Loadlines and Seaworthiness Flashcards
What is a load line?
A visual representation that the vessel is operating within acceptable parameters and is not overloaded
Keeping within loadline and intact stability criteria are two important aspects of maintaining the ……………………. of the vessel
How to obtain a load line certificate?
satisfying a surveyor that the ship has been properly constructed and is maintained to ensure it can maintain a level of watertight integrity even in the event of an emergency situation.
What are the load line zones?
Tropical Fresh Fresh Tropical Summer Winter Winter North Atlantic
Loadlines zones distances between?
S – Summer :- It is the basic freeboard line at the same level as the Plimsol Line. Other load lines are marked based on this Summer freeboard line.
T – Tropical :- It is 1/48th of summer draft marked above the Summer load line.
W – Winter :- It is 1/48th of summer draft marked below the Summer load line.
WNA – Winter North Atlantic :- It is marked 50mm below the Winter load line. It applies to voyages in North Atlantic ( above 36 degrees of latitude) during winter months.
F – Fresh Water :- It is the summer fresh water load line. The distance between S and F is the Fresh Water Allowance (FWA).
TF – Tropical Fresh Water :- It is the fresh water load line in Tropical. It is marked above the T at an amount equal to FWA.
There are different load line zones to reflect the difference in temperature and salinity of water around the world, why?
Warmer water provides less buoyancy than colder water as it is less dense and fresh water is less dense than seawater.
Where is the load line situated
The loadline is positioned at midships on each side of the ship and indicates the draft to which a ship may be legally loaded for the geogrpahical area and time of the year it is operating in
UK Load line certificate, who does this apply to?
vessels less than 24 m in length or under 150 gt as the international load line regulations do not apply to these vessels
What vessels do the International loadline regulations apply to?
Vessels over 150gt or 24 m in length
How long is the load line certificate valid for?
5 years
What is the difference between the anual and intermediate survey
Anual survey is a general survey
Intermediate survey look at specific areas
What is a periodical survey?
A complete examination of every item realated to the certificate
What are the different types of survey related to the load line certificate?
Initial survey- complete examination
Annual survey- general inspection
Periodical survey between years 2 and 3 - complete examination
Renewal survey.
Because of the harmonised system of survey of being able to complete an annual +_ 3months, the periodical survey can be be completed with the annuals
In port and load line survey can’t be completed, what should you do
Inform the DPA
Inform the flag state and apply for an extension, on the back of the certificate there is a section for an extension
Where should the loadline be displayed
It is a requirement that the loadline certificate is fixed to a bulkhead on display
What are conditions of assignment
During an initial survey the freeboard will be assigned to the vessel and different vessel types such as tankers have less openning so may have a lower freeboard and this will be marked on the back of the certificate as a condition of assignment
What are the types of freeboard that can be issued to the vessel
Type A- tankers Type B - any vessel not a tanker Type B with reduced freeboard - Type B with increased freeboard Type B with timber freeboard- timber gives a virtual increase in reserve buoyancy
What are the hazards with timber deck cargo
Cargo shift
Ice accretion
Absorbing water in bad weather which leads to a decrease in stability
There should be a quick release wire to jetison the cargo
Load line survey due, what preperations will you make?
Check the current certificate and conditions of assignment on the back
The purpose of the survey may be stated and checked before hand
Check any external openning of the vessel i.e. seals weathertight doors, bulkwalks, watertight doors, scuppers, sea chests, sea suctions, freeing ports, vents
Check the vessel loading data, cargo securing manual and stability information booklet
Contents of cargo securing manual
List and description of cargo securing equipment
Calculations of lashing equipment required for cirtain wieght cargos
Recommended guidance
for us of
Contents of vessel stability booklet
SOLAS chap 2
Intact stbility code
In the working language of the vessel
Contains sufficient data to enable the Master to opperate the ship in compliance with the intact stability code.
General description of the vessel
Instructions how to use the booklet
General arrangement plan showing water tight compartments
Hydrostatic curves or tables and cross curves of stability
Capacity plan
Tank sounding tables
Load restrictions i.e. max KG or min GM curve or table
Standard operating conditions and examples for developing other operating conditions
brief description of stability calculations
general precautions to prevent internal flooding
Inclination test report
What items are checked as part of the loadline survey
Any way water can get into the vessel checked
Any way to get water out of the vessel checked
Guard rail broken before you sail, what do you do
Any damage and the loadline certificate is invalid,
Inform DPA and flag state, and classification society.
Surveyor needs to come down to the vessel to check any temporary repairs.
A temporary disponsation can be issued if surveyor seems fit. If not, proper repairs would need to be carried out before sailing
When is summer and wintet according to loadline
16 October to 15th april is winter