Systematic Theology 1 Quiz 2 Flashcards
the doctrine of Bible
revelation comes from a latin word revelo, come from a hebrew word gala, greek term apokalypto - both have same …
is “unveiling something that is hidden so that it made be seen and known for what it is”
ex. of revelation
an auctioneer uncovering a painting for the buyer to see
Revelation- truth is present but
not accessible
revelation doesn’t create truth about God, it makes
truth available for us that was already there (eternally)
revelation should produce in us
thankfulness and humility
Thankfulness for revelation because
had God not chosen to make this truth known we would never know it so we must give thanks to God for unveiling these truths to us in scripture and in creation
Humility for revelation because
humble us because we cannot take credit for how amazing God is / there can be no proud theologian… it is all given by God’s gracious self disclosure .. should spur is us a longing to know these truths
Psalm 19 scripture revelation example
the very essence of revelation, the heavens are telling the glory of God - the world around us tells us of the glory of God, the created order makes visible the truths of God, the beauty of God / the wisdom of God made manifest in creation
Speechless speak, silently tells us these truths
Romans 1 scripture revelation example
v 20 since the creation of the world God has clearly made himself seen through what has been made
Matthew 11 scripture revelation example
v 25 - context = Jesus had been speaking to people from cities that rejected him/rejected the revelation of God given to them in Jesus’ miracles & teachings
-it’ll be better for Sodom than it will be for you when you have
-God has hid things from the wise and has revealed things to infants v 25
-Son reveals to whomever he wants to reveal himself to v 27
-why these leaders had rejected the revelation that has been given in Christ.. Jesus says Father I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth that you -have hidden these things from the wise & intelligent
-explanation of why some know and some don’t know God = God is in control of this
God reigns over his revelation- to whom and how
-we are still responsible
-v 27 handed everything over to him.. Father reigns.. the Sons reigns over this revelation
-it is God who choses to whom reveal hims
-Karl Bart says there can be nothing but a humble theological -because if we know truth then it is God who has revealed it to us
Matthew 16:13 scripture revelation example
- Jesus asks his disciples.. who do people say that the son of Man is? But who do you say that I am? You are the Christ. The Son of the Living God. - Jesus said to Peter… blessed are you.. you have been blessed by another you have been granted this information by another.. by God we have understood theology
- we should be so grateful that this theology has been granted by us. God does not owe anything to us
Galatians 1 scripture revelation example
v10 am i now seeking the favor of man or of God? v11 the gospel which is preached by me is not by man…. Christ revealed himself to him and converted Saul from Tarsus.. any gospel has came by revelation from Christ
1 Corinthians 2 scripture revelation example
we speak God’s wisdom in mystery (not something puzzling or difficult to figure it out, this has to do with truth formerly hidden and now made know) God revealed these things to us.. revelation that was made known to Paul, not known before.. God could have revealed himself to the ones who crucified Christ.. because if they would have known it they wouldn’t have done it but God didn’t .. they are guilty still. and yet Paul could have given them revelation but they are still accountable.. in Christ’s coming and the period of time coming.. the Spirit comes and the apostle’s understand the meaning of Christ.. post-ascension v10
Need for Revelation - both because of the
transcendence of God (he is not approachable by us in his holiness) and because of our sinful, finite nature (incapable of moving beyond the boundaries of our limited knowledge) - but God in his grace comes to us and reveals to us about himself
Forms of Reveltation
General Revelation vs Special Revelation
How is General Revelation different?
