Systems of survey Flashcards
What is a Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)
Streamlined system of survey for statatory certificates
3 month window before and after anniversary date to carry out survey
Depending on the survey program it may be an anual, intermediate, periodical or renewal survey
You can’t go beyond the newal date unless the ship applies for an extension.
In this system, MCA authorisation of survey responsibility to the “Recognised Organisations” is extended so that the classification society can issue all ‘hardware’ certification but MCA retain oversight of all the surveys and issue a Certificate of Inspection (MSF 1114) as confirmation that authority to conduct surveys and issue statutory certification has been authorised to a Recognised Organisation for a specific vessel.
Except for ISM, ISPS and MLC i.e.
Operational matters e.g. Safety Management, Security, and Living and Working Conditions Certification remains the responsibility of the MCA.
This scheme extends the authorisation given by ACS to include ISM/ISPS/MLC certification. This only applies to certain “Eligible Companies” and “Selected Ships”, which are determined using a risk model.
and not passenger ships
Principles of HSSC: intervals between surveys?
based on initial, annual, intermediate and periodical and renewal survey. Except Marrpol annex IV which includes an initial and renewal survey
How many months before renewal date can you complete the renewal survey without loosing period of validity
3 months
What is the time window to complete the annual, intermediate and periodical surveys?
6 months, 3 months either side of anniversary
Maximum period of validity for a cargo ship certs?
5 years
Max period of validity for passenger ship safety certificate
12 months
Extension of certificates can be given for how many months?
limited to 3 months to enable the ship to complete it’s voyage. 1 month for vessels engaged on short voyages
How often must the ships bottom be inspected?
Flexible system:
Minimum of 2 inspections within any 5 year period.
Interval no greater than 36months
What can a Cargo Ship Safety Certificate under SOLAS 74/88 be a alternative for
Cargo ship safety construction certificate, cargo ship safety equipment and cargo ship safety construction certificate
The harmonised system of survey is a flexible system so long as….
the minimum pattern of surveys are maintained
Conventions that come under the HSSC
Ballast water
Ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (IBC code)
Ships carrying dangerous liquified gases in bulk (IGC Code)
Ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (BCH Code)
Polar code
What is the initial survey?
A complete examination, before the ship is put into service, of ALL ITEMS relating to the certificate to be issued, to ensure that they meet all relevant requirements, and that they are satisfactory for the ship’s intended service
What is Periodical Survey
A complete examination of ALL ITEMS relating to a certificate to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition, and that they are fit for the ship’s intended service.
What is the Renewal survey?
A complete examination of ALL ITEMS relating to a certificate as for a periodical survey, but leading to the issue of a new certificate
What is the Intermediate Survey.
An inspection of SPECIFIED ITEMS relating to a certificate to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition, and that they are fit for the ship’s intended service.
What is the Annual Survey
A GENERAL inspection of the items relating to a certificate to ensure that they have been maintained and remain fit for the ship’s intended service.
What is the Inspection of the Outside of the Ships Bottom
An inspection of the UNDERWATER part of the ship and related items to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition and that they are fit for the ship’s intended service.
What is the Additional Survey
An inspection, either GENERAL or PARTIAL according to circumstance, to be made whenever any important repairs or renewals are made.
What certificates come under SOLAS Chapter I - General provisions
Cargo ship safety certificate
Cargo ship safety equipment Cert
Cargo ship Safety construction cert
Cargo ship safety radio cert
Passenger safety certificate
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter II - 1- Construction - Structure subdivision and stability?
Intact stability booklet
Damage control plans and booklet
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter II - 2 - Construction: Fire Protection, Fire detection, fire extinction
Fire safety training manual
Fire safety Operational Booklet
Onboard training and drill records
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter III - Life saving appliances?
SOLAS training manual
Passenger ship Decision support system for masters
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter IV - Radio Communications
GMDSS requirements
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter V - Safety of Navigation
Minimum safe manning VDR Certificate of Compliance Passenger ship Search and rescue Co operation plan Passenger ship operational limitations Voyage planning Master's discretion
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter VI - Carriage of cargoes and Oil fuels
Document of Authorisation for carrying grain
Cargo info - Oxygen analysis and MSDSs
Cargo securing manual
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter VII - Dangerous Goods
Dangerous goods manifests
Stowage plans
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter VIII - Nuclear ships
International Certificate for the carriage of INF cargo
Nuclear cargo ship safety certificate
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter IX - ISM
Document of Compliance
Safety management certificate
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter X - High speed craft
HSC Certificate
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter XI - Special measures to enhance maritime safety
Enhanced survey report
Continuous Synopsis report
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter XII - Additional measures for bulk carriers
Bulk Carrier Booklet
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter XIII - Verfication of complience
None - more for the port state
What certificates/ documents come under SOLAS Chapter XIV - Safety measures for ships in Polar Waters
Polar code
Polar ship certificate
Polar water operational manual
What are the 6 ISM audit areas?
