O Flashcards
A passive entity that contains or receives information. Access to an object potentially implies access to the information that it contains. Examples of objects include records, pages, memory segments, files, directories, directory trees, and programs.
object reuse
Reassigning to a subject media that previously contained information. Object reuse is a security concern because if insufficient measures were taken to erase the information on the media, the information may be disclosed to unauthorized personnel.
one-time pad
A method of encryption in which the plaintext is combined with a random “pad,” which should be the same length as the plaintext. This encryption process uses a nonrepeating set of random bits that are combined bitwise (XOR) with the message to produce ciphertext. A one-time pad is a perfect encryption scheme because it is unbreakable and each pad is used exactly once, but it is impractical because of all of the required overhead.
operational assurance
A level of confidence of a trusted system’s architecture and implementation that enforces the system’s security policy. This can include system architecture, covert channel analysis, system integrity, and trusted recovery.
operational goals
Daily goals to be accomplished to ensure the proper operation of an environment.
An individual who supports the operations of computer systems—usually a mainframe. The individual may monitor the execution of the system, control the flow of jobs, and develop and schedule batch jobs.
overt channel
A path within a computer system or network that is designed for the authorized transfer of data.