- different in scope, general revelation is universal, people can witness through their senses / can have some access in what is made known through creation
- different in substance - it in general
- general truths about God an who he is
Avenues of General Revelation
Creation; Conscience
Ps 19 - the heavens declare the glory of God
Romans 1 - v17 something is revealed but where in the gospel the righteousness is revealed, we know how to be righteous in God (faith in Christ) -v 18 the wrath of God revealed from heaven
-truth has been suppressed…. v 19 because that which is known about God because God made it evident to them… v 20 for since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes… so they are without excuse .. v 21 though they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks
-General revelation is very forceful - in creation. period. all he is referring to here.. amazing display of the beauty and greatness of God
-Atheists are made not born.. natures.. that are in tune to seeing the handprint of God and they have to be trained out of it… suppressed the truth in unrighteousness - rather see our idols than the God who created the universe
Creation; General Revelation
Romans 2 - in our own hears. v 14 for when the gentiles who do not have the law.. (the OT law.. jews do but gentiles don’t) do instinctively (out of their very being) these not having the law are a law to themselves in that they show the work of the law at work in their hearts… keep a promise.. tell the truth
- knowing in your heart what is right and wrong
- the ten commandments is imprinted on the hearts of all humans.. so we have a sense of the things of the laws, internal sense, conscience of what is right and wrong
- CS Lewis… law of God is imprinted on all people from all cultures at all times
- ex. thou shout not steal… all believe this
- objection.. stealing vs. community stuff.. cultures differ over what constitutes stealing
- war crime trials that happened after WW2 - everyone agreed what they did was wrong
- we know what is right and wrong & we judge according to what we think is right and wrong
Conscience; General Revelation
Moral Nature made known in our ___________ and his greatness and glory made known in his ___________
conscience; creation
sufficient to cause us to be guilty before God but it is not sufficient to provide us with the means that we can escape the wrath of God / the means by which we can be saved by God
Efficiency of General Revelation
effective and able to provide truth of God to hold us accountable before him, sufficient to hold people accountable, but not sufficient to provide an avenue of understanding the gospel (Rom 10) revelation universal, salvific truth not in there.. what do we need to know to be saved… Christ as Savior
Efficacy of General Revelation -
General Revelation Arguement
Arguement: Clark Penick, John Sanders, Terance Tecern (people can be saved by Christ’s death and they can known nothing of this… can be another religion.. Romans 1)-General Revelation is not saving truth.. hope is in the gospel, cannot be saved apart from the knowledge and belief in Christ.. do not go in this direction
Special Revelation Differences
- different in scope, special revelation is special. What God told to Abraham and the law to Moses on Mt Sinia, designated to specific individuals at a specific time and specific purposes of God
- ex. 1 Cor 2 - the mystery.. now to “us” God has revealed to us - different in substance - much more detailed and specific, scripture.. must read the Bible to know these things
Avenues of special revelation
1) Personal Encounter - when God came personally to people, speaking to Abraham and giving him the covenant, personal encounter with mOses through the burning bush and God spoke to them, sometimes in the forms of dreams
2) Mighty Act - the very miracles of God, shows his grace and kindness, his judgment that takes place, delivering Israel from Egypt, grace to I, judgment to E, Red Sea
3) Propositional Revelation - does not mean propositional speech, propositions are expression of human language, all of the Bible is this, more than the Bible too, broader than scripture, but all of scripture is propositional revelation
4) Incarnation - Jesus Christ
Efficient for special revelation
pends on it reception, special revelation affect on those who deny it = greater coapability, Matt 11, when you reject that revelation you are even more guilty - we are responsible, truth of God sets us free.. only by receiving this can we enter in to the fullness of God that God intends, to reject God is to make you even more guilty.. rejecting God = copeability… but for those who accept special revelation = joy, life
Divine Inspiration General Meeting
the only place in the Bible where the word inspiration is foudn, 2 Timothy 3:16 -where Paul writes that all scripture is theopneustos (Theos = God, pneustos = breathed) breathed out by God, all scripture is the product of God breathing out
Know the word, inspiration, limitations:
- the way we use inspiration it is different than what this means… not that your inspired by someone to do something, to use this term as a level of genius
- in-spire.. something is breathed in…. when it was breathed out
- means it is from God himself literally - it has expired out God’s mouth
All scripture is inspired, not all the ______________.. the very books of the Bible are the out breathing of God
writers of scripture
2 Peter 1 - men moved by the Holy Spirit working in the authors to write (secondary - authors inspired when they wrote)
*Inspiration =
the out breathing of the Bible from God
the doctrine of the Bible is _________ to the Christian faith
in philosophy the science of how we come to know what we know as human beings
foundational epistemology
God has revealed, but it is only authoritative to us in scripture - this revelation is how we can know _____ - doctrine of scripture is foundational to the christian faith
doctrine of Scripture is foundational
epistemological level -
-doctrine of God is foundation
ontologically is about…
science of being/the substance of what we believe
there is the general meaning for divine inspiration and there is
Verbal & Plenary Inspiration
all of the language of the Bible, grammatical construction, logical.. everything about the language - all of that is inspired by God, important to learn the original languages.. the verbal inspiration of the Bible explains why those who are going to handle the word of God need to understand the original language, translation are one step removed, what God said through the author
Verbal Inspiration
- refers to all of it, the entire body of material, is to say that all scripture is inspired by God
- referring to the OT, sacred scriptures (v15), yes the OT but him and others were currently writing books to become the NT
- Paul knew this 2 Peter 3:16 Peter knew that Paul’s writings were hard to understand.. he knew that this writing was scripture.. fully aware that more inspired writing being written
- John 16 - I have more things to tell you when the Spirit comes I will
Plenary Inspiration
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God breathed (what it is, ontology, the nature of scripture) to function - it is profitable for these things - what is the issue with the New English Bible translation
- all God breathed scripture is profitable.. raises the questions so there is a portion of scripture that is God breathed and a portion of scripture that is not God breathed - liberals are happy with that understanding
- to function together, can’t drop the and
- 1 Timothy 4:4 - parallel construction - all scripture is both, God breathed and profitable. we should prefer this version
- he began with paragraphe - ALL
- he is not intending to divide up scripture
two adjectives GOD BREATHED
Meaning of inspiration -……..
