Systems Engineering for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - Part 1. Flashcards
Define a system
A set of interrelated components functioning together toward some common objective or purpose.
An “engineered” system consists of technical or socio-technical elements that exhibits emergent properties not exhibited by its individual elements.
What are the elements of a system?
- Components - the parts of a system.
- Attributes - the properties of the components and the system as a whole.
- Relationships - between pairs of linked components.
Main focuses of Systems Engineering
- defining customer needs and required functionality early in the
development cycle, - documenting requirements, and then
- proceeding with design, synthesis and system validation while
- considering the complete problem: operations, cost and schedule,
performance, training and support, test, manufacturing, and disposal.
What are the 3 parts in the conceptual view of ‘system thinking’?
- Synthesis - conceptual design.
- Analysis - assessment of the design based on engineering principles.
- Evaluation - the process of determining whether an item or activity meets specified criteria.
Define a stakeholder
Those influencing or influenced by the system.
Define verification
Verification is wondering if the system is right and does it meet the given requirements?
Define validation
Validation is wondering if the system on hand is the right system? Is it fit for the purpose?
Life cycle definitions?
- The period of time that begins when a system is conceived and ends when the system is no longer available for use
- A generic term covering all phases of acquisition, operation, and logistics support of an item, beginning with concept definition and continuing through disposal of
the item; - The total life span of an aeronautical system beginning with the concept formulation phase and extending through the operational phase up to retirement from the inventory.
Define concurrent engineering
The overall system consists of 4 concurrent life cycles running in parallel.
Define a UAS
Systems of various complexities comprising of subsystems which include:
- UAV.
- UAV Payloads.
- Control stations.
- Aircraft launch and recovery sub-systems
- Support, communication and transport subsystems etc.
Advantages of UAS
- No (human) physical, mental, or physiological constraints (Memory, errors, training, etc)
- Ideally suited for DDD (dirty, dull and dangerous) missions
- Lower cost operation with reduced risks to human life
- Fewer survivability concerns
- No space required for aircrew and weight is reduced
- Smaller size and decreased radar, acoustical, and infrared signatures.
- Size mostly determined by the size of the payload: Miniaturization in electronics and other components means smaller and cheaper UAVs
- Augment existing capabilities via sophisticated electronics or weapons systems
Disadvantages of UAS
- On-board intelligence is either simple or easily spoofed
- Off-board intelligence is bandwidth limited
UAS Military Mission, and list some examples of military UAS.
Mission: Military applications focus on weapons delivery and guided missile support as
well as guiding missiles, directing artillery and spotting enemy positions.
* Intelligence, surveillance and
* Weapons delivery
* Cargo transport
* Search and rescue
* Pilot augmentation
* Location/destruction of land mines
UAS Civil Mission, and list some examples of civil UAS.
The scope of civilian applications of UAS is wider and is open to the imagination.
* Recreational
* Traffic management
* Point-to-point delivery
* Disaster management
* Wildfire evacuation
* Weather monitoring
* Security and surveillance
* Wildlife monitoring
* Aerial surveying (LIDAR)
* Precision agriculture and farming
* Construction and infrastructure inspection
* Photography, film and television
Stages of a UAS mission profile
A. Take-off run; B. Climb; C. Cruise out; D. Monitoring;
E. Cruise back; F. Approach; G. Landing.
Stages of the UAS transition points
- Engine ignition; 2. Take-off; 3. Operational altitude point 4. Start monitoring; 5. End monitoring; 6. Start descent; 7. Landing; 8. Stop engine.
Define the Control Station in the UAS.
The man–machine interface within the UAS.
Name some of the sub-systems in a CS in a UAS
- UAV Flight controls.
- Payload recognition, monitoring and control sub-system.
- Ground communication elements
- Navigation displays.
- Terrestrial map displays.
- Communication systems.
Define bandwidth
Width of its allocated range of frequencies.
What are the 3 communication medias for GCS and the aircraft and back
Laser: Atmospheric absorption limits the range and reduced reliability.
Fibre-optics: Special roles which require flight at a low altitude, high data rate transmission and high security.
Radio: Only system operative for communication between the UAV and its controller, directly or via satellites.
