Structural Interpretation Flashcards
Short sequence of activities => in order to good structural interpretation
- Check storage and display POLARITY !!!!!!!!! (SEG; NON SEG)
- Perform well-to-seismic match with synthetic seismograms
- Correlate essential geological markers to reflections on seismic data
- Correlate those horizons around between wells
- Fill in remaining lines by interpretation
- Create maps
Aspects on well-to-seismic matching
- Search for boundaries with appreciable AI contrasts – record their character
- Determine main unconformities and local disconformities
- Minor time-shifts unimportant, character match vital
- Be aware of structural complications, i.e. faults
- Very close markers do not have added benefit
Correlation of markers
- Create/select connecting random lines between all wells & interpret
- For deviated wells take line through the well-path
- Major faults may prevent complete round-correlation
Round correlation :
Two approaches
• Draw random lines between wells
• Draw one random line with kinks
Extension - delta
• Syn-sedimentary faults “soling-out” • Sediment accretion at low side fault • Clastics only
Extension régime features
- Listric faults, soling out in depth, occur in delta’s: growth at downthrown side and fault-plane reflections common
- Steep, occasionally rotated faultblocks in more competent rocks – “basement” induced
- Regular map image, few folds and many - smaller – faults.
- Mostly not, but severely faulted fields yield complicated maps (Gullfaks)
Compressional régime
basement involved
• Multi-curved faults, steepening in case of basement involvement or flattening – overthrusting - with depth
• Often associated with strong folding
• Can yield complex map image, many folds with
relatively few, large faults
• Overthrusts, such as the Canadian Foothills, yield the most complex structures
• Trace interpretation systems cannot – yet – handle multi-valued horizons
Wrenching régime
Trans-pression and trans-tension
Wrench régime characteristics
• Multi-curved, compounded faults, steepening with depth: “flowers”
• Correlation over faults difficult if not impossible
• Faults have laterally changing throw and/or
• Contemporaneous normal and reverse faulting can be present in a section
• Very complex map image
Salt tectonics features
- Salt bodies exhibit highly variable shapes
- Flanks often impossible to interpret
- Halite acoustically transparent
- Characteristic secondary features – rimsynclines and caprocks
- Extensional faulting above salt domes, sometimes in radial pattern
- Seismic image below salt often seriously degraded