Systematic Theology 1 Quiz 2 Flashcards
the doctrine of Bible
revelation comes from a latin word revelo, come from a hebrew word gala, greek term apokalypto - both have same …
is “unveiling something that is hidden so that it made be seen and known for what it is”
ex. of revelation
an auctioneer uncovering a painting for the buyer to see
Revelation- truth is present but
not accessible
revelation doesn’t create truth about God, it makes
truth available for us that was already there (eternally)
revelation should produce in us
thankfulness and humility
Thankfulness for revelation because
had God not chosen to make this truth known we would never know it so we must give thanks to God for unveiling these truths to us in scripture and in creation
Humility for revelation because
humble us because we cannot take credit for how amazing God is / there can be no proud theologian… it is all given by God’s gracious self disclosure .. should spur is us a longing to know these truths
Psalm 19 scripture revelation example
the very essence of revelation, the heavens are telling the glory of God - the world around us tells us of the glory of God, the created order makes visible the truths of God, the beauty of God / the wisdom of God made manifest in creation
Speechless speak, silently tells us these truths
Romans 1 scripture revelation example
v 20 since the creation of the world God has clearly made himself seen through what has been made
Matthew 11 scripture revelation example
v 25 - context = Jesus had been speaking to people from cities that rejected him/rejected the revelation of God given to them in Jesus’ miracles & teachings
-it’ll be better for Sodom than it will be for you when you have
-God has hid things from the wise and has revealed things to infants v 25
-Son reveals to whomever he wants to reveal himself to v 27
-why these leaders had rejected the revelation that has been given in Christ.. Jesus says Father I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth that you -have hidden these things from the wise & intelligent
-explanation of why some know and some don’t know God = God is in control of this
God reigns over his revelation- to whom and how
-we are still responsible
-v 27 handed everything over to him.. Father reigns.. the Sons reigns over this revelation
-it is God who choses to whom reveal hims
-Karl Bart says there can be nothing but a humble theological -because if we know truth then it is God who has revealed it to us
Matthew 16:13 scripture revelation example
- Jesus asks his disciples.. who do people say that the son of Man is? But who do you say that I am? You are the Christ. The Son of the Living God. - Jesus said to Peter… blessed are you.. you have been blessed by another you have been granted this information by another.. by God we have understood theology
- we should be so grateful that this theology has been granted by us. God does not owe anything to us
Galatians 1 scripture revelation example
v10 am i now seeking the favor of man or of God? v11 the gospel which is preached by me is not by man…. Christ revealed himself to him and converted Saul from Tarsus.. any gospel has came by revelation from Christ
1 Corinthians 2 scripture revelation example
we speak God’s wisdom in mystery (not something puzzling or difficult to figure it out, this has to do with truth formerly hidden and now made know) God revealed these things to us.. revelation that was made known to Paul, not known before.. God could have revealed himself to the ones who crucified Christ.. because if they would have known it they wouldn’t have done it but God didn’t .. they are guilty still. and yet Paul could have given them revelation but they are still accountable.. in Christ’s coming and the period of time coming.. the Spirit comes and the apostle’s understand the meaning of Christ.. post-ascension v10
Need for Revelation - both because of the
transcendence of God (he is not approachable by us in his holiness) and because of our sinful, finite nature (incapable of moving beyond the boundaries of our limited knowledge) - but God in his grace comes to us and reveals to us about himself
Forms of Reveltation
General Revelation vs Special Revelation
How is General Revelation different?
- different in scope, general revelation is universal, people can witness through their senses / can have some access in what is made known through creation
- different in substance - it in general
- general truths about God an who he is
Avenues of General Revelation
Creation; Conscience
Ps 19 - the heavens declare the glory of God
Romans 1 - v17 something is revealed but where in the gospel the righteousness is revealed, we know how to be righteous in God (faith in Christ) -v 18 the wrath of God revealed from heaven
-truth has been suppressed…. v 19 because that which is known about God because God made it evident to them… v 20 for since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes… so they are without excuse .. v 21 though they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks
-General revelation is very forceful - in creation. period. all he is referring to here.. amazing display of the beauty and greatness of God
-Atheists are made not born.. natures.. that are in tune to seeing the handprint of God and they have to be trained out of it… suppressed the truth in unrighteousness - rather see our idols than the God who created the universe
Creation; General Revelation
Romans 2 - in our own hears. v 14 for when the gentiles who do not have the law.. (the OT law.. jews do but gentiles don’t) do instinctively (out of their very being) these not having the law are a law to themselves in that they show the work of the law at work in their hearts… keep a promise.. tell the truth
- knowing in your heart what is right and wrong
- the ten commandments is imprinted on the hearts of all humans.. so we have a sense of the things of the laws, internal sense, conscience of what is right and wrong
- CS Lewis… law of God is imprinted on all people from all cultures at all times
- ex. thou shout not steal… all believe this
- objection.. stealing vs. community stuff.. cultures differ over what constitutes stealing
- war crime trials that happened after WW2 - everyone agreed what they did was wrong
- we know what is right and wrong & we judge according to what we think is right and wrong
Conscience; General Revelation
Moral Nature made known in our ___________ and his greatness and glory made known in his ___________
conscience; creation
sufficient to cause us to be guilty before God but it is not sufficient to provide us with the means that we can escape the wrath of God / the means by which we can be saved by God