Function of the vehicle in the UAS
The function of the air vehicle/aircraft is to carry the mission payload and the subsystems
required for it to operate, i.e. communications link, stabilisation and control equipment, power
plant and fuel, electrical power supplies; and basic airframe structure and mechanisms for
launch and recovery.
Order of UAV becoming smaller
MUAV (mini UAV)
micro UAV
SD (Small dust)
All parts of a UAV
- Lifting surfaces.
- Control surfaces.
- Fuselage.
- Internal structures.
- Propulsion system.
- Energy sources.
- Command, communication and control systems.
- Payload.
- Takeoff and landing gear.
Main on-board avionics equipment
IMUS (Inertia measurement units)
GPS signal
Micro-PNT (positioning, navigation and timing)
EO/IR (Multi-spectral day and night observation systems)
Video tracking systems and radars.
Non-dispensable payloads
Sensors, cameras
Dispensable payloads
Armament for military etc, crop-spraying fluid, firefighting materials.
Launch, recovery and retrieval systems
Required for aircraft without VTOL.
Launch: The aircraft is accelerated along a ramp on a trolley.
Recovery: A parachute deployed at a suitable altitude over the landing zone sometimes with an additional means of absorbing the impact energy. Or a large net or carousel in which the aircraft is flown and caught.
Design and technology challenges - System level
- Concepts of Operation
- Communications availability/reliability
- Multi-UAV operations
- UAVs in manned airspace
Design and technology challenges - Air Vehicle
- Reliability and Safety
- Very long endurance
- Survivability
- Cost
Design and technology challenges - Mission Control
- Reliability and Safety
- Operators per vehicle
- Multi-vehicle control
- Cost
Design and technology challenges - Payloads
- Auto target recognition
- On board data processing
- Data compression
- Cost
Design and technology challenges - Support system
- Reliability and Safety
- Logistics footprint
- Off base support
- Aerial refueling
- CostD
Define an operator
Person or organisation that organises and manages how a UAV is used.
Operator is legally accountable for the safe management of the aircraft and responsible for the preparation, training, planning and oversight of flights by anyone using the operator’s
Define the pilot
Person responsible for carrying out the flight safely within the management framework set out by the operator.
3 categories of flying
Open - Basic, low risk.
Specific - Covers operations with a greater risk than those in the open, or where one or more elements of the operation fall outside of the boundaries of the open cat.
Certified - Risk equivalent to that of manned aviation.
Regulations require UAVs to remain within 400ft distance of the Earth.
Unique human factors challenges of UAS
- Reduced sensory cues (for pilot)
- Control and communication via radio link
- Physical characteristics of the control station
- Transfer of control during ongoing operations
- Unconventional characteristics of unmanned aircraft
- Flight termination
- Reliance on automation
- Widespread use of interfaces based on consumer products (COTS*)
Define the Synthesis Aspect of SE
The combining of information, concepts, constraints, components or elements to establish a complete and consistent system architecture.
Define the Analysis Aspect of SE
Examining and breaking information into component parts, determining how the parts relate to one another, based upon engineering principles.
Define the Evaluation Aspect of SE
The process of determining whether an item or activity meets
specified criteria
Define the acquisition phase
Initial concept, design and development.
Define the utilisation phase
In-service operation by a customer and disposal.
Explain the Concept Aspect in a lifecycle
To understand the customer’s requirements, to generate ideas and to arrive at a conceptual model of a solution to address customer’s needs.
* Define the problem and identify the need (requirements)
* System planning and architecting
* Develop system operational requirements
* Exploratory feasibility studies
* Propose a maintenance plan for the support of the system
* Identify technical performance measures and related design criteria
* System-level functional analysis and requirement allocation to
* System analysis and trade-off studies
* Design review
Explain the definition aspect of the lifecycle.
Develops the reviewed concept and develops it to examine the practicality of developing a complete and definitive design.
