T&T Book 1 - Questions Flashcards
The verse that tells us that God gave us the Bible so we could know who He is found in?. A) John 3:16 B) Psalm 119:74b C) Psalm 100:3
Psalm 100:3 tells us the we are His (God’s) people and the (blank) of His (blank). A) Apple of his eye. B) Sheep of His Pasture C) Chosen ones of His love.
Each Bible verse contains a word and two numbers, the first number is called the?. A) Chapter B) Reference C) Verse
The verse that tells us that God gave us the Bible so we could know that he is the only true God is found in?. A) Psalm 100:3 B) Jeremiah 10:10a C) John 17:17b
What kind of God does the Jeremiah 10:10a tell us that the LORD is?. A) All Powerful God B) God above all other gods C) Living God
What can God NOT do? A) God cannot lie B) God cannot save everyone C) There is nothing that God cannot do.
The verse that tells us that God gave us the Bible so we could know that his word is always true is found in? A) Psalm 100:3 B) John 17:17b C) Jeremiah 17:9
Psalm 119:42b tells us that God gave us the Bible so we could trust in? A) His word B) His love C) Jesus Christ as our savior
Which of the following parts of the Bible are not God’s words? A) Book of Genesis B) Book of John C) Index
The definition of the word Bible means?.. A) God’s holy Word B) Scriptures C) Book
Part of the Bible was written by man who was a A) Medical Doctor B) Programmer C) Demon-Possessed Man
The Old Testament has (Blank) books? A) 27 B) 39 C) 66
The book that immediately follows 2 Corinthians is.. A) 1 Thessalonians B) Ephesians C) Galatians
The book that immediately comes before Hebrews is? A) Philemon B) James C) Titus
The AWANA definition for the word ‘Past’ is? A) History B) models, patterns C) before
Romans 15:4a tells us that everything in the past was written to? A) Teach Us B) Tells us we are sinners C) Save us
What does ‘Setting our hearts’ mean? A) Focusing on, desiring B) Asking Jesus into your heart C) Wanting to serve God
The verse that tells us that we are all sinners is found in? A) John 3:16 B) Romans 3:23 C) Romans 6:23
Ecclesiastes 7:20 tells us that there is not a (blank) A) Righteous man on earth B) Sin which God can’t forgive C) Any other way to heaven but through Jesus
Not doing what God tells us to do is the definition for A) Perdition B) Unrighteousness C) Sinned
The definition of the word Righteous is?. A) always good, obedient to the law B) God’s perfect standard C) Always trusting in Jesus
The verse that tells us that God gave us the Bible so we can know that Jesus is God is found in A) John 1:1 B) John 17:17b C) Acts 4:12
In John 1:1, Jesus is called (Blank) A) The Son of God B) The word C) The Savior
The verse that shows us that God gave us the Bible to show us that we need a Savior is found in?. A) Acts 16:31b B) Acts 4:12 C) Psalm 119:47
Acts 4:12 tells us that there is no other (Blank) under heaven and earth that can save us. A) Name B) Good works C) Savior
Someone who saves us is called a ?. A) Wonderful Counselor B) Word C) Savior
The word that means: “Freed forever from the punishment of sins is”???.. A) Redeemed B) Sanctified C) Saved
Timothy’s mother was named?. A) Eunice B) Lois C) Mary
Timothy’s grandmother was named? A) Eunice B) Lois C) Mary
When we learn what God says in His Word.. It is called A) Teaching B) Rebuking C) Correcting
When someone shows us sin in our lives it is called?A) Teaching B) Rebuking C) Correcting
Changing my sinful behavior and doing what is right is called? A) Teaching B) Rebuking C) Correcting
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that the word of God is useful for A) Training in Righteous B) Memorizing C) Salvation
Paul called Timothy his Son in the (Blank) A) Flesh B) Faith C) Lord
The verse that tells us that God gave us the Bible so that we can know how to live is found in?. A) Psalm 86:11 B) Acts 4:12 C) Psalm 119:47a
Psalm 86:11 asks God to give him (Blank) that I may fear your name A) An understanding Heart B) An undivided Heart C) A Faithful Heart
In Psalm 86:11, Another word for Fear is?. A) Honor B) Dread C) Respect
In Psalm 86:11, how you live your life is called your A) Lifestyle B) Conversation C) Walk
The book of the New Testament which shows what will happen in the future is? A) Revelation B) Philippians C) Colossians
The verse that tells us that God is the creator is found in A) John 1:1 B) Genesis 1:1 C) Jeremiah 17:9
The definition for Create is to?.. A) Make something out of nothing B) Do something that has never been done before. C) Think a thought that has never be thought before
Joshua commanded the Sun to stand still in the Israelites battle against the .. A) Moabites B) Hivites C) Amorites
What group of animals come together when the Sun rises A) Roosters B) Young Lions C) Cattle.