- Certification and documentation
- Resources and Personnel
- Inspection and maintenance
- Emergency prepardness
- Shipboard operations
- Systems Management
What are the 6 ISPS audit areas?
- Responsibilities of officers and crew
- Correct security level
- Ship stores checked
- Security equipment checked
- Access control areas
- Ship security plan
What are the 10 MLC Audit areas?
- Medical certification and care on ship
- SEAS/Wages
- Hours of work and rest
- Leave and repatriation
- Accomodation and recreational facilities
- Food and catering
- health and safety accident and prevention
- Seafarers complaints
- Safe manning docs/ manning levels
- Certification
Your vessel will undergo an ISM audit at the next port.
How would you prepare and conduct this?
Hold a head of department meeting and review previous audit reports and designate roles and responsibilities
Master - Master's review Internal audits SMS file Resources and personnel Vessel documentation
C/E - SMS Maintenance (ship/equip) Emergency prepardness Shipboard operations Defect reporting
C/O - PMS - Deck maintenance
Cargo operations
Maintenance (ship/equip)
Emergency preparedness
Documents to have ready before audit
- Ships statutory certs
- Class certs and survey status reports and conditions of class
- Stability book
- Oil record book part 1
- Garbage record book
- Officer CoC and CoEC
- SEAs (Seafarer employment agreement
- Safety management manuals
- Training and familiarisation records
- Records of drills
- Details of accidents, non conformities and hazardous occurances
- Minutes of safety meetings
- Planned maintenance records
- Cargo loading/ discharge plans
- Permit to work records
- Records of previous internal audits
- Hours of rest records
- Port state control inspection records
An observation is made during audit, what does this mean?
A statement of fact made during a safety management audit.
Something of minor issue, which must be corrected, no evidence is required
e.g grease on deck
A non conformity is made during audit, what does this mean?
This is a deviation from the ISM code. This must be rectified within 3 months from date of audit
eg drill not completed as per drill matrix
An major non conformity is made during audit, what does this mean?
A deviation from the ISM code which poses a serious threat to the safety of life, ship or environment. The ship can not sail with a major non conformity
eg lifeboat davit not working properly
How would you know if you vessel follows the Alternative compliance Scheme of survey?
In the certificates folder there will a certificate of inspection from the classification society
How would you know if your vessel is part of the Enhanced Authorisation Scheme?
The vessel would receive an authorisation letter renewed every 12 months
What is a full certificate
the certificate is valid for the whole term
What is a short term certificate?
Example, vessel laid up and arrangements are being made to get to a dry dock for works, surveyor may be able to issue a short term certificate for the voyage.
Vessel involved in collision or grounding. In port repairs made to make vessel seaworthy, a short term certificate maybe issued to get to a proper port for permanent repairs
What is an equivilant certificate
Compliance with a regulation/ convention however using a substitution material, appliance, apparatus or procedure; surveyor may issue with an equivilant certificate
What is an exemption
Vessel is exempt from complying with a certain regulation.
What is a temporary disponsation
Not complying with a international regulation but correspond substantially. Temporary disponsation maybe issued to allow vessel to continue voyage until rectified
An ISM survey is due, what documentation will you prepare?
Hours of rest planned maintenance system records Drill reports Cargo loading plans Lashing plans Crew safety and security familiarisations Filed permits to work Risk assessments Toolbox talks Ballast water plans Fresh water plan Safety management certificate Copy of Document of compliance
How long is a SMC valid for
5 years, anual survey yearly and intermediate survey between years 2 and 3
How long is the document of compliance for the company valid for
1 year, every year it needs renewing
Harmonised system of survey key points
Streamlines survey dates for convention certificates
conducted by flag state
window of survey +-3 months from survey
Alternative compliance scheme key points?
MCA authorise recognised organisation (classification socety) to carry out convention surveys.
However not ISM ISPS or MLC
At sea and realise the cargo ship safety equipment certificate is going to be out of date, what can you do?
Contact DPA,
Apply to the MCA for an extension on the certificate and provide evidence that the equipement is in good working order
Why may a ship get an extention on survey period
Surveyor has started the survey however was not able to complete it, the ship can get an extension up to 5 months.
Or if there is no surveyor available to carry out a survey, an extension can be applied for.