systems to cells Flashcards
what is ‘systems to cells’?
study of key molecular and cellular mechanisms that operate across various tissues.
-maintenance of physiological homeostasis
-disruption can cause disease
roadmap to investigate, understand and ultimately treat complex diseases
what is the first law of thermodynamics?
energy can be transformed from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed
what is energy needed for?
cell growth and division
building new molecules/replacing old ones
movement (muscle contraction is ATP-dependent)
breathing, thinking, speaking etc
what is the energy currency in biology and how is it formed?
ATP - adenosine (adenine + ribose) triphosphate
formed by substrate-level oxidative phosphorylation
*the (chemical) energy is stored in the last phosphate group.
high energy bond between last phosphate (gamma phosphate) and other phosphates.
hydrolysis of this bond releases energy (-7.3kcal/mol or -30.5 KJ/mol)
where in ATP is the chemical energy stored and how much energy is released when the bond is broken?
the (chemical) energy is stored in the last phosphate group.
high energy bond between last phosphate (gamma phosphate) and other phosphates.
hydrolysis of this bond releases energy (-7.3kcal/mol or -30.5 KJ/mol)
how much ATP is in the average human body?
100-250g ATP, daily requirement is 50-75kg
how often is ATP re-formed from ADP each day?
where does ATP come from ?
oxidative phosphorylation of glucose.
ATP is also formed from the process of cellular respiration in the mitochondria of a cell.
what is ΔG?
change in Gibb’s free energy.
measure of how spontaneous a process like a chemical reaction is.
-ve ΔG reactions release energy (require no energy input & are spontaneous)
+ve ΔG reactions require energy input (non-spontaneous)
discuss glucose in terms of a fuel source and the TCA (tricarboxylic acid cycle).
glucose is an excellent fuel.
complete oxidation ΔG= -2840 KJ/mol
broken down to pyruvate by glycolysis.
aerobic (with O2) conditions the pyruvate is converted to acetyl-CoA and this enters the TCA/krebs cycle
anaerobic (no O2) conditions, its converted to lactate.
can be efficiently stored (starch; glycogen)
glucose is a key energy source; brain and nerves have an absolute requirement for glucose for energy (so do erythrocyte, testes, and kidney medulla)
what is glycolysis?
Glycolysis ultimately splits glucose into two pyruvate molecules. One can think of glycolysis as having two phases that occur in the cytosol of cells. The first phase is the “investment” phase due to its usage of two ATP molecules, and the second is the “payoff” phase. Oxygen isn’t required for glycolysis.
how is whole body glucose homeostasis controlled?
blood sugar levels kept constant by a range of homeostatic mechanisms.
when in excess, glucose stored as glycogen (liver/muscle) or triglycerides (adipose).
when levels low, these tissues become net exporters of glycose/fatty acids
hyperglycaemia-high blood glucose
hypoglycaemia- low blood glucose
hyperglycaemia vs hypoglycaemia
hyper- high blood glucose
hypo- low blood glucose
what are the multiple levels in which metabolic pathways involved in glucose metabolism are organised?
e.g. human, migrating bird, hibernating brown bear
e.g. brain, liver, git
e.g. liver and muscle respond differently to high/low glucose
e.g. mitochondria, lipid droplet, cytosol
cells/tissues can change patterns of gene expression in response to nutritional status
what are monosaccharides and disaccharides?
Glucose, galactose, and fructose are common monosaccharides, whereas common disaccharides include lactose, maltose, and sucrose. Starch and glycogen, examples of polysaccharides, are the storage forms of glucose in plants and animals, respectively. The long polysaccharide chains may be branched or unbranched
how is blood glucose controlled?
insulin- released from pancreatic β-ells when blood glucose increases
glucagon- released from pancreatic α-cells when blood glucose levels fall
**insulin and glucagon are hormones
insulin; increased activity of glycogen synthase, reduced activity of glycogen phosphorylase= net store of glycogen
glucagon; decreased activity synthase, increased activity of glycogen phosphorylase
= net breakdown of glycogen.
