Systemic Disorders Flashcards
target BP prior to administration of IV alteplase
Metabolic syndrome definition
3 of the Ff: abdominal obesity (waist circumference in men≥102 cm or ≥88 cm in women),
elevated triglycerides (>175 mg/dL),
low high-density lipoprotein (<40 mg/dL in men or <50 mg/dL in women),
elevated BP ≥130/85 mm Hg, and
elevated fasting plasma glucose (≥100 mg/dL).
Aggressive lifestyle mod
Acute physiologic effects of nicotine
Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
Elevated HR and BP
headache, insomnia, and depression
Coronary vasoconstriction
Prior to TPA for stroke
Get glucose and CT non con of head
primary aldosteronism
Hypertension and hypo kale Mia, metabolic alkalosis
Plasma aldo and renin (ratio >30)
Confirm with oral sodium loading test, saline infusion test, fludrocortisone suppression, or captopril challenge
Adrenal CT->adrenal vein sampling-> adrenalectomy
Hyper kale Mia ECG
peaked T waves->decreased P-wave amplitude-> PR interval prolongation-> and QRS interval widening. In severe hyperkalemia, these changes manifest as a “sine wave” morphology.
Bio marker of recent tobacco smoke exposure
hair, saliva, urine, and serum
Half life of 16 hours
Nicotine withdrawal in ACS (hospitalized patients)
nicotine patch or combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT
prominent to-and-fro machinery murmur
Cigarette smoking vs smokeless tobacco
Increased risk of afib, platelet activation, inflammation
Orthostatic syncope in chronic steroid use
Due to steroids
Morning cortisol level, or cosyntropin stimulation
Immune mediated anaphylaxis
hypertension after induction of anesthesia
Histamine and tryptase will be elevated
ACEI induced angioedema
Further testing if
Clinical diagnosis
Due to bradykinin
there were family history of angioedema, personal history of malignancy, or prior angioedema event)
Treatment of allergic reaction
IM epinephrine
Repeat every 5-15 minutes if needed
Fish oil
Only indicated in very high triglycerides
primary hyperparathyroidism
Hctz calcium
elevated calcium and low-normal phosphorus and low-normal magnesium
Post TIA, incident with highest risk
High Risk of stroke after TIA
Age > 60 (1 point)
2) BP: systolic BP >140 or diastolic BP >90 (1 point)
3) Clinical symptoms: focal weakness (1 point), focal weakness + speech disturbance (2 points)
4) Duration: 10-59 minutes, 60 minutes or longer (2 points)
5) Diabetes mellitus: diabetes mellitus present (1 point)
Statin for ASCVD risk
> 7.5%
Cardiac masses including thrombi and tumors
Primary cardiac tumor differential
Single tumor with central calcification, associated with colon polyps
Get cardiac MRI
myxomas, fibroelastomas, lipomas, fibromas, and rhabdomyomas
angiosarcomas and rhabdomyosarcomas
Hypotension+ cushingoid features+ hyponatremia + hyperkalemia
Adrenal crisis
Morning cortisol-> ACTH stim test