What did God create on Day 1? A) Sun, Moon & Stars B) Day & Night C) Plants and Trees
What did God Create on Day 2? A) Sun, Moon & Stars B) Day & Night C) Sky
What did God Create on Day 3? A) Sun, Moon & Stars B) Day & Night C) Plants and Trees
What did God Create on Day 4? A) Sun, Moon & Stars B) Day & Night C) Plants and Trees
What did God Create on Day 5? A) Plants & Trees B) Birds & Fish C) Animals & Man
What did God Create on Day 6? A) Plants & Trees B) Birds & Fish C) Animals & Man
The verse that tells us that God is the Beginning and the End is found in A) Revelation 22:13 B) Isaiah 53:6 C) Revelation 20:15
The verse that tells us the God is Just, (a righteous God and a Savior) is found in? A) Isaiah 53:6 B) Isaiah 45:21b-22 C) Matthew 22:47
In Isaiah 45:21b-22 the definition of the word righteous means A) Right-handed B) The one who saves C) Without Sin
The verse that tells us that God is holy is found in? A) Psalm 99:3 B) Psalm 100:3 C) Psalm 119:47
What does it mean to be Holy? A) Set apart for a special purpose B) Honest & True C) Righteous, without sin
What did God create on Day 7 A) Animals & Man B) Nothing, God Rested C) Eve
What book of the Bible comes immediately after the book Ecclesiastes A) Proverbs B) Song of Solomon C) Lamentations
What book of the Bible comes immediately before the book Ezra A) 2 Chronicles B) Nehemiah C) Obadiah
Select the correct answer that puts the following books of the Old Testament in order. A) Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk B) Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi C) Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah
The verse that tells us that God is everywhere is found in?. A) Psalm 139:2-3 B) Psalm 139:7-8 C) Psalm 147:5
According to Psalm 139:2-3 God is familiar with all of our (Blank) A) Thoughts B) Words C) Ways
In Psalm 139:2-3 the word perceive means to?.. A) Accept the gift of Salvation B) know and understand C) See into the future
In Psalm 139:2-3 the word Discern means to?.. A) Understand B) Decide between right and wrong C) Lose your salvation
The verse that tells us that God is all-powerful (mighty in power) is found in A) Psalm 139:2-3 B) Psalm 147:5 C) I Corinthian 15:3b-4
According to Psalm 147:5 God understanding has no (Blank) A) power B) Equal C) Limit
The verse that tells us that the Lord is Mighty in Power is found in A) Psalm 139:2-3 B) Psalm 147:5 C) John 3:16
When Jesus came out of the water after being baptized, the Holy Spirit descended on him like a A) Dove B) Cloud C) Mighty rushing wind
The verse that tells us that all who believe in Jesus have everlasting life is found in A) John 3:16 B) Mark 1:10-11 C) Isaiah 53:6
Romans 5:8 tells us that God demonstrated his love for us by sending Christ to A) Save us B) Die for Us C) Bring us to God
The verse that tells us that God will never leave us is found in A) Hebrews 10:24-25 B) John 10:10 C) Hebrews 13:5b