Inspiration =
- pay attention to scripture because it is God breathed; scripture better than other book, hold it to that level, what God intended for us to know to save us and to sanctify us, v17 equipped for every good work
- God’s out breathing
Ontology and Function -
what is and then what it can do
do not neglect the Word of God (v19) pay attention to it as it was the light in a dark room, such power in this image, how much you need a light tot not stumble and fall and run into things / we need light to see in the darkness, we need a lamp, pay attention to scripture - he contrasts his on experiences - the chief of the disciples of Jesus and his favored disciples (Peter favorite, Matt 16, the rock that the church will be build on) - the trans-figurization of Jesus, saw God on the mountain and heard this is my beloved Son - Peter saw this eye witness of the majesty - none the less, we have the prophetic word made sure to us - we have this in this word. The Word is better than what he saw. He didn’t say I got something y’all didn’t have. He says rather, Greater than seeing the transfigurization of Christ is the Word of God.
2 Peter 1:20-21
2 Peter 1:20-21 do not neglect the Word… 4deals here
- Scripture is not of human origin
- Humans nevertheless speak forth Scripture
- God prompts the human speech of Scripture
no scripture is of one’s on interpretation, it is not that some human being decided to write it
- epilusis (interpretation) - disclosure or orgination… no prophecy of scripture is a matter of private disclosure/orgination (from one’s own choice)
- no prophet was made by human wil
- Scripture is not of human origin
write what they think and they believe and they write it as their own communication - this shows the different kinds/styles of writings throughout the Bible (John greek easier than Hebrews greek.. this is because different people write different books) each is a unique and distinct and needed, men spoke from God
- Humans nevertheless speak forth Scripture
- see this is verse 21 - men moved by the Holy Spirit and from God, God prompted the writing, inspired it, worked in the minds and hearts of these individuals
- Scripture is 100% divine and it is 100% human - they are writing the very words that God intentionally seeks for them to do / scripture is exactly what God wanted it to be
- God prompts the human speech of Scripture
1 Corinthians 2:13 - the Spirit knows all the depths of God, so he is the one qualified to bring this _________- the Spirit searches all things even the depths of God / by the Spirit, knows the thoughts of God, brought to us the truth of God
role of the Spirit = v 13 works to provide through Paul the
expression through revelation [revelation to inspiration to illumination] all by the Spirit
Context: revelation, inspiration, illumination – by the Spirit - here Paul moves out of revelation to inspiration - Spirit brings the
revelation and brings the inspiration through them
Spiritual “thoughts” (truths) taught through spiritual “words” - would not know without revelation, it is not up to Paul to communicate these words to others - - now as he speaks he speaks forth words about this revelation - not by words taught by human wisdom, but by words taught by the Holy Spirit - combining spiritual truths - he conveys those truths to others
- Spirit responsible for …………………
- to know the truth by the Spirit, to speak the truth by the Spirit
revealing the truth to Paul and for communicating this truth to others as well.
Gal 4:19 - God’s Word and human’s Word. This is _____________________________________. God is still fully in control. Every word God’s Word as well. How is this? We have to understand the sovereignty of God and human choice (God controls what we freely do.. have responsibility to do) these two are not in conflict of one another. The Bible puts these together
divine sovereignty and human responsibility
-The Inspiration of Scripture is a beautiful illustration of divine sovereignty and human responsibility
divine sovereignty and human responsibility
flow out of our understanding of scripture being inspired by God (the base of inerrancy)
- if scripture is fundamentally the Word of God, then must this entail that scripture is entirely truthful
- God who cannot lie is the author of scripture. God is truth. God knows all lies as lies. mistakes as mistakes. truth as truth.