what is gluconeogenesis?
a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from the non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate/amino acids.
what does hormone insulin do?
increases glucose uptake into fat and muscle;
increases glycogen synthesis in the liver;
inhibits gluconeogenesis in liver;
insulin signals the fed state and the removal of glucose from the blood
insulin turns enzymes glycogen synthase on and glycogen phosphorylase off. (glycogen synthase converts glucose-1-phospahte to glycogen; glycogen phosphorylase does the opposite)
^both reactions are energetically favourable (spontaneous)…reciprocal regulation of enzymes needed; allow the system to quickly react to changes in the blood sugar levels
*gluconeogenesis = a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from the non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate/amino acids.
what does hormone glucagon do?
stimulates gluconeogenesis;
inhibits glycogen synthesis in the liver;
triggers lipid breakdown;
glucagon signals the release of glucose into the blood
*gluconeogenesis = a metabolic pathway that results in the generation of glucose from the non-carbohydrate carbon substrates such as lactate/amino acids.
how is glucose stored?
sugar stored as glucose subunits in the polymer glycogen (mainly in liver and muscle cells)
synthesis and degradation of glycogen is rapidly regulated by need.
Excess glucose is stored in the body as glycogen, a glucose polymer, utilized during fasting. In addition, glucose can be produced through gluconeogenesis, a process involving the breakdown of fats and proteins
what is the fed state?
The fed state occurs within the first few hours after eating as your body digests and absorbs nutrients from food. During this period, your blood sugar levels increase, and higher amounts of insulin are secreted. Insulin is the hormone responsible for transporting sugar from your bloodstream into your cells
describe the metabolic pathway of glucose conversion to glycogen.
Glucose converted to glucode-6-phosphate by hexokinase.
Glucose-6-phosphate converted to glucose-1-phosphate by phosphoglucomutase in reversible reaction.
Glucose-1-phosphate converted to glycogen by glycogen synthase in reaction which is irreversible.
*controlling the activity of these key enzymes allows careful integration of metabolism
Describe the metabolic pathway of glycogen conversion to glucose.
Glycogen converted back to glucose-1-phosphate by glycogen phosphorylase in reaction which is irreversible.
Glucose-1-phosphate converted back to glucose-6-phospahte by phosphoglucomutase.
Glucose-6-phospahte converted back to glucose by glucose-6-phosphatase.
*controlling the activity of these key enzymes allows careful integration of metabolism
what is reciprocal regulation of enzymes?
Reciprocal regulation using allostery- Binding of the same regulator to the enzymes of opposing reactions has the opposite effect (activation for one enzyme, inhibition for the other)
what are the types of mechanisms in which mammalian enzymes are regulated?
changing rate of biosynthesis/degradation LEVELS.
changing ACTIVITY.
changing LOCATION.
what is the most common way in which mammalian enzymes are regulated?
changing ACTIVITY.
a common way to regulate enzyme activity in response to a signal e.g. in response to a hormone, is to use something called reversible covalent modification (the most common is PHOSPHORYLATION)
what is phosphorylation?
Phosphorylation is the addition of a phosphoryl (PO3) group to a molecule. In biological systems, this reaction is vital for the cellular storage and transfer of free energy using energy carrier molecules.
phosphate added to protein by a kinase, transferred from ATP; the removal of phosphate is catalysed by phosphatases. this process can turn enzymes ‘on’ and ‘off’.
>alters the 3D conformation of the target protein because of the high charge density of the protein-bound phosphoryl group, -2 at physiological pH. these often make salt bridges with nearby arginine or lysine residues (positively charged)
phosphorylation involved the covalent addition of a phosphate, transferred from ATO by the action of a class of enzymes called KINASES.
this is reversible, and the removal of the phosphate is catalysed by a group of enzymes called PHOSPHATASES.
how can changes to the enzyme induced by phosphorylation be reversed?
by virtue of the kinase/phosphatase system
what are the two main classes of kinase?
those that phosphorylate TYROSINE residues and those that phosphorylate SERINE/THREONINE residues
what word describes the way in which insulin and glucagon regulate carbohydrate metabolism?
insulin and glucagon regulate carbohydrate metabolism reciprocally.
when one process is highly active, the other one is inhibited.