- Developing the concept into a firm definition of a solution
- Developing system architectures and system
- Re-evaluating the supplier base to establish what equipment, components and materials needed for the emerging design
- Defining physical and installation characteristics and interface requirements
- Developing models of the individual systems
- Quantifying key systems performance measures such as: mass, volume, growth capability, range/endurance, …
- Identifying risk and introducing mitigation plans
- Selecting and confirming appropriate technology
Explain the Design Aspect of lifecycle tasks
Takes the definition phase architectures and schemes (preliminary design) and
refines them to a standard that can be manufactured (detailed design).
- Detailed design of the sub-systems and components.
- Development of engineering and prototype models.
- Verification of manufacturing and production processes.
- Selection of suppliers of bought-in equipment and
- Production planning: to achieve a fully certifiable design of
complex integrated systems, an integrated design team
comprising platform integrators and suppliers is essential.
Explain the Build aspect of lifecycle tasks
The A/C is manufactured to the drawings and data issued by design. This includes the
fabrication of detailed sub-assemblies and their assembly into a complete airframe,
together with the installation of pipes, ducts wiring harnesses, and equipment.
- Production and/or construction of system Components.
- Supplier production activities.
- Acceptance testing.
- System distribution and operation.
- Developmental/operational test and evaluation.
- Interim contractor support.
- System assessment
Explain the Test Aspect of Lifecycle Tasks
Are the aircraft and its components fit for purpose?
- Ground and flight testing of the aircraft.
- System modifications for improvement.
- Contractor support.
- System assessment (Field data collection and analysis)
Explain the Operate Aspect of Lifecycle Tasks
The customer is operating the A/C on a daily basis. Any defects or faults are analysed by the manufacturer through a formal defect reporting process to monitor A/C performance.
- System operation in the user environment.
- Sustaining maintenance and logistic support.
- Operational testing.
- System assessment (Operational data collection and analysis)
Explain the Retire Aspect of Lifecycle Tasks
Considerations at the retirement stage:
- Assisting the customer in identifying components for safe storage.
- Understanding the requirements for disposing of potentially hazardous components and consumables, such as fuels, oils, greases, refrigerants, …
- Recording the decision in project records.
- Ensuring that all design authority records of design and qualification are archived in safe storage for period of time defined by relevant regulations.
- This is essential to provide advice to purchasers of redundant aircraft.
Explain the Refurbish Aspect of Lifecycle Tasks
Change of role of aircraft due to obsolescence or customer wishes; e.g. commercial passenger aircraft to freight or in-flight refuelling roles.
Considerations at the refurbishment stage:
- Record the decision in project records.
- Ensure that all design authority records of design and qualification are archived in safe storage for a period of time to support the aircraft that continue in service during the refurbishment.
- Return the existing type record to the concept phase to the
refurbishment design to commence.
What are the sources of requirements?
- Customer requirements
- Regulations
- Standards
- Internal requirements
Types of requirements
- Functional requirements: identifies and describes what function(s) or service(s) a system should
perform, e.g. passenger comfort, power management, aircraft movement control - Performance requirements : measures how well a system performs a function or executes a mission.
For instance: mission range, payload. - Design requirements : are design characteristics such as physical dimensions, tolerances, …
Derived requirements: arise from higher-level requirements and defined as the development progresses.
They represent a significant portion of the system cost. - Derived requirements
- Allocated requirements : are top-level requirements that are broken into multiple lower-level
requirements, e.g. electrical loads, weight, fuel consumption, noise.
The CONOPS is a document for all the stakeholders, of any background or role within the system, that answers the who, what, when, where, why, and how for the system.
The main objectives are:
*Stakeholder identification and communication
* High-level system definition
* Foundation for lower-level system description
* Definition of major user classes and user activities
Define/ what is the purpose of functional analysis and allocation
To transform requirements into a coherent description of system functions. Done by arranging functions in logical sequences, decomposing high-level functions into lower-level functions and allocating performance from higher to lower level functions.
What are TMPs (Technical Performance Measures)
Quantitative values (estimates, predicted, and/or measured) that describe system performance.
What is QFD (Quality Function Deployment)
Translates customers’ needs into system requirements into technical solutions.
QFD enables:
- Ranking of customers’ needs priorities.
-Identification of synergy or conflict between engineering requirements.
- Comparison with other existing products.
What are the main elements of a trade-off analysis?
