System Investigations Flashcards
What is a stakeholder?
Those people who are affected eitheri directly or indirectly by a specific change.
What are the investigative techniques an SA should be aware of/use?
Workshops, prototyping, interviewing, questionnaires, and scenario analysis.
What is a workshop?
A team-based informating gathering and decision making technique designed to accelerate business planning and development.
Why are workshops useful?
They allow for exchange of information and to come up with a decision that is mutually acceptable.
What are the benefits of workshops?
Speed: by having everyone together people can agree reqr. Much faster. Ownership: involved people are more likely to be commited to the decisions taken. Productivity: people build on the ideas presented. Consensus: discussion aimed at reaching a consensus. Quality of decision making: because the involved participate the output is likely to be of high quality.
What are some constraints of using workshops?
they are hard to schedule, hard to get everyone in the same room.
How to use workshops?
They enable requirement to be captured. They must have the right group size. They are useful at different project stages. Group must be empowered to make decisions.
Workshop - who is the sponsor?
Owns the workshop and ultimate decision maker. Works with the facilitator to create the workshop TOR.
Workshops - who is the facilitator?
Key player. Ensures the group meets the agreed objectives. Maintains the focus. He needs to be objective, professional, positive, patitent, actively listening, questions and gives feedback, can keep group participation, able to handle group conflicts.
Workshop - who are the participants?
The people invited, must work towards for group success. Participants should be empowered to speak.
Workshop - who is the scribe?
Work with the facilitator. Captures the data but does not take part in the workshop.
What is a prototype?
Shows the user how a system might work. It can be anything from a drawing to a working piece of software.
What are the advantages of using prototypes?
Helps the user really determine the requirements, validate the requirements, reduces the risk of getting it wrong.
What are the disadvantages of using prototypes?
Can run out of control, can raise unrealistic expectations, can lead to users to overestimate progress.
What is interviewing?
A structured discussion used to elicit facts and information. Enables to create a working relationship.
What are advantages of interviewing?
Enables to create a working relationship, allows to elicit requirements.
What are the different steps in interviews?
Planning (what to ask, who, how, what, where) - Conducting (listening, use open questions, how to record) - Following Up (write notes, prepare a formal record).
What are questionnaires?
Useful way of eliciting limited amounts of information from a large group of people.
What are the advantages of questionnaires?
Can reach large audiences, can uncover commons problems, can determine attidues.
What are the disadvantages of questionnaires?
People don’t like them, they must be kept small and focused, it takes skill to formulate them.
What is scenario analysis?
Telling the story of a task or transaction.
What are the advantages of scenario analysis?
If we take the user through every step it is less likely that any elements get taken for granted.
What are the disadvantages of scenario analysis?
Time consuming and may produce complex scenarios.
What are requirements?
A feature that the business users need the new system to provide.
What is a functional requirement?
An FR is astatement of WHAT an IT system must do in order to support business processes.
What is anon functional requirement?
NFR specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rathen than specific behaviour. HOW well the system does something.
Why are requirements poorly defined?
Users often find it diffuclt to visualise what they need and so are unable to describe a system requirement. Tacit knowledge may be a problem
What is an example of a functional requirement?
The system will capture a customers detail, update a customers detail, delete a customer, produce a report of all current customers.
What is an example of a non functional requirement?
Performance, security, access, backup & recovery, archiving & retention, robustness, availability, usability, capacity.
What are the requirement hierarchies?
Requirements must be logically arranged, an FR may have an NFR and an NFR may elicit an FR.
What is solution language?
Solution language should be avoided in a requirement statement.
What is documentation sytle?
Ways of documenting requirements (requirement catalogue, business requirements document, functional specification).
What is use case?
A structured requirement that desribes a piece of a system functionality.
What is the focus of use cases?
The scope is a single business transaction that a user undertakes within the IT system in order to achieve a relevant business goal.
What are actors and system boundaries in use cases?
Actors represent named user roles that interface with the system (human, non-human).
What is a use case diagram notation?
There are three main notations, the actor, use case, and the association.
What is a use case diagram?
Created to capture at high level the scope of the required functionality of an IT system.
How do we work through the requirements specification?
- Deice the required functionality. 2. Decide what non-functional constraints are applicable to this functionality. 3. Work out if any additional functionality dervies from the NFRs.
What is a use case template?
Used when more detail is added. A table with the actor, system, and alternatives.
What is a user story?
User stories are the preferred way to identify what the system has to do (as a user, I want to, so that I can see)
What are user story charateristics?
Brief & informal, written by business stakeholder, basis of a feature to be developed, close contact between customer and dev, little documentation, used in XP and other agile methodoligies.
What are the human aspects of system investigation?
Communication is it formal vs informal, spoken or verbal, non verbal, written, visualisation.
What are barriers to communication?
Language, too much info, poorly defined objectives, distortion, wrong medium, anxiety.
What are the humans aspects of introducing change?
People will react to change when they will be affected. They might react in different ways.
What is the performance change curve?
A change curve showing how people react to change. Initally the change is launched, there is a dip in confidence, before a turning point, that increased producitvity, and allows the benefits to kick in.
How do we deal with change resistance?
We educate and communicate, we allow people to participate and be involved, we faciliatate and support.