Systemic and Strategic Therapies Flashcards
MRI Key Names ( 7)
- Don Jackson
- Paul Watzlawick
- John Weakland
- Richard Fisch
- Wendel Ray
- Barbara Anger Diaz & Karen Schlanger
- Giorgio Nardone
Milan Strategic Key Names (4)
- Mara Selvini Palazzoli
- Gianfranco Cecchin
- Luigi Boscolo
- Giuliana Prata
Strategic Key Names (2 main)
- Jay Haley
2. Cloe Madanes
General Strategic “Stance”
Neutrality and Irreverence
4 Pathological Dimensions of Family Interaction (Madanes)
- To Dominate and to Control
- The Desire to Be Loved
- To Love and to Protect
- To Repent and to Forgive
3 points to generally know of Strategic Family Therapy
- Rooted in Communication Theory
- Defined by 3 different approaches - Milan, MRI, and Haley/Haley-Madenes Approach
- Directive therapist - geared toward action oriented problem solving
Milton Erickson
Father of Strategic Thought
Watzlawick’s Axioms of Communication
Communication is complementary (based on differences in power) or symmetrical (based on equal power)
5 parts of Milan session
- Presession
- Session
- Intersession
- Intervention
- Post session discussion
Who conducted therapy in the Milan modality?
male-female co-therapist dyad with team observations
3 Basic assumptions of Strategic Therapies
- We cannot not communicate
- Families Strive to maintain equilibrium - dysfunction = families trapped to maintain homeostasis
- Three explanations of problem development - cybernetics, structure and function
MRI’s explanation of problem development
Runaway positive feedback loops (cybernetics only) - context is pathological, not the symptoms
Milans explantation of problem development
Emphasis on Functionality: problems come to serve a function for the system
Also considered cybernetics and structure
What is this intervention and who uses it?
Identify the positive feedback loop
ALL - understand the circular causality
What is this intervention and who primarily uses it?
Determine rules that govern behavior
What is this intervention and who primarily uses it?
identify inadequate parental hierarchies
What is this intervention and who primarily uses it?
Identify attempted solutions
From this inquiry emerges a formulation of the problem-solution loop and the specific behavior that will be the focus of intervention. Typically, the strategic objective will be a 180-degree reversal of what the clients have been doing.
What is this intervention and who primarily uses it?
This allows the rules of the loop to change as one member reinterprets another’s behavior
One of the first interventions used by strategic therapists
What is this intervention and who uses it?
Paradoxical Interventions/Injunctions
Asking the family to do something that seems in opposition to the goals of treatment:
- Therapeutic double bind
- Prescribing the symptom
- Restraining Techniques
- Positioning
What is this intervention and who primarily uses it?
Prescribing Directives and Ordeals
Make the problem harder so that the price of keeping the symptom outweighed that of giving it up
What are Directives (2)?
- Suggestions to do something differently
- Suggestions to continue to behave the same
What are the goals of Directives (3)?
- Get the family members to do things differently in order to have different experiences
- to involve therapist in treatment and intensify the relationship to the therapist
- gather additional information about how the family responds to a task
What is an Ordeal?
Directives that are aimed at making the symptom harder to keep up than maintain
Other Haley-Madanes Interventions (6)
- Hierarchy fixing interventions
- Strategic Humanism
- Rituals
- Dramatizations
- Pretending
- Make-believe Play
Strategic Humanism
Increasing family members’ ability to soothe and love rather than gain control
Prescription of actions that are designed to alter family’s roles
Parent directed to request his/her child to intentionally perform problem behavior
Parents ask child to pretend to have the symptom and parents pretend to help child
Make-Believe Play
Asks parents to make believe they need child’s help and children make believe helping them