*do so by coordinating the flux through metabolic pathways
glycogen synthesis vs degradation
The formation of glycogen from glucose is known as glycogenesis, and the breakdown of glycogen to form glucose is called glycogen metabolism or glycogenolysis. Increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) catalyses the breakdown of glycogen (glycogenolysis).
Glucagon promotes degradation. Turns on protein kinase A (PKA). PKA phosphorylates glycogen synthase (turning it off) and phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase (turning it on).
>example of hormone causing phosphorylation of both enzymes; but it turns one ‘off’ and one ‘on’
Insulin promotes glycogen synthesis. It turns on glycogen synthase and turns off glycogen phosphorylase. It does this by switching on protein phosphatase-1, which dephosphorylates both proteins.
mechanisms of insulin vs glucagon
>increased activity of glycogen synthase, reduced activity of glycogen phosphorylase
= net store of glycogen
>gluconeogenesis in the liver is suppressed
> turns ON glycolysis; turns OFF gluconeogenesis
> turns ON glycolytic enzyme gene expression, turns OFF gluconeogenic enzyme gene expression
> blood glucose levels fall
>decreased activity of glycogen synthase, increased activity of glycogen phosphorylase
=net breakdown of glycogen
>gluconeogenesis in liver is increased
>turns OFF glycolysis; turns ON gluconeogenesis
>turns OFF glycolytic enzyme gene expression, turns ON gluconeogenic enzyme gene expression
> blood glucose levels rise
what are biosynthetic and degradative pathways?
almost always distinct; this means that both pathways can be thermodynamically favourable
the rates of metabolic pathways are governed by the activities of key enzymes (not by mass action)
glycogen formation/breakdown is a perfect example of this.
what is an example of allosteric modulation of enzyme activity?
reversible modification
what is allosteric modulation of enzyme activity
Allosteric modulation is the mechanism by which the binding of an allosteric modulator slows or enhances the binding of other substrates to the active site of the allosteric enzyme. Overall, allosteric modulation affects the interaction between a ligand binding to the active site of the enzyme.
what effect do hormones have on cells/tissues?
specific hormones induce specific event in cells/tissues
what happens in cases where the direction of a metabolic pathway has to be reversed?
the pathway is controlled by an irreversible step
what do enzymes do to the energy landscape of a reaction?
The energy required to reach the transition state (the activation energy) constitutes a barrier to the progress of the reaction, limiting the rate of the reaction. Enzymes (and other catalysts) act by reducing the activation energy, thereby increasing the rate of reaction.
>enzymes lower the activation energy for reactions
what is the rate determining step?
the slowest step of a chemical reaction that determines the speed (rate) at which the overall reaction proceeds.
(the rate determining step can be compared to the neck of a funnel)
>this is true in metabolic pathways; often represents a key control point (logical)
A+B+C -> ABC (2 steps)
A+B -> AB (slow)
AB+C -> ABC (fast)
what is the activation energy?
Activation energy is the minimum energy required to cause a process (such as a chemical reaction) to occur.
what are the rate limiting steps in the glycolytic pathway?
- phosphorylation of glucose by hexokinase
- the phosphorylation of fructose-6-phosphate to form fructose-1-6-bisphosphate by fructose-6-phospahte kinase
the generation of fructose-1,6-busphosphate by phosphofructokinase-1 is a key regulatory pathway and is also the rate-limiting step.
> the reaction is coupled to the hydrolysis of ATP and is essentially irreversible
> hence a different pathway must be used to do the reverse conversion during gluconeogenesis
what else apart from phosphorylation can control the activity on an enzyme?