- State the problem in terms of the stakeholders’ needs.
- Evaluation criteria in terms of TPMs. Use HoQ to identify the important ones.
- Requirements discovery and risk analyses are critical for weights and score choices.
- Always perform a sensitivity analysis.- It reveals which inputs and parameters are most important and most likely to affect system behaviour and/or model predictions.
What is a N-squared diagram?
It’s a matrix used to identify and track the interactions between systems, sub-systems and components.
List the entries of the house of quality. What are the inputs, the outputs? Discuss what information they provide.
‣ [1] This room contains the properties of the product as seen by the customer: the
‣ [2] The number in this room indicates the weight of each “WHAT” or product attribute,
according to customer. This goes on a scale from 1 to 5 (or any other scale: only
relative importance is relevant).
‣ [3] In this room we compare our product design to other similar products for each
“WHAT”. This is usually done via market research.
‣ [4] This room contains the technical parameters as seen by the designers, the “HOWs.”
‣ [5] Here we assess the effect of the technical parameters on the product attributes. This
can be either strong (9), medium (3), low (1) or non-existing (0).
‣ [6] To fill in the fields of the bottom rows in this room, we simply need to add up all the
values of the columns above them.
‣ [7] These values indicate the correlation between every pair of technical parameters.
They can effect each other in a strong way (9), a medium way (3), a light way (1) or not
at all (0).
‣ [8] Finally, based on the results that were found, we give target values to the technical
parameters in this room
Common mistakes in the trade-off studies?
Not stating the problem in terms of stakeholder needs
* Using dependent criteria
* Vague problem statement
* Substituting a related attribute
* Sensitivity analysis mistakes
* Forer effect (wrongly adopting previously existing criteria)
* Weight of importance mistakes
* Anchoring and the status quo
* Treating gains and losses equally
* Not using scoring functions
* Implying false precision
Describe the process of the system integration and evaluation process? (but the wrong way around)
- Operational test and evaluation.
- Developmental test and evaluation.
- System integration and test.
- Subsystem integration and test.
- Component test.
In the system integration and evaluation process, explain more about the test planning and preparation?
- reviewing system requirements and defining detailed plans for integration and
system testing, and - defining the test requirements and functional architecture.
In the system integration and evaluation process, explain more about the system integration?
- integrating the tested components into sub-systems and the sub-systems into a total operational system by the sequential aggregation and testing of the constituent elements, and
- designing and building integration test equipment and facilities needed to support
the system integration process and demonstrating end-to-end operation.
In the system integration and evaluation process, explain more about the developmental system testing?
- performing system-level tests over the entire operating regime and comparing system performance with expectations,
- developing test scenarios exercising all system operating modes, and
- eliminating all performance deficiencies.
In the system integration and evaluation process, explain more about the operational test and evaluation?
- performing tests of system performance in a fully realistic operational environment by an independent test agent and
- measuring degree of compliance with all operational requirements and evaluating the readiness of the system for full production and operational deployment.
What is the purpose of systems integration?
To assemble a system that is consistent with the architectural design. System build is built bottom-up.
This process should correctly identify and describe all physical, logical, and human-system interfaces and interactions, and verify that all system element
functional, performance, and design requirements and constraints are satisfied.
Component level of a system build?
ability of a component to contribute to the overall system in which it resides.
Example: the assembly of an electric motor, rotary valve, associated pipework, mounting flanges and connectors into a motorised valve of the aircraft fuel system.
System level in a system build
Merging of discrete functions and characteristics previously performed by discrete control items into common areas of control. For instance, the utility systems management system
(USMS) is designed to perform the functions previously hosted in 20 to 25 items of equipment in 4
general purpose computing modules.
Process level in a system build
The progressive build-up of product components into a single, working and tested
Functional level in a system build
Identification of integrated functions that are an amalgamation of many individual
functions to form a demonstrable measure of performance. For instance, the combination of subsystems to form an integrated function such as guidance and control.
Information level in a system build
Recording and authorisation of information to define, design, document and certify
fitness for purpose of the complete system. The documentation of every stage of the aircraft design, development, modelling and testing is a fundamental requisite for certification.
