T Flashcards
Feel sure of
Concrete activity that makes you feel confident
a sum of money charged for teaching or instruction by a school, college, or university
teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.
A smart guess as of what something could be, explained by ideas/activity
Thomas Hobbs
English philosopher
Engaging with abstractions
XDirecting one’s awareness
Engage with abstractions
old and torn; in poor condition.
(of cloth, clothing, or soft furnishings) becoming thin and tattered with age.
(of an argument, excuse, idea, etc.) used so often that it is no longer effective.
(of a person, building, or room) poor or shabby in appearance.
of the highest quality; excellent.
grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.
cover (a patch of ground) with turf.
horse racing or racecourses generally.
an area regarded as someone’s personal territory; one’s home ground.
a person’s sphere of influence or activity.
Town hall
a building used for the administration of local government.
an event at which a politician or public official answers questions from members of the public
Extending or operating across national boundaries.
A large company operating internationally; a multinational
a charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road.
charge a toll for the use of (a bridge or road).
a charge for a long-distance telephone call.
the number of deaths, casualties, or injuries arising from particular circumstances, such as a natural disaster, conflict, or accident.
the cost or damage resulting from something.
to go from a frozen to a liquid state
In accordance with actual activity
Virtuality the same as (usually something bad)
An abstract perception or creation
Abstractly perceived or created
a court of justice
a seat or bench for a judge or judges.
A formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
Theory of general relativity
Theory of gravity.
Space somehow gets curved in the presence of gravity
The 5 W’s and the H
What, where, when, who, why, and how
Transition words to indicate additional information include:
- Additionally
- Furthermore
- Moreover
- Besides
- Too
- As well as
- Along with
- In addition (to)
- Not to mention
- Plus
- Including
- Apart from
- Simultaneously
- Not only…but also
- To add to that
- To add to the list
- To augment
- To supplement
- Beyond that
- On top of
- Coupled with
- Accompanying
- In conjunction with
- Together with
- First
- Finally
- Next
- Alongside
The principle of correspondence
“As above, so below.” The macrocosm reflects the microcosm and vice versa.
The law of attraction
Like attracts like
Similar things tend to group together,
The law of constant change
Change is constant
The principle of polarity
there is an opposite for everything in our world; this is necessary for balance within our Universe. Everything has a duality and a built-in opposite that cannot exist without the other.
The principle of human order
The “principle of human order” refers to the idea that humans, by nature, have an inherent tendency to create and maintain social structures, systems, and rules that allow for cooperation and peaceful coexistence within a community, often based on shared values and understanding of right and wrong, which distinguishes them from other species; it signifies a fundamental principle that humans strive for order and stability in their lives and societies.
The principle of the third party
a third party benefits from the conflicts or struggles between two other parties.
The principle of unequal distribution
the observation (not law) that most things in life are not distributed evenly
Turn over
change the position of one’s body when lying down so that one is facing in the opposite direction
move something so that it is upside down or in the opposite position
(of an engine) start or continue to run properly.
cause an engine to run.
(of a business) have a turnover of a specified amount
change to another channel while watching television
rob a place.
the amount of money taken by a business in a particular period
the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced
the rate at which goods are sold and replaced in a store
a small pie made by folding a piece of pastry over on itself to enclose a sweet filling
(in a game) a loss of possession of the ball to the opposing team.
The encephalization quotient (EQ)
a measurement of brain size relative to body size, and is used to compare the intelligence of different species
to specify or point to a particular noun that is either already known or about to be specified.
shared by or involving three parties
consisting of three parts
The law of large numbers
The larger the number of people with a similar exposure to loss, the more predictable actual losses will be
of, denoting, or dealing with states or areas of consciousness beyond the limits of personal identity.
cause (two or more things) to change places with each other.
transfer to a different place or context.
write or play (music) in a different key or register from the original.
transfer (a term), with its sign changed, to the other side of an equation.
betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature.
engage in painful or laborious effort.
(of a woman) be in labor.
engage in painful or laborious effort.
(of a woman) be in labor.
a person’s state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.
a tendency to become angry easily.
an angry state of mind.
the degree of hardness and elasticity in steel or other metal.
improve the hardness and elasticity of (steel or other metal) by reheating and then cooling it.
improve the consistency or resiliency of (a substance) by means of a process involving heat or chemicals.
act as a neutralizing or counterbalancing force to (something).
tune (a piano or other instrument) so as to adjust the note intervals correctly.