> enzymes can be controlled by allosteric interactions with other molecules
often some of the other molecules and intermediates in the downstream pathway
molecules which potentiate one direction (glycolysis) are often negative regulators of the other direction (gluconeogenesis)
allosteric regulation can be used to superimpose other control pathways on top of a metabolic pathway
what type of hormones are insulin and glucagon and where are they released from?
polypeptide hormones released from the pancreas.
where do insulin and glucagon bind to?
to specific receptors enriched in muscle, liver and fat cells but have opposing actions
summarise glucose homeostasis
blood glucose maintained in normal range about 90mg/100ml
high blood sugar; sensed by pancreatic β cells; β cells release insulin; insulin promotes uptake of glucose by cells; promotes uptake into liver cells, where it is converted to glycogen; this lowers blood glycose.
as blood sugar decreases, the signal triggering the release of insulin decreases, so insulin levels also decrease.
explain the global epidemic of diabetes
diabetes is a growing and massive silent epidemic that has the potential to cripple health services in all parts of the world.
~415 million sufferers worldwide from diabetes (>6x estimates of 10yrs ago)
this figure is likely to more than double by 2050.
>4 million deaths (9% global total) can be attributed to diabetes each year.
diabetes is a risk factor for other diseases (COVID)
what are symptoms of diabetes?
macular degeneration
kidney failure
fatty liver disease
foot ulcers
diet and exercise have a role; fewer people have jobs involving physical labour; genetics is a big component
type 1 vs type 2 diabetes
type 1;
β-cell destruction
autoimmune/idiopathic (unknown aetiology)
insulin is not produced
defect in insulin action- insulin resistance
β-cell dysfunction
what are risk factors of diabetes mellitus?
sedentary lifestyle
discuss the influence of genetics on diabetes
half of all south Asian, black African and African Caribbean people in the UK will develop type-2 diabetes by age of 80. for Europeans, the figure is 20%.
South Asian men are typically 5 years younger on diagnosis and have increased risk of all complications compared to other ethnic groups.
what is the role of leptin and what do mutations cause?
leptin (hormone) signals satiety
mutations cause hyperphagia and hyperglycaemia
hyperphagia =a feeling of extreme, insatiable hunger.
hyperglycaemia = where the level of sugar in your blood is too high
pros and cons of using mouse models in diabetes research
Mice are small and relatively economical to maintain, making them the ideal laboratory animal model. Thousands of laboratory mouse strains are now available, so scientists can therefore choose the ideal mouse model to study different diseases and disease processes.
discuss hibernation in terms of glucose homeostasis
hibernation - a state of altered metabolism
>hibernating animals store massive amounts of fat each autumn
>these serve as the main source of metabolic fuel over winter
>fats are energy rich and have the advantage of generating metabolic water as they are catabolised
>this is entrained by the length of daylight
bears have cycles of high calorie intake (20,000/day), obesity, and long periods with no exercise [humans would predispose to T2D]
-bears can turn on/off insulin resistance to maintain blood sugar. Insulin and glucose levels in the blood remain stable all year.
-gene expression changes responsible. 8 key genes identified (Akt), some not previously associated with glucose homeostasis.
discuss migratory birds in terms of glucose homeostasis
-some birds fly huge distances during their annual migration, often over water requiring constant flight for up to 60h or more at speeds approaching 40kph.
-this is made possible by accumulation of large fat deposits that then are efficiently and selectively mobilised during the flight.
-humming birds have a high sugar diet and high blood sugars- remain ‘healthy’
-some birds accumulate up to 0.15g of triglyceride/day/g body weight (for a typical human this would represent 10kg/day)
-the birds are obese prior to migration; but flight muscles increase in size markedly too
*studying metabolic profile may help us to understand metabolic disease and diabetes in humans
where is the pancreas located?
adjacent to small intestine
what are acinar cells?
Acinar cells are highly polarized pyramidal epithelial cells with microvilli, and their cytoplasm shows strong eosinophilic staining.
found in the pancreas.
secrete digestive enzymes and discrete islets of cells (islets of Langerhans) made of up alpha and beta cells; they are highly vascularised.
what are islets of langerhans?
