T/F Domestic Animals has well-developed shoulder girdle.
False: they have scapula and a coracoid (fused with scapula); Coracoid is absent/ small rudimentary
These muscles connects the forelimb with the trunk.
What muscles are under synsarcosis?
Serratus ventralis
Latissimus dorsi
Superficial pectoral
Deep pectoral
What kinesiology movements are under Muscles affecting the Shoulder Joint?
Extensor, Flexor, Fixer, Abductor, and Elevator (levator)
What muscle is affects the shoulder joint and is under extensor?
Brachiocephalicus nerve supply
Accessory, Axillary, and Cervical Nerve
(m. Affecting the shoulder joint) Muscles under Flexor
Teres major
Teres Minor
Latissimus Dorsi
Deltoideus, Teres major, and Teres minor nerve supply
Axillary Nerve
Latissimus dorsi nerve supply
Thoraco- dorsal nerve
(m. Affecting the shoulder joint) Muscles under Fixer
Insertion of Supraspinatus
Medial and lateral of humerus
Insertion of Infraspinatus
Lateral of humerus
Insertion of Subscapularis
Medial of humerus
Nerve supply of Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus
Suprascapular Nerve
Nerve Supply of Subscapularis
Subscapular nerve
(m. Affecting the shoulder joint) Muscles under Abductor
Superficial pectoral
Deep pectoral
Muscles and nerve supply of Abductors in m. Affecting shoulder joint
Superficial Pectoral (Pectoral NS)
Deep pectoral (pectoral NS)
(m. Affecting the shoulder joint) Muscles under Elevator of shoulder
Trapezius and Rhomboideus
Trapezius and Rhomboideus nerve supply
Trapezius (Accessory Nerve)
Rhomboideus (6th and 7th Cervical Nerve)
What are the kinesiology movements involved in M. Affecting the Elbow Joint
Flexor and Extensor
(m. Affecting the elbow joint) Muscles under flexor
Biceps Brachii
Nerve supply of Brachialis
Medial and often Radial nerve
What muscles of the elbow joint under flexor has the same nerve supply?
Biceps Brachii and coracobrachialis (musculo- cutaneus nerve)
(m. Affecting the elbow joint) Muscles under extensor
Triceps, Anconeus, and Tensor Fasciae antibrachii
Nerve supply of Triceps, anconeus, and tensor fasciae antibrachii?
Radial nerve
What are the kinesiology/ movements/ attachment involved in m. Affecting the hip joint?
M. Attched to the ischium, Adductor, Abductor, Flexor, Extensor
(m. Affecting the Hip Joint) Muscles attached to ischium
Adductor femoris, gracilis, quadratus femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus
What m. Of the penis are also attached to the ischium?
Suspensory ligament and crurae of penis
(m. Affecting the Hip Joint) Muscles under adductor
Adductor Femoris, gracilis, pectineus, External obturator
Nerve supply of adductor in m. Affecting the hip joint?
Obturator nerve
(m. Affecting the Hip Joint) Muscles under abductor
Superficial gluteal m.
Middle gluteal m.
Deep gluteal m.
Nerve supplying the abductor m. Of the hip joint
Gluteal nerve
(m. Affecting the Hip Joint) Muscles under flexor
Ilio- psoas
Quadriceps femoris
Tensor fasciae latae
What are the 4 component muscles of the quadriceps femoris?
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis
What nerve supplies the sartorius, ilio-psoas, and Quadriceps femoris?
Femoral nerve
What nerve supplies the Tensor fasciae latae?
Cranial- gluteal nerve
(m. Affecting the Hip Joint) Muscles under extensor
Biceps femoris
Quadratus femoris
Internal obturator
Gemellus/ gemelli
What nerve supplies the extensor muscles under the hip joint?
Schiatic nerve
What kinesiology/ movements are involved in m. affecting the tarsus and digits?
Extensor, superficial flexor