The Debate of Recent Years: What’s the Issue? — started in the mid 1970s, Herald Lansdale- The Battle for the Bible - he argued that there was so many places within Christianity because people were beginning to deny the ……..
inerrancy of scripture - unless southern baptist reclaims inerrancy then it is headed to liberalism.. the strange case of Fuller Seminary - lots of people here saying there is such that is wrong in the Bible (Paul Yuet - wrote a book called Man As Male & Female.. Paul the Christian (Gal 3:28 - magnicarda of the women movement, egalitarean) - what lead to this debate? the nature of the very character of the Bible itself. 2 Timothy 3 & 2 Peter 1 - the Bible is the Word of God… Fuller Seminary (Pasadena, CA) - shifted to non-truth.. they would say yes it is the Word of God but since it is also the word of man that it has flaws
Inerrancy situation - -Steven Davis - Claremont (near pasadena) The debate about the Bible - the mistakes of the Bible, he outlines 5 clear mistakes he thinks are mistakes.
-Jack Rogers - God can still speak through the scriptures even though it is errant.
- promise land - suppose to kill all the people.. he says this just cannot be the case that God would have the Israelites kill innocent people… he says this could not be right that God would think this… he is judging what he thinks to be right
- if we say something is a mistake and this is called the Word of God
- whether you approach the Bible as a human product and therefore possibly mistaken or properly see it as divine
- human being to write something that is entirely accurate.. yes possible it can be done
- the nature of God could never make a mistake..
Errancy vs Inerrancy
- Errancy view works with the nature of humans, but does not work with the nature of God
- Inerrancy view works with nature of God and humans
commitment to the precision and accuracy of the Bible in a way in which it is very historical, grammatical, literary, journalistic, scientific accuracy can be seen (technical precision) Herald Lensdale (Battle for the Bible) fullest since of inerrancy - you cannot impose upon the Bible,
Technical Inerrancy
Technical Inerrancy // Quote Issue -
should be fully accurate representation of what that person wrote.. our standard.
Technical Inerrancy… prob for this time period of the Bible
When Bible was wrote.. this was not the case…represent just the idea of the text.. and idea of the whole content.. what standard of accuracy.. there standards are different than ours..
Technical Inerrancy - Example
Beautiful Sunset Example: the sun is not setting.. the earth is rotating on its axis… the sun is not literally setting.. scientifically it is not, but isn’t that statement true given in the genre I speak in.. common time.. is it true in contemporary science.. no but not speaking in that context or genre… we can talk this way now because it is appropriate to how we talk to people..
Technical Inerrancy - Problem
-Lesdale rejected because forcing a standard on them that is not okay.. use language in common phenomena language - some accuracy given what you say in the context.. where it falters.. acquires the writers of scripture to be where we are now.. they were somehow suppose to be aware of that then.. we cannot force on them the accuracy that we are looking at it in scientifically … doesn’t pay attention to the authors intended meaning
-if science if evolving how can we use 100% accuracy from science when it is an evolving discpline - second problem is when he says that the Bible is given those standards… how are the standards that we have come to now are accurate.. standards that are questionable
his understanding of technical inerrancy must be rejected..
what the Fuller Seminary position is - parts of the Bible, most of the Bible is the Word of God - but so many parts of the Bible are not. historical and scientific and moral inaccuracy.. but the big picture, the preached Word, the main message of the Bible is none the less true
Kerygmatic Infallibility
Jack Rogers belief-
- spoke of this, the Bible as a whole communicates truth to us, God created a good world and we messed it up and God has been trying to fix it.. but when you press specific passages at him he was readacent that if we evaluate by the Spirit what was acceptable and what was not
- 1 Cor 2 - words spoke by the Spirit.. in getting a fully accurate Bible
- lay on the Spirit to show you what is accurate and what is not accurate in the Bible
- two things at one time.. human product - what they thought and wanted to write.. we have no choice but to believe that there must be error in but as the same time the Spirit functions to show us what is true and what is not (it is partially the Word of God
- infallible and not inerrant
- appeal to Spirit of what is true and what is not.. the people on this left camp - deny inerrancy like to talk about the community - the Bible is authoritative as the Spirit works within the community of believers.. then you really don’t have an authoritative Bible you have an authoritative utterances of the community, you cannot point to the Bible that the majority is wrong because they say the Spirit shows them what is true in the text and nothing else
- the community will decide what is true for them - a rise in post modernism - Spirit and community together to let this be the main authority - in this we loose wha tis so precious.. sola scriptura = locust of our authority
Kerygmatic Infallibility //
what we are. FULL. The whole Bible is inerrant. The whole Bible is fully truthful in what it says. sunsets/sunrises.. thats not truthful.. the earth rotates on its axis.. conservative evangelical movement.. what the Bible teaches as true or affirms as true.