Islets of Langerhans are islands of endocrine cells scattered throughout the pancreas.
alpha cells secrete glucagon
beta cells secrete insulin
delta cells secrete somatostatin
(A number of new studies have pointed to the potential for conversion of non-β islet cells in to insulin-producing β-cells to replenish β-cell mass as a means to treat diabetes.)
pancreatic duct vs bile duct
The pancreatic duct or duct of Wirsung (also, the major pancreatic duct due to the existence of an accessory pancreatic duct) is a duct joining the pancreas to the common bile duct. This supplies it with pancreatic juice from the exocrine pancreas, which aids in digestion.
A tube that carries bile from the liver and gallbladder, through the pancreas, and into the small intestine. The common bile duct starts where the ducts from the liver and gallbladder join and ends at the small intestine.
The bile ducts carry bile from the liver and gall bladder to the small intestine to help with digestion after a meal. The pancreatic ducts carry digestive enzymes and fluids from the pancreas to the small intestine. The biliary and pancreatic ducts usually join together just before emptying into the small intestine.
what cells in the pancreas secrete insulin?
beta cells
where in the body detect blood glucose levels?
The glucose in the blood is therefore stored in liver and muscle cells in the form of a larger molecule called glycogen. The body is able to detect blood glucose levels via an organ called the pancreas. More specifically, it is detected by areas within the pancreas called islets of Langerhans.
what is the complex polypeptide called that mature mRNA encodes for from the insulin gene?
mRNA translated into protein and protein inserted into lumen of endoplasmic reticulum; this preproinsulin undergoes proteolytic sequential cleavage
*insulin was the first protein sequenced
what is proteolytic cleavage
Proteolytic cleavage. Proteolytic cleavage is basically the process of breaking the peptide bonds between amino acids in proteins. This process is carried out by enzymes called peptidases, proteases or proteolytic cleavage enzymes.
what links polypeptide strands?
disulphide bonds (covalent link)
where are soluble proteins (like insulin) released into on the endoplasmic reticulum?
into the lumen of the ER
what the the steps of translation of preproinsulin?
- Ribosome sees mRNA and starts to read along
- Sees signal sequence – tells ribosome to pause. Translational pause signal.
- Pause point is just as signal sequence is just poking out of ribosome exit tunnel. So this is insulin polypeptide in red.
- Signal sequence is recognised by SRP – signal recognition particle. It grabs the signal sequence really tight.
- By SRP receptor, ribosome passed to complex of proteins called Sec61 translocon complex
- Imagine these to be a gateway into the lumen of the ER
- Want to get insulin into ER lumen
- And that point, translation carried on
- Insulin peptide is co-translationally passed through membrane and into cytosol of ER
- Signal sequence cleaved off by signal peptidase complex
what generates the stability of insulin?
the disulphide bonds
explain the importance of oxidative folding and disulphide bond stability in relation to insulin
> disulphide bonds play an important role in the stability of some proteins (usually proteins secreted to the extracellular medium).
since most cellular compartments are reducing environments in general, disulphide bonds are unstable in the cytosol
this is important because the newly synthesised insulin will only fold and be oxidised in the lumen of the ER.
the formation of the disulphide bonds is crucial for the folding of the molecule into its biologically active form
the cell needs to separate insulin from the cytosol for insulin to adopt the proper biologically active conformation
co-translational insertion of proteins into the ER is a common theme
is proinsulin biologically active?
no- additional processing steps needed (removal of the c-peptide)
through which transporter does glucose from blood diffuse into beta cells in pancreas?
Glucose from blood transported into the beta cell by facilitated diffusion through a glucose transporter GLUT2.
summarise the secretory pathway of macromolecules via vesicular transport
- Made in ER
- Trafficked through ER/golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC)
- Traffic to golgi and through golgi until they reach the trans-golgi network
4.This is a sorting point. - Proteins can go in different places
>Secretory granules
>Consitutively released from cell surface
>Lysosomes - Well conserved pathway – known to take place in every organism (eukaryote)
- Secretory protein, packaged in vessels, sent to cell surface for secretion
- This can be constitutive (going on all the time) or – as in the case of insulin – it can be regulated secretion
- You have the package of insulin, waiting in cell, waiting for the signal to be sent to the membrane to dock and fuse with cell surface
how is all communication between membrane bound compartments mediated?
by vesicular transport
(by budding and fusing)
what are the steps of preproinsulin to insulin?
preproinsulin; a biologically inactive precursor to insulin that is produced in the beta cells of the pancreatic islets.
