Synthetics Flashcards
Zero-incidence Reflection coefficients
R(0) = (rho2Vp2-rho1Vp1)/(rho2Vp2 +rho1Vp1)
reflectivity => positive => peak positif => number in data base negatif = > HARD KICK
reflectivity => positive => peak negatif => number in data base negatif = > HARD KICK
Purposes synthetics
- Derivation of acoustic nature of geologically important markers/interfaces given the ambient wavelet
- Enable correlation well results with surface seismic
- Possibly derive transfer/seismic wavelet from well to seismic matching
Calculation synthetic seismogram
- Multiply reliable sonic log
- With reliable density log and
- Differentiate to reflection coefficients, the unfiltered synthetic (primary reflectogram).
- Convert from depth to time
- Filter to seismic bandwidth or convolve with seismic wavelet
Good practices - synthetics
• If density data are missing -> try to make synthetic from sonic alone
• If sonic data are missing -> do not waste time & efforts
• Never “calculate” missing log values over larger intervals –
it does not add information
• Filter the unfiltered synthetic with a passband that is slightly broader than that of the ambient seismic wavelet
• Use different passbands for objectives at –significantly - different depths
• Be critical in judging the matches