respect the authors intended meaning
numbers are meant to be a round number - not a precise
Paul FineBurgh —-defining inerrancy.. inerrancy has to do with this notion of understanding the authors intended meaning, do not impose things upon the text.. why do most conservatives hold that there is male headships
must accept all is true
Gruedem book - document called the chicago statement on inerrancy.. article 13 - we want to allow biblical writers to speak in the way they intended to speak.. don’t make it be something else.. do not bring standards for the context and genre in what they are speaking
-Lensdale died out.. 2 main views out there.. see this in the southern baptist convention - i appreciate things that jesus said but I have a problem with some of the things that Paul says.. (Kerygmatic Infallibility)
-all that is in there is true (a Full Inerrancy) find within the broader evangelical movement
Full Inerrancy
The Hermeneutical Component - Inerrancy.. when the Bible is seen as true.. .. the next thing to work hard on is
getting it right / understanding the Bible correctly… what does it teach.. what is the authors intended meaning.. gave rise to a quest within evangelicalism on hermeneutics.. how we understand the meaning of scripture.. get at the authors intended meaning..
- claim to be full inerrant.. but make scripture say something it doesn’t actually mean
- only what the Bible truly means..
Authority and Inerrancy deal here
- you cannot say the Bible has full authority but it has error
- errors… and what corrections are.. no page is a part of the Bible.. -who choose what parts are true and what parts are false.. jack rogers.. a community.. any one can choose whatever they want.. it is not ultimately the Bible that is authoritative of me.. rather we have decided that we are the ultimate authority, not the Bible - ex. train schedule… where are the mistakes… that train schedule cannot be authoritative is it is wrong… the entire document is questioned
- authority is a function of whether or not it is fully true or not
* Full Inerrancy - 1. What does the Bible teach 2. How do we apply it to our lives?]
* Fuller - has to ask a third question.. and is between these two questions above or what is the Bible relevance to my life?.. IS IT TRUE? If true, how does it apply to my life?
- must accept it for what it is.. the full Word of God
Seek the Lord in our reading, studying, meditating on the scripture, it the Spirit ultimately that helps us see the truth and apart form his work we just wont get it
refers to the work of the Holy Spirit by which he renders the scriptures more fully understandable and applicable to an individual’s life
Illumination Definition
some do not believe in illumination -. illumination comes in as to make scripture applicable to our life
-assumes that revelation has come, and that inspiration has come - and now it needs to be _____ and this is where illumination comes in - to understand and apply it to our lives fully
Need for Illumination - do people need assistance in understanding scripture or can they understand it themselves?
