System 1 Amalgamated Flashcards
What are the major sub-assemblies of an airframe?
Wings, Fuselage, empennage (tail plane), under carriage, engine installation
There are 5 considerations that affect aircraft design specifications. One is mission, name two others.
What are 3 common materials used in the construction of an aircraft?
Metals, Plastics, composites
What are 5 engineering forces that act on an aircraft and influence design?
Tension Compression Torsion Shear Bending
What are operating limits?
Limits the pilot can routinely apply while manoeuvring without exceeding the limitations of airframe structural integrity.
What are the types of aircraft structural construction?
Semi-monocoque - PC21
What are the major parts of the wing construction?
Spars Ribs Stingers Skin (Flaps, ailerons and fuel tanks are also acceptable)
PC21 Length?
36.85ft (11.2m)
PC21 Height?
12.3ft (3.75m)
PC21 Wing span?
29.88 ft (9.11m)
PC21 Propeller Diameter
7.83ft (2.39m)
Is locked main wheel recommended for turning on ground?
No, due to tyre damage
Turn radius using nose wheel steering and differential braking.
Outiside wingtip - 5.9m
Nose wheel - 2.9m
Outside wheel - 2.7m
Outside horizontal stabiliser - 6.9m
PC21 turning circle using nose wheel only
Outside wingtip - (LH - 15.4m) (RH 17.4m)
Nose wheel - (LH - 11.3m) (RH - 13.3m)
Outside wheel - (LH - 12.4m) (RH - 14.4m)
Outside horizontal stabiliser - (LH - 15.1m) (RH17.1m)
PC21 Weight - Maximum ramp weight MRW
3120kg - 6878lbs
PC21 weight - Maximum take off weight MTOW
3100kg - 6834lbs
PC21 Weight - Min Flying weight MFW
2330 kg - 5136lbs
PC21 weight - Maximum landing weight MLW
3100kg - 6834lbs
PC21 weight - Maximum zero fuel weight MZFW
2750kg - 6062lbs
PC21 Maximum operating speed (Vmo)
370KIAS - Not to be exceeded at any time
PC21 Maximum Mach number (Mmo)
0.72m - Not to be exceeded at any time
Manoeuvring speed for ailerons (Vo)
Maximum manoeuvring speed for rudder and elevator?
Maximum Speed with flaps/landing gear extended (Vfe, Vlo, Vle)
What is the basic stall speed in clean config (Vs), Idle power, 0deg AoB
Basic stall speed in landing config (Vso), idle power, 0deg AoB
G load limit in clean config?
+8 or -4 Gz
G load if flaps are not fully retracted?
+4 or -0Gz
G Load in landing config?
+2 or -0Gz
Abrupt movement of ailerons from neutral to full deflection prohibited at?
> +3G and <-1G
What is the maximum operating altitude for the PC21
With the PCL at Idle and the aircraft weight on wheels, why does the PMU adjust the ground idle value to provide lower thrust than in flight?
In order to avoid excessive braking while manoeuvring on the ground
The compressor turbine and the power turbine rotate in opposite directions. This is to what?
Minimise the Gyroscopic effects
What does red PMS warning caption on the DWP indicate?
Malfunction has been detected in PMS, or PMS is set to MANUAL mode
What term is given to fuels tendency to turn from a liquid to a gas vapour upon the application of heat?
What term is given to fuel tank types using the structure for fuel storage by sealing airframe components in either wing or fuselage?
Booster fuel pump operation is indicated on which display?
The wing tank wall structure is formed using?
The ribs and spars of the wing structure
The aerobatic tank provides fuel during inverted flight or under -G conditions for a maximum of how many seconds?
45 seconds