Prime contract level in a system build
Ability to design, develop and manufacture a complex product that precisely meets the customer’s requirement throughout the product lifecycle. Typical of military contracts
where a single contractor takes responsibility for the management of all the aspects of providing a
product that will meet the customer’s requirements.
Emergent properties in a system build
a phenomenon of interactions between subsystems that may not have been purposely designed but arise as a result of emergent properties of the constituent systems. For instance, heat dissipation might compromise the thermal signature of a stealth aircraft.
What are the 3 main categories of test and evaluation?
- Developmental test and evaluation.
- Acceptance test and evaluation.
- Operational test and evaluation
Developmental test and evaluation (DT&E).
DT&E refers to the test and evaluation activities undertaken during the acquisition phase of the system life cycle to support the design and development effort. DT&E activities may also occur during the utilization phase to support such activities as modification development.
Acceptance test and evaluation (AT&E)
As DT&E completion approaches, AT&E activities become increasingly relevant. AT&E represents the formal acceptance testing conducted on the system to enable the customer to accept the system from the contractor. AT&E effectively forms the boundary or transition between the acquisition phase and the utilization phase. Unlike DT&E and operational test and evaluation
(OT&E), AT&E tends to be a discrete testing activity (with a defined start and a defined
Operational test and evaluation (OT&E).
OT&E is the term sometimes associated with the test and evaluation effort that is focused on the functional or operational testing of the system and its components, conducted under realistic operational conditions by
operational personnel. OT&E is normally conducted for a period of time following acceptance of the system by the customer, although limited OT&E activities are
possible during acquisition, especially where a long production cycle means that some systems have been accepted prior to other systems being produced, or when concept demonstrators are being used.
Technical reviews and audits?
Technical reviews and audits provide both the customer and contractor with a measure of progress towards the goal of
successfully introducing a system into service, while reducing the technical risks associated with the system development.
Reviews and audits achieve this by:
* Providing a formal evaluation of the design maturity.
* Measuring and reporting on planned and actual performance.
* Clarifying and prioritizing design requirements.
* Evaluating and establishing the system baselines at discrete points in the design process.
* Providing an effective means of formal communications between the stakeholders.
* Recording design decisions and rationales for later reference.
What are the most important parts of engineering specialities?
- Engineering specialities
- Safety, reliability and risk.
- Risk analysis.
- Reliability analysis.
- Safety engineering
Define reliability
The ability of an item to operate under designated operating conditions for a designated period of time or number of cycles.
Define availability
The probability that an item will be operational at a given time.
Define hazard
A physical situation with a potential for human injury, damage to property, damage to the environment or some
combination of these.
Define risk
The frequency at which an individual, or a population, may
be expected to sustain a given level of harm from the realisation
of specified hazards.
Define safety
Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
What are the 3 potential sources of risk?
Technical risk
Based on the likelihood that the program as planned will be unable to deliver a product or service to satisfy the technical requirements. Therefore well-documented, defined, and quantified technical requirements are necessary to define a technical risk.
Schedule risk
results from the likelihood that the program actions may not be accomplished in the planned program timing.
A detailed program schedule identifying each accomplishment
and the critical path is necessary to develop schedule risks.
Cost risk
results from the likelihood that the program may not accomplish planned tasks within the planned budget. Budget is the forecast of all costs planned for a given project, and funding is the supply of money provided to accomplish it.
Explain how/what makes up a risk analysis?
Risk assessment - identifying sources of potential harm, assessing the likelihood that harm will occur and the consequences if harm does occur.
Risk management - evaluates which of the risks identified in the risk assessment process require management and selects and implements the plans or actions that are required to ensure that those risks are controlled.
Risk communication - involves an interactive dialogue between stakeholders, risk assessors and risk managers which actively informs the other processes.
Equation to quantify the risk
Risk = likelihood x impact.
Likelihood - is the probability that a negative event will occur
Impact - is a measure of the specific (cost, schedule, and/or technical) impact on program goals if the risk was to occur.
Steps in risk management
- Identify potential risks
- Analyse and assess risks
- Develop a risk plan
- Execute risk plan, and
- Track and monitor
Explain the basic SE principle?