- moral apathy
2. spiritual blindness
- Truth known but rejected
- in the presence of truth, people find it repulsive,
moral apathy
moral apathy also known as
Moral Revulsion, Moral Resistance, Moral Rejection
moral apathy john 3
from Jesus - people reject truth if its up to them; why want people believe? why would people not believe with all the evidence we have? men “loved” the darkness rather than the light.. all love evil.. v19 light has come into the world = Jesus.. true light.. Jesus enlightens every man / you can see the light for what it is and it stands in such contrast to the darkness that they love.. truth known but rejected.. do people need illumination.. to know the truth.. it would see from this scripture that no they see the truth for what it is and they favor darkness over the light.. they see the truth and do not need help .. must know something about it to be revolted by it
moral apathy 1 Cor 1:18
for the word of the cross is foolishness - jews look at the cross and it is intolerable, the cross is a horrible symbol.. the greeks look at the cross and think that it is silliness, both see as a stumbling block or folly
moral apathy 2 cor 2:14
some think its great some think its horrible.. the opposite responses - death to death - think this fragrance stinks.. you have heard what this is and you see it for what it is and see it as repulsive
moral apathy romans 1
for even thought they knew God they did not honor God or see him for who he is; is it clear that they know the truth that they surpress.. they give it up for falsehood and take something else in its place
the truth is there and they get it.. truth might be there to apply it but ……
they know it
(Truth not known) - they cannot know the truth until God reveals it to them
Spiritual Blindness
Spiritual Blindness 2 Cor 4
those who are perishing have a veil in from to their faces / the God of this world has blinded them so that they cannot see - when they see what they need to see they cannot see it because the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers
Spiritual Blindness Acts 26:4
aul, Saul why are you persecuting me? - Pauls job is to help open their eyes - to open their eyes because their eyes are blind .. they are bound -can unbelievers on their on see truth NO. they are blinded unless God opens theyr eyes
Spiritual Blindness Luke 24:15-16, 44-45
- he opened their mind to see the truth of the scripture, their eyes were prevented form seeing the truth - must people have assistance, illumination to understand the scripture
-How can these be brought together? (moral apathy & spiritual blindness
both are true, but a natural man does not accept the things of God because they are foolish to them (moral antipathy), but they cannot see it (spiritually blind).. v 14-15 both have to go together at one and the same time - sees the truth and views it as foolish and rejects it and it is true that he cannot understand the truth and he needs the Spirit to help understand what the truth is // both taught in one vers
Three Paradigms regarding Coming to Know Revealed Truth
- Fideism
- Rationalism
- Critical Realism
the view that until we believe fideis (faith, believe) we have no capability of understanding the truthfulness of the christian faith of revelation.. belief is prerequisite to knowledge; we believe in order to understand - we believe things but it brings us into the arena that we understand things more as believers.. we couldn’t fully understand without this; ex. disease.. more motivated to find out more about it; more of a sense of your blind to everything until you believe and then when you believe you understand what it is; Sord Curkaguard - committed passionate Christian - fear and trembling, either or - has a definite fideism element to him - he said the obsurd is the object of faith - that which is rational irrational - Abraham was the knight of faith when he believed God’s command to sacrifice his son of promise - he sees this as a flat out contradiction because he saw this as absurd - this is obviously not true… Abraham believed he would raise Isaac from the dead.. Genesis 22 I and the lad will return to you.. he did not believe in the absurdity of killing the one who was the future of Israelites.. he misinterpretted him - logically impossible = required to believe; Karl Bart - only understandable for believers / until you believe certain things you cannot understand them ; he said only believers can understand what we believers are talking about, we can’t get it at all until we believe and then as believers we enter into the realm of knowledge (accounts very well for spiritual blindness, doesn’t account well for the moral antipathy theme)
we can know the truth simply by looking at it the only help we need is to accept it and to believe it; Thomas Aquinas - argued that when the fall affected human being it affect all of us except out reason - in terms of knowing it we can do that; Wolf Heart Panigburg - worked hard to show that what theologians teach from scripture can be shown to be true by psychology / revealed knowledge with public accessible truth (accounts well for the moral antipathy - we see it as foolishness, we need help accepting it and applying it to our lives, really fails at the spiritual blind theme)
middle place - called by a number of people this that we really can have access to objective truth that is out there.. we are not subjectively lost (not the fideist) we really can have access to truth.. critical means that there are features of how we look at truth to cause us not to see it completely accurately / we see it but we don’t / we know it but we don’t / truth is found in the middle.. we see it but we don’t ….
Critical Realism
Three Paradigms regarding Coming to Know Revealed Truth // 2 Corinthians 4:4 How does this work in the Christian faith.. the God of this world has blinded them to see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.. they can’t see the glory of Christ.. is he saying they can’t see christ.. no.. they can’t see Christ as GLORIOUS. Did they hear Jesus correctly? the pharisees.. sometimes they got it and others not… before Abraham was i am… Jesus proclaiming to be God.. they knew what he was saying and picked up stones to stone him.. they understood it.. Matthew 12 - they saw Jesus perform miracles - they couldn’t deny it.. they said he casted out demons by beelsabul - could they see what jesus taught and did.. yes but did they see the glory of Jesus NO.. they didn’t get it.. did they understand Jesus? they did but they didn’t.. they understood something right but something wrong too.. doesn’t mean that they don’t see some truth but they don’t see truth as truth.. we don’t see the truth as beautiful, radiant, glorious.. we smell it but we don’t smell it for what it is..