Take with a grain of salt
to consider information with skepticism, not fully believing it or taking it at face value, as if you are only accepting a small, minimal amount of truth from it
able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
(of an office, position, scholarship, etc.) able to be held or used.
a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.
a menace of bodily harm, such as may restrain a person’s freedom of action.
a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.
the possibility of trouble, danger, or ruin.
Tip line
A hotline allowing callers to tip off the authorities.
very weak or slight.
very slender or fine; insubstantial.
an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offense.
a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.
a staff or other object given to a locomotive engineer on a single-track railroad as authority to proceed over a given section of line.
a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a promotional offer.
a metal or plastic disk used to operate a machine or in exchange for particular goods or services.
an individual occurrence of a linguistic unit in speech or writing, as contrasted with the type or class of linguistic unit of which it is an instance.
the smallest meaningful unit of information in a sequence of data for a compiler.
a sequence of bits passed continuously between nodes in a fixed order and enabling a node to transmit information
a member of a minority group included in an otherwise homogeneous set of people in order to give the appearance of diversity.
denoting a member of a minority group included in an otherwise homogeneous set of people in order to give the appearance of diversity.
done for the sake of appearances or as a symbolic gesture.
In token of: as a sign or symbol of.
the fact or quality of being done or occurring at a favorable or useful time.
relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular.
relating to time.
relating to or denoting time or tense.
of or situated in the temples of the head.
the amount of liquid that a tumbler can hold
a moderate degree of warmth or a lack of enthusiasm.
a loose garment, typically sleeveless and reaching to the wearer’s knees, as worn in ancient Greece and Rome
a loose, thigh-length garment, worn typically by women over a skirt or trousers.
a close-fitting short coat as part of a uniform, especially a police or military uniform.
an integument or membrane enclosing or lining an organ or part.
any of the concentric layers of a plant bulb, e.g. an onion.
the rubbery outer coat of a sea squirt.
Truman doctrine
established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.
The UN Charter
the founding document of the United Nations, establishing its purposes, structure, and rules. It’s an international treaty that’s binding on all UN member states
The United Nations (UN)
an international organization that aims to maintain international peace and security. It was established in 1945 after World War II. The UN is made up of 193 member states and is headquartered in New York City
The Balkans
a geographic region in southeastern Europe, and is also known as the Balkan Peninsula
having a displeasingly thin, metallic sound.
(of an object) made of thin or poor-quality metal.
having an unpleasantly metallic taste.
in a way that is understood or implied without being directly stated.
pull (something) hard or suddenly.
a room or a set of rooms forming a separate residence within a house or block of apartments.
a house divided into and rented out as separate residences, especially one that is run-down and overcrowded
a piece of land held by an owner.
any kind of permanent property, e.g. lands or rents, held from a superior.
(of a liquid) flow in a small stream.
cause (a liquid) to flow in a small stream.
come, go, or appear slowly or gradually.
a small flow of liquid.
a small group or number of people or things moving slowly.
Trickle down: (of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
Tempt fate
do something that is risky or dangerous.
a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting.
a proposition that states nothing beyond what is implied by any of its terms.
the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance.
the faculty of perceiving taste.
a small portion of food or drink taken as a sample.
a brief experience of something, conveying its basic character.
a person’s liking for particular flavors.
a person’s tendency to like and dislike certain things.
the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard.
conformity or failure to conform with generally held views concerning what is offensive or acceptable.
perceive or experience the flavor of.
have a specified flavor.
sample or test the flavor of (food or drink) by taking it into the mouth
eat or drink a small portion of.
have experience
To taste: in the amount needed to give a flavor pleasing to someone eating a dish.
a road or path forming a route between two places.
a main road in a town.
subject to further confirmation; not definitely.
in a way that lacks confidence; hesitantly.
a sudden, sharp localized pain.
a brief experience of an emotion, typically an unpleasant one.
(of a part of the body) suffer a sudden, sharp localized pain.
lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.
make or become less valuable or respected.
dullness of color; loss of brightness.
a film or stain formed on an exposed surface of a mineral or metal.
damage or harm done to something.
