do it C) the feeling that the Holy Spirit gives
Jesus to bread and gave thanks and broke it saying. A) This is communion B) This is my new covenant C) This is my Body
The verse that tells us that Church is a place where I can remember Christ’s death and resurrection in a special way is found in A) Luke 2:11 B) Luke 22:19-20 C) John 3:16
The definition of the word covenant is A) Agreement; promise B) The Bible (Old and New Testament C) communion
Jesus said the cup is the new covenant/testament in My ? A) ministry B) Bible C) blood
A Christian’s eternal home is A) Earth B) Jerusalem C) Heaven
According to Proverbs 4:1, to gain understanding, a son should?. A) Hear the instruction of a pastor B) Hear the instruction of a Father C) Hear the instruction of parents
The definition of the word ‘Obey’ in Colossian 3:20 is A) Follow orders B) Follow requests C) Follow instrucations
Loving your family is one way to show your love for?. A) Others B) Your Neighbor C) God
James 1:17a tells us that every good and perfect give is from A) above B) God C) our father
One Reason I go to church is to?. A) Learn new songs B) Be still and know C) Worship God
According to John 1:12, we have the power/right to become the children of God if we?. A) Believe on his name B) Ask for it C) Accept his free gift
The definition for ‘see the day approaching in Hebrews 10 is? A) Look forward to Jesus’ return B) Look forward to your reward C) Look forward to heaven
The reading in Acts 12:6-17 tells us that while Peter was in jail, his friends were A) Crying B) Praying C) Fasting`