he answer is yes and no.. at some level they can see the truth and hate it.. but to see it rightly with the glory it possesses but to see truth as truth it requires the Spirit to see the truth … illumination need to more fully understand and apply the truth that God reveals to us.. happens at conversion and then for the rest of our lives.. see the truth more glorious. to see truth and see it as glorious.. to love the truth to see it as God sees it
seeing scripture as the final/authoritative Word of scripture
Canonicity -
Canonicity - comes from..
comes from the greek work - kanon.. Gal 6:16 - but those who will walk by this rule.. it means a rule, a rod, or a standard.. the ruler is measured after the original.. here we have with scripture the authoriative document of the Christian faith, scripture alone sets the standard for faith and practice of the christian faith
-it does not mean that the church some how gives scripture prop, scripture is the inherent word.. the declaration of the church does not establish its authority, it just declares it. the church doesn’t add but acknowledge.. it is our cannon, our rule and standard - David Dunbar - Hermanuics, Authority, and Canon
Brief History of the Canon
- OT as canon, came to be known as this simply through usage, an acknowledgment that these are books from God through the prophets.. the 39 books of the OT are in fact the establish rule for the community of faith, Matthew 5 Jesus discusses this in calling it the law, Luke 24 - Luke says that Jesus talks of himself and the scriptures.. Luke 24:44 all things that were written about em in the laws, prophets, and the psalms. Jesus endorses the OT books. His Word will stand.
- *Council at Jamnea - discussed these books and came to the same popular view of Jewish peeps, these are the books we should consider 80,70-100; they quarreled over a view books, Esther, Ecclesiastes, & Proverbs - debated and then agreed with Jesus and Jeweisum as a whole agreed
- the apocrypha books = some other books called idk what.. wasn’t until the reformation that this was dealt with at the Council of Trent - catholics adopted this to agree with purgatory and their indulgences
- 1 Tim 5:18 quotes Deut 25:4 & Luke 10:7 together.. and introduces it as the scripture says.. sees them as equivalent
- 2 Peter 3:16 - Peter refers to Pauls writings that are hard to understand that some destroy them..
- Didacea 8:2, 15 - early document use a written gospel as authoritative. Debt 4:2,12:32 - early recognition for books in the NT to seen as scripture
- Ignation died close to the first century- gospel, prophets, apostles.. see the NT as a whole - in parallel to the OT
- Polycart - 2 century - refer to NT passages as authroitative, evidence of early acceptance of NT
- A list of the 27 books that would become the NT by Anthasious 8367 - his Easter letter —- confirmed by Senate of Carthage in 397 - there was a debate about Hebrews because don’t know the author, decided yes because of its own testimony of the wisdom of God that was so powerful, OT truths that were made clear in light of Christ.. this is how books of the Bible became acceptable; James, Jude, Revelation - in the 4th century they decided that they would see these books as authoritative.. what were some of the requirements for canonicity?
Criteria for Canonicity
- Written by recognized prophet or apostle - Moses, Elijah, Isaiah.. Paul, Peter, John.. majority of scripture was written by a recognized prophet Deut 18 - speak truth or not from God; or a NT apostle.. 1 Corinthians 14 - above those who had the gift of prophecy - if you don’t accept the things I say to you then BYE. he spoke from God in this..
- Written by those associated with recognized prophet or apostle - Luke, Acts.. very closely associated with Paul
- Truthfulness (Deut. 18:20-22) - God speaks truth alone.
- Faithfulness to previously accepted canonical writings - must be coherency of previous canonicity writing; the # of different authors, settings, perspectives— there is a consistency in teaching.. there is one voice that transcends all the voices of scripture.. Gods.
- Confirmed by Christ, prophet, apostle (e.g. Luke 24:44; 2 Pet. 3:16) -
- Church Usage and Recognition - sense scriptures authorities by previous ones
The Closing of the Canon - are we sure we have the final authority of God? until the return of Christ do we have the final written scripture?
- No revelation contrary to the gospel - Galatians 1, if bring gospel contrary to what it is… not true.. the majority of so called revelation books are automatically disqualified because they conflict with the gospel of Jesus Christ, nothing can be accept as scripture if does not agree with the gospel; excludes 95% of other religions “revelations”
- Jesus is the Final Revelation - Hebrews 1 - we have the ultimate and final expression of God’s revelation to us. Christ is the final.. John 1:1,18 — supreme revelation; Christ is the final revelation
The Closing of the Canon - are we sure we have the final authority of God? until the return of Christ do we have the final written scripture?