Take for granted
fail to properly appreciate (someone or something), especially as a result of overfamiliarity.
assume that something is true without questioning it.
a group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history; a tableau vivant.
a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy
(especially of a muscle or someone’s body) stretched tight or rigid.
(of a person) unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation.
(of a situation, event, etc.) causing or showing anxiety and nervousness.
(of a speech sound, especially a vowel) pronounced with the vocal muscles stretched tight.
become tense, typically through anxiety or nervousness.
make (a muscle or one’s body) tight or rigid.
a set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes also the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance.
a strong taste, flavor, or smell.
a characteristic quality.
the projection on the blade of a tool such as a knife, by which the blade is held firmly in the handle.
make a loud ringing or clanging sound.
a tanging sound.
a surgeonfish which occurs around reefs and rocky areas, where it browses on algae.
up to (the point in time or the event mentioned); until.
a cash register or drawer for money in a store, bank, or restaurant.
With one’s hand in the till: used in reference to theft from one’s place of work.
prepare and cultivate (land) for crops.
a sediment consisting of particles of various sizes and deposited by melting glaciers or ice sheets.
(of a person or their behavior) not showing consideration for the needs of other people.
without consideration of the possible consequences.
a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
showy but cheap and of poor quality.
sordid or unpleasant.
a medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigor or well-being.
something with an invigorating effect.
short for tonic water.
the first note in a scale which, in conventional harmony, provides the keynote of a piece of music.
giving a feeling of vigor or well-being; invigorating.
relating to or denoting the first degree of a scale.
denoting or relating to the syllable within a tone group that has greatest prominence, because it carries the main change of pitch.
relating to or restoring normal tone to muscles or other organs.
relating to, denoting, or producing continuous muscular contraction.
foolish or silly behavior
a sharp, clear ringing sound, such as that made when a glass is struck by a metal object.
emit a sharp, clear, ringing sound.
a person’s will, especially the part relating to personal property.
something that serves as a sign or evidence of a specified fact, event, or quality.
(in biblical use) a covenant or dispensation.
a copy of the New Testament.
Nervously, fearfully, or without confidence; in a way that shows that you are easily frightened.
a regular short, sharp sound, especially that made by a clock or watch.
the smallest recognized amount by which a price of a security or future may fluctuate.
(of a clock or other mechanical device) make regular short sharp sounds, typically one for every second of time that passes.
tick all the boxes: fulfill all the necessary requirements
what makes someone tick: what motivates someone
tick along: proceed or progress
Tick away: (of a clock or watch) mark the passing of time with regular short sharp sounds
Tick by: (of time) pass (used especially when someone is pressed for time or keenly awaiting an event).
tick off: make someone annoyed or angry
tick over: (of an engine) idle
Tick (2)
a parasitic arachnid that attaches itself to the skin of a terrestrial vertebrate from which it sucks blood, leaving the host when sated. Some species transmit diseases, including tularemia and Lyme disease.
a parasitic louse fly.
Tick (3)
a fabric case stuffed with feathers or other material to form a mattress or pillow.
short for ticking.
a strong, durable material, typically striped, used to cover mattresses and pillows.
(of land) having been formed into a number of level areas resembling a series of steps.
a level paved area or platform next to a building; a patio or veranda.
each of a series of flat areas made on a slope, used for cultivation.
a natural horizontal shelflike formation, such as a raised beach.
make or form (sloping land) into a number of level flat areas resembling a series of steps.
(in ancient Rome) a group of three men holding power, in particular ( the First Triumvirate ) the unofficial coalition of Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus in 60 BC and ( the Second Triumvirate ) a coalition formed by Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian in 43 BC.
a group of three powerful or notable people or things existing in relation to each other.
the office of triumvir in ancient Rome.
(in ancient Rome) each of three public officers jointly responsible for overseeing any of the administrative departments.
a newspaper having pages half the size of those of a standard newspaper, typically popular in style and dominated by headlines, photographs, and sensational stories.
sensational in a lurid or vulgar way.
slightly drunk.
change in form, nature, or substance.
subject (base metals) to alchemical transmutation.
(of a person’s steps) feeble or unsteady.
(of a structure) shaking or swaying as if about to collapse.
(of a system, organization, process, etc.) insecure or on the point of failure.
move in a feeble or unsteady way.
(of a structure) shake or sway as if about to collapse.
(of a system, organization, process, etc.) be insecure or about to fail.