T Flashcards
TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System)
A client/server authentication protocol that provides the same type of functionality as RADIUS and is used as a central access control mechanism mainly for remote users.
tactical goals
Midterm goals to accomplish. These may be milestones to accomplish within a project or specific projects to accomplish in a year. Strategic, tactical, and operational goals make up a planning horizon.
technical controls
These controls, also called logical access control mechanisms, work in software to provide confidentiality, integrity, or availability protection. Some examples are passwords, identification and authentication methods, security devices, auditing, and the configuration of the network.
The study and control of spurious electronic signals emitted by electrical equipment. Tempest equipment is implemented to prevent intruders from picking up information through the airwaves with listening devices.
Any potential danger that a vulnerability will be exploited by a threat agent.
top-down approach
An approach in which the initiation, support, and direction for a project come from top management and work their way down through middle management and then to staff members.
The physical construction of how nodes are connected to form a network.
total risk
When a safeguard is not implemented, an organization is faced with the total risk of that particular vulnerability.
A legal right that protects a word, name, product shape, symbol, color, or a combination of these used to identify a product or a company.
Trojan horse
A computer program that has an apparently or actually useful function, but that also contains hidden malicious capabilities to exploit a vulnerability and/or provide unauthorized access into a system.
trusted computer system
A system that has the necessary controls to ensure that the security policy will not be compromised and that can process a range of sensitive or classified information simultaneously.
trusted computing base (TCB)
All of the protection mechanisms within a computer system (software, hardware, and firmware) that are responsible for enforcing a security policy.
trusted path
A mechanism within the system that enables the user to communicate directly with the TCB. This mechanism can be activated only by the user or the TCB and not by an untrusted mechanism or process.
trusted recovery
A set of procedures that restores a system and its data in a trusted manner after the system has been disrupted or a system failure has occurred.