Efficiency of General Revelation
effective and able to provide truth of God to hold us accountable before him, sufficient to hold people accountable, but not sufficient to provide an avenue of understanding the gospel (Rom 10) revelation universal, salvific truth not in there.. what do we need to know to be saved… Christ as Savior
Efficacy of General Revelation -
General Revelation Arguement
Arguement: Clark Penick, John Sanders, Terance Tecern (people can be saved by Christ’s death and they can known nothing of this… can be another religion.. Romans 1)-General Revelation is not saving truth.. hope is in the gospel, cannot be saved apart from the knowledge and belief in Christ.. do not go in this direction
Special Revelation Differences
- different in scope, special revelation is special. What God told to Abraham and the law to Moses on Mt Sinia, designated to specific individuals at a specific time and specific purposes of God
- ex. 1 Cor 2 - the mystery.. now to “us” God has revealed to us - different in substance - much more detailed and specific, scripture.. must read the Bible to know these things
Avenues of special revelation
1) Personal Encounter - when God came personally to people, speaking to Abraham and giving him the covenant, personal encounter with mOses through the burning bush and God spoke to them, sometimes in the forms of dreams
2) Mighty Act - the very miracles of God, shows his grace and kindness, his judgment that takes place, delivering Israel from Egypt, grace to I, judgment to E, Red Sea
3) Propositional Revelation - does not mean propositional speech, propositions are expression of human language, all of the Bible is this, more than the Bible too, broader than scripture, but all of scripture is propositional revelation
4) Incarnation - Jesus Christ
Efficient for special revelation
pends on it reception, special revelation affect on those who deny it = greater coapability, Matt 11, when you reject that revelation you are even more guilty - we are responsible, truth of God sets us free.. only by receiving this can we enter in to the fullness of God that God intends, to reject God is to make you even more guilty.. rejecting God = copeability… but for those who accept special revelation = joy, life
Divine Inspiration General Meeting
the only place in the Bible where the word inspiration is foudn, 2 Timothy 3:16 -where Paul writes that all scripture is theopneustos (Theos = God, pneustos = breathed) breathed out by God, all scripture is the product of God breathing out
Know the word, inspiration, limitations:
- the way we use inspiration it is different than what this means… not that your inspired by someone to do something, to use this term as a level of genius
- in-spire.. something is breathed in…. when it was breathed out
- means it is from God himself literally - it has expired out God’s mouth
All scripture is inspired, not all the ______________.. the very books of the Bible are the out breathing of God
writers of scripture
2 Peter 1 - men moved by the Holy Spirit working in the authors to write (secondary - authors inspired when they wrote)
*Inspiration =
the out breathing of the Bible from God
the doctrine of the Bible is _________ to the Christian faith
in philosophy the science of how we come to know what we know as human beings
foundational epistemology
God has revealed, but it is only authoritative to us in scripture - this revelation is how we can know _____ - doctrine of scripture is foundational to the christian faith
doctrine of Scripture is foundational
epistemological level -
-doctrine of God is foundation
ontologically is about…
science of being/the substance of what we believe
there is the general meaning for divine inspiration and there is
Verbal & Plenary Inspiration
all of the language of the Bible, grammatical construction, logical.. everything about the language - all of that is inspired by God, important to learn the original languages.. the verbal inspiration of the Bible explains why those who are going to handle the word of God need to understand the original language, translation are one step removed, what God said through the author
Verbal Inspiration
- refers to all of it, the entire body of material, is to say that all scripture is inspired by God
- referring to the OT, sacred scriptures (v15), yes the OT but him and others were currently writing books to become the NT
- Paul knew this 2 Peter 3:16 Peter knew that Paul’s writings were hard to understand.. he knew that this writing was scripture.. fully aware that more inspired writing being written
- John 16 - I have more things to tell you when the Spirit comes I will
Plenary Inspiration
2 Timothy 3:16-17 - God breathed (what it is, ontology, the nature of scripture) to function - it is profitable for these things - what is the issue with the New English Bible translation
- all God breathed scripture is profitable.. raises the questions so there is a portion of scripture that is God breathed and a portion of scripture that is not God breathed - liberals are happy with that understanding
- to function together, can’t drop the and
- 1 Timothy 4:4 - parallel construction - all scripture is both, God breathed and profitable. we should prefer this version
- he began with paragraphe - ALL
- he is not intending to divide up scripture
two adjectives GOD BREATHED
Meaning of inspiration -……..
Inspiration =
- pay attention to scripture because it is God breathed; scripture better than other book, hold it to that level, what God intended for us to know to save us and to sanctify us, v17 equipped for every good work
- God’s out breathing
Ontology and Function -
what is and then what it can do
do not neglect the Word of God (v19) pay attention to it as it was the light in a dark room, such power in this image, how much you need a light tot not stumble and fall and run into things / we need light to see in the darkness, we need a lamp, pay attention to scripture - he contrasts his on experiences - the chief of the disciples of Jesus and his favored disciples (Peter favorite, Matt 16, the rock that the church will be build on) - the trans-figurization of Jesus, saw God on the mountain and heard this is my beloved Son - Peter saw this eye witness of the majesty - none the less, we have the prophetic word made sure to us - we have this in this word. The Word is better than what he saw. He didn’t say I got something y’all didn’t have. He says rather, Greater than seeing the transfigurization of Christ is the Word of God.
2 Peter 1:20-21
2 Peter 1:20-21 do not neglect the Word… 4deals here
- Scripture is not of human origin
- Humans nevertheless speak forth Scripture
- God prompts the human speech of Scripture