Form - what are the entities composed of?
Function - what are the entities intended to do?
Define a requirement
- An essential condition that a system has to satisfy.
- The need or demand for personnel, equipment, facilities, other resources, or services, by specified quantities for specific periods of time or at a specified time
- A condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification or other formally imposed documents.
What are the 4 parts of GNC?
- Radio-controlled system. (transmitter/ receiver of navigation instructions via EM waves)
- Video- base.
- Autopilot.
- Inertial Navigation. (when losing GNSS satellite signal - consists of inertial measurement units with a set of gyroscopes, accelerometers and INUs - provides data on linear acceleration and is relayed to the operator, who can use it to manoeuvre the drone)
What are the main functions of a control system in a UAS?
- UAV flight controls - to present UAV status and interface with the UAV automatic flight control system.
- Payload recognition, monitoring and control sub-system - to recognise the type of payload installed in the UAV and to operate the payload controls.
- Ground communication elements (encoders, transmitter and receiver) of the link between the CS and UAV.
- Navigation displays - monitoring the positions and flight path.
- Terrestrial map displays - With computers to enable mission planning and the calculations for it.
- Communication systems - other players in the system to obtain data for weather conditions and to receive mission requirements.
Name all the lighter than air configurations
- Blimp.
- Balloon.
Name all the heavier than air UAV configurations
- Fixed wing.
- Hybrid.
- Small UAV.
- VTOL fixed wing.
- Tilt wing.
- Tilt engine.
Rotary wing:
- Multi-rotor
- Single-rotor
- Tri-copter
- Conventional
- Quad-copter
- Coaxial
- Hexa-copter
- Nano
UAV Characteristics: HALE
- Carry a sophisticated and heavy payload over long distances (3000+ km) and for a long time.
Design considerations:
- minimise the aerodynamic drag within installation and operation constraints.
- optimise the structure to obtain the highest possible ratio of load to aircraft gross mass.
- install a reliable power-plant which provides an adequate level of power at altitude.
UAV Characteristics: Medium-Range (Fixed-Wing)
These are with the surveillance payload and the power plant at opposite ends with the fuel tank mounted near the centre of mass.
UAV Characteristics: Medium-Range (Rotary-wing)
Similar cruise speeds of 200 km/hr, installed engine power per unit of mass for aircraft with piston engines, and radius of action (150-250 km)
UAV Characteristics: Close-Range
Challenging multitude of roles at low altitude and rapid response times.
Low-altitude military operation requires that system, especially the aircraft, to be invulnerable to enemy countermeasures to achieve its mission.
GCS and launch and recover systems are required to be fully mobile even in wild terrain, but too heavy to be hand-launched.
UAV Characteristics: MUAVs
Back-packed, assembled and deployed by no more than 2 ppl. Designed to be hand-launched and controlled via a laptop computer, with display restricting UAV MTOW to 6kg, and about 30kg for the UAS. Can be done using battery technology and lightweight electric motors, which makes backpacking more possible.
UAV Characteristics: pico AVs and NAVs
pico AVs: Personal system for urban and indoor surveillance systems, operatued using a mobile phone. Required to carry a surveillance camera, control and of image transmission systems.
NUAVs: UAV size smaller than 5cm in any direction, have an all-up mass of less than 10g. And a payload of 2g.
Common energy sources for UAVs
Bio-chemical, electric charge, solar-radiation photo-voltaic cell, electrolyte.
Common storage media for UAVs
Fuel tank, battery or electrolyte tank.
Common converter to mechanical energy
Internal combustion engine (piston or turbine), electric motor or fuel cell.
Common converter to lift/ thrust for UAVs
Rotor, fan, propeller, jet.
Payload design factors
- Range, endurance and altitude requirements.
- Mass and drag constraints
- Installation and field of view.
- Surveillance modes
- Range and area of surveillance needed.
- Resolution of the imagery.
- Need for tracking while scan
- Need for map base correlation
- Need for recording
- Need for weapon-aiming interface.
Examples of stakeholders in the aviation system
High power, low interest:
- Trade unions
- General public
- Airport Operators
High power, high interest:
- Regulatory bodies
- Government
- Users
- Aircraft Manufacturers
- Suppliers
- Politicians
- Commerce/ Finance
Low power, low interest:
- Employees
- Construction industry
- Police
- Retails
Low power, high interest:
- Maintainers
- Transport operators
- Military operators
- Airline operators
Explain the 4 steps in requirements engineering
- Requirements elicitation and generation.
- Requirements
analysis and
negotiation - Requirements
management - Requirements
And this repeats.
Define requirements elicitation
Involves understanding:
1. The application domain.
2. The specific problem.
3. The business.
4. The needs and constraints of system stakeholders.
How to create a HoQ step-by-step?
- Identify the chart WHAT list requirements.
- Translate WHAT requirements into measurable HOW requirements.
- Determine relationships between WHAT and HOW requirements.
- Determine HOW MUCH for HOW requirements.
HoQ purpose: Identification and prioritisation of TPMs.
What are some basic verification activities?
- Inspection.
- Analysis
- Demonstration
- Test
- Certification
What are the system tests during the lifecycle?
Analytical: analytical methods and computer models and simulations are used since
there is no “physical” model of the system: “virtual” models. - During the conceptual design.
Test 1: Bench-test models, engineering models, software and service test models to
verify a physical design of a sub-system or component, but not production equipment. - Preliminary system design.
Test 2: Testing of prototype equipment and software used for the initial qualification
of the system for operational use. E.g. flight simulator. - Detail design and development.
Test 3: There is a production system where all the elements of the system can be
operated and evaluated on a truly integrated basis. E.g. flight test. - Production/ construction.
Test 4: The system is designed and operational in the customer environment. This is the first time that the true capability of the system can be assessed. - System utilisation and life-cycle support.
What is the point of developmental test plan?
‣ define the specific technical parameters to be measured,
‣ summarize test events, test scenarios, and the test design concept,
‣ list all models and simulations to be used, and
‣ describe how the system environment will be represented.
What is the aim of operational test and evaluation plans?
- List critical operational issues to be examined to determine operational suitability.
- Define technical parameters critical to the above issues.
- Define operational scenarios and test events.
- Define the operational environment to be used and the impact of test limitations on conclusions regarding operational effectiveness.
- Identify test articles and necessary logistic support
- State test personnel training requirements.
Define the system safety engineering
It is the closed loop process of decision-making and allocation of resources based on system safety risk assessment.
1. Describe the system.
2. Identify the hazards.
3. Analyse the risk.
4. Assess the risk.
5. Treat the risk.
What is human factors concerned with?
HF is concerned with improving the integration of human issues into the analysis, design, development, implementation and the operational use of systems.
What are the 3 areas in which humans are included?
The job: nature of the task, workload, design of displays, controls.
The individual: their competence, skills, personality, attitude, risk perception.
The organisation: work patterns, culture of the workplace, resources, communication etc.
Key factors influencing human performances
Workplace factors (workspace suitability, housekeeping, equipment, poor environment)
Personnel factors (competence, health and fitness, fatigue, stress, motivation)
Task factors (too high/low workload, emergency tasks, teamwork problems, safe systems or procedures)
Organisation factors (poor leadership, safety management system inadequate, safety culture poor)
Define Human systems integration
The process by which human capabilities and limitations are effectively and affordably integrated with system design and development. It wants to maximise the system’s usability and safety.
It aims to answer the following questions:
- Can this person…
- With this training…
- Do these tasks…
Define anthropometry
The science that defines physical measures of a person’s size, form and functional capacities.
SHEL model of human factors
S- software
H- hardware
E - environment
L - liveware (human)
Define ergonomics
elimination of aspects of the system design that could cause injury
to people who operate, maintain or use the system.
What are humans better at?
- Recognising objects over varied conditions.
- Handling unexpected occurences
- Ability to reason inductively
- Ability to profit from experiences
- Originality
- Flexibility of reprogramming
What are machines better at?
- Responding with minimum lag.
- Precise, repetitive operations
- Storing and recalling large amounts of data.
- Monitoring functions
- Sensitivity to certain stimuli.
- Exerting force