- Jesus commissioned apostles to convey His revelation - John 16 - he will give further revelation when they are ready for it, v 12 - i have many more things to say to you but you cannot bear them now.. statement direct to his prophets.. that become his apostles… now they get it, it comes together… now they get the already and the not yet.. the progressive fulfillment.. Jesus told them this day would come when they would more so comprehend the meaning of Jesus’ life and death - Jesus commissioned these apostles to share about Jesus’ life. NT does not expand beyond Jesus. The NT are elaboration of the meaning of the life and ministry of Jesus
- Warning not to add or take away from revelation given - appears at the end of Revelation 22:18 - if add to this God will give him plaques, if take away God will take your name away from the book of life… some say its talking about just revelation.. the revelation of Jesus Christ.. is how it starts - latest dated book of the Bible. this is the final revelation of Jesus. last thing that Jesus had to say to them.. no more revelation concerning the church or Christ.. and don’t take any out of it
- the Bible is our canon
While it is true to say that all of Scripture is revelation, it would not be true to say that all revelation is Scripture.
Fideism is the view that all reasonable humans potentially can come to know the truth about some matter through careful investigation.
The concept of revelation is best understood as the human discovery of truths about the nature and work of God.
The definition of revelation includes the idea of truth that previously existed but now is uncovered or laid bare.
The doctrine of inspiration is primarily about the text of Scripture that is inspired and secondarily about authors of Scripture who were moved by the Holy Spirit to write Scripture.
It was argued in class that Scriptural authority is founded only on the doctrine of biblical inspiration and that the question of inerrancy is irrelevant to the issue of Scriptural authority.
Paul’s reference in Romans 2:15 to “the Law written on their hearts” refers to the transformation of believers as they are re-made to be keepers of the Law.
Special revelation has a more specific content or substance and a more limited scope than does general revelation.
To say that unsaved people have a moral antipathy to the truth of the gospel implies that they understand something correctly about that gospel truth.
It was argued in class that epilusis in 2 Peter 1:20 is best translated, not as “interpretation,” but as “disclosure” or “origination.”
Revelation through the avenue of the incarnation combines all the other avenues of special revelation in this one revelation of Jesus as the Christ.
Romans 1:20-21 rightly supports the notion that unsaved people have sufficient knowledge from creation alone to be saved.
The issue of canonicity has to do with the Church’s establishing the authority of certain writings for the believing community.
2 Timothy 3:16 states that inspiration happens as writers of Scripture are “moved by the Holy Spirit” and so speak from God.
Romans 1:20-21 rightly supports the notion that unsaved people have sufficient knowledge of God from creation so as to be morally responsible for their response to God.
The Bible is true in all that it affirms (or teaches as true) as evaluated by criteria of truthfulness which are appropriate to the literary genres and intended meanings of Scripture’s authors.
Full Inerrancy
The doctrine of revelation, rightly understood, confronts us with the following:
a. it shows us that we are dependent altogether on God revealing what he does
b. we have no say in what is revealed, or when, or to whom
c. God is sovereign over his revelation, and as such, some are excluded from receiving the truth of his revelation
d. a., b., and c. Correct
Revelation is necessary because of:
a. the transcendence of God
b. the holiness of God
c. the finitude of human beings
d. a., b., and c. Correct
A key avenue or avenues of general revelation is/are:
a. Creation
d. Conscience
e. a. and d. Correct
One avenue specified for general revelation is:
Special revelation may come through:
a. God’s mighty act
b. the incarnation
e. a. and b. Correct
When it is claimed that illumination is necessary due to spiritual blindness, the term “spiritual blindness” refers to:
c. the complete inability of the unsaved to understand the glory and truthfulness of the truth of the gospel
d. the inability of the unsaved to understand the whole of the truth of the gospel
e. c. and d. Correct
One aspect of the efficacy of special revelation is:
it can harden further those who receive and reject it
When it is claimed that illumination is necessary due to moral antipathy, the term “moral antipathy” refers to:
truth known but rejected as foolish and repulsive
The gospel and overarching truths of Scripture are true even if they are expressed in fallible and sometimes mistaken human expressions of those truths.
Kerygmatic infallibility