PREPROINSULIN -> cleavage of signal sequence and disulphide bond formation -> PROINSULIN -> removal of connecting polypeptide -> INSULIN
N terminis- signal sequence- peptide chain B- connecting polypeptide chain A - C terminus
>cleavage of signal sequence and disulphide bond formation
A and B peptide chains parallel and connected by disulphide bonds; still connected by connecting polypeptide
>removal of connecting polypeptide
A and B chains parallel, connected only by disulphide bonds (R-SS-R)
where is preproinsulin translated and inserted?
translated on ribosomes and inserted across the ER membrane.
what happens to insulin sequence inside the ER and at golgi apparatus?
processing begins; the pre-sequence is cleaved by signal peptidase.
disulphide bonds form between the A and B chains which stabilises the 3D structure
proinsulin traffics through the Golgi, before being packaged into secretory granules.
proinsulin is cleaved into insulin and C-peptide by enzymes called pro hormone convertase PC1/3 and PC2.
carboxypeptidase E removes basic residues at the C-terminus
high levels of insulin packages into secretory vesicles by making a crystalline complex with Zn2+ ions selectively pumped into the secretory vesicles.
net result: VERY high insulin concentrations in specialised packages.
in response to a suitable signal, secretory granules fuse with the plasma membrane and release their content (insulin and C-peptide)
summarise vesicular transport of insulin through different membrane compartments to sectretion.
- Preproinsulingene is transcribed to mRNA
- Preproinsulintranslated on ribosomes and is inserted across the ER membrane
- Inside the ER, processing begins, the pre-sequence is cleaved by signal peptidase.Disulphidebonds form between the A and B chains whichstabilisesthe 3D structure.
- Proinsulin traffics to Golgi via vesicular transport
- Proinsulin traffics through the Golgi, before being packaged into secretory granules.
- Proinsulin is cleaved into insulin and C-peptide by enzymes called pro hormone convertase PC1/3 and PC2. Carboxypeptidase E removes basic residues at the C-terminus.
- High levels of insulin packaged into secretory vesicles by making a crystalline complex with Zn2+ions selectively pumped into the secretory vesicles. Net Result: VERY high insulin concentrations inspecialisedpackages.
- In response to a suitable signal, secretory granules fuse with the plasma membrane and release their content (insulin and C-peptide)
why is the process of insulin secretion so complex?
if even a small amount of insulin is released during low blood sugar it is disastrous.
different compartments mediate different functions to correctly process insulin.
membrane trafficking isn’t 100% perfect; if mis-trafficking occurs
e.g. from the ER to the cell surface, the released preproinsulin/proinsulin isn’t biologically active
can package into specialised ‘secretory vesicles’ at very high concentrations and regulate them easily
[compartmentalisation leads to specialisation and hence greater efficiency]
**ability to package insulin into specialised secretory vesicles at high concentrations is extremely important.
the basic idea that you can compartmentalise to create highly efficient systems is the key basis on which eukaryotic life is built
>based on membrane compartmentalisation and membrane trafficking
what is exocytosis?
Exocytosis (/ˌɛksoʊsaɪˈtoʊsɪs/) is a form of active transport and bulk transport in which a cell transports molecules (e.g., neurotransmitters and proteins) out of the cell (exo- + cytosis). As an active transport mechanism, exocytosis requires the use of energy to transport material.
e.g. release of hormones from vesicles by - regulated exocytosis
regulated exocytosis; a common mechanism in many endocrine, neuroendocrine and entero-endocrine cells.
explain insulin release.
> insulin is released in response to elevation in blood sugar- the main physiological trigger
regulated exocytosis
in response to this trigger, the insulin vesicles have to dock and fuse with the plasma membrane and release their contents