Systems Analysis and Development Flashcards
What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?
An iterative approach to systems development which follows a build, test, and evaluate process.
What is Linear Methodology?
A step by step approach to systems development. Is divided into stages.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Iterative Methodology?
- Good for smaller projects
- Fast
- Extensive user input and testing
- Less controlled
- Risk of not ever finishing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Linear Methodology?
- Easy to understand
- Suitable for complex projects
- Clear goals are set out
- Difficult and expensive
- Software only delivered at end
- Does not match reality well
What is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
Process used for creating a new system from scratch or analysing an existing system and creating an improved one.
What are the phases of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
- Preliminary Analysis
- Analysis
- Design
- Develop
- Implementation
- Evaluation and Maintenance
What happens in the Preliminary Analysis phase of the SDLC?
- Define the problem of the system
- Complete a feasibility report
What is a Feasibility Report?
* Technical - Is technology avaliable?
* Operation - Will it be easy to use?
* Economical - Is it profitable?
* Schedule - Can it be completed on time?
What happens in the Analysis phase of the SDLC?
- Work out a model of current system
- Find requirements of new system
What happens in the Design phase of the SDLC?
- Design physical and logical aspects
- Use CASE tools
What are CASE Tools? (Give Examples)
Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tools are software application programs which automate SDLC activities. E.g. ChatGPT, Github Co-Pilot, MS Visio
What happens in the Development phase of the SDLC?
- Acquire hardware and software
- Choose whether to buy or make code
- Using resources to construct product
What happens in the Implementation phase of the SDLC?
Implement the system into the organisation using
1. Direct Changeover
2. Parallel Running
3. Phased Implementation
4. Pilot Running
What happens in a Direct Changeover?
Old system is stopped completely and new systems starts immediately.
What happens in Parallel Running?
New system starts running and both will continue to run until old system is removed.
What happens in Phased Implementation?
New system is introduced in phases, where the new system slowly takes over the old system until it has completely replaced it.
What happens in Pilot Running?
New system is tested in one part of the business, once the pilot is running successfully the system is added to the rest of the business.
What happens in the Evaluation and Maintenance phase of the SDLC?
- Get feedback from customers to evaluate system
- Continually roll out updates to add features or fix bugs
List the Data Gathering Techniques.
- Observation
- Questionnaire
- Interview
- Sampling
- Forms
What is a Questionnaire? List the Advantages and Disadvantages.
Set of questions that participants select answers to.
* Cheap and easy distribution
* Inflexible design
What is Observation? List the Advantages and Disadvantages.
A person goes out to observe/watch customers use the system to gather information.
* Can see interactions and data moving through organisation
* Expensive and intimidating
What is a Interview? List the Advantages and Disadvantages.
The people come and talk in front of panel, and the panel can ask questions.
* In-depth responses and you can ask further questions.
* Expensive and time consuming
What are Forms (Data Collection Method)? List the Advantages and Disadvantages.
Analyze data moving through an organization by looking at the forms involved.
* Very informational and can be done over internet
* Requires expert and forms can be confusing
What is Sampling? List the Advantages and Disadvantages.
Gathering information about a large amount of data using only a sample.
* Much faster and more efficient
* Won’t see all data
What is a Gantt Chart?
A bar chart that illustrates the project schedule.
What is a PERT Chart?
A flow diagram that uses lines to represent time taken to complete tasks.
What is the System Boundary?
The system boundary defines the scope of the system, what is inside or outside of the system.
What is Systems Documentation?
Documentation describes an information system and helps users and staff use it to ensure successful operation and maintenance.
What is a System Manual?
A system manual describes the system’s functions and how they are implemented. Is prepared during the analysis and design phases.
What is a User Manual?
Consists of instructions and information to help users interact with the system. May include an overview, description of processes, instructions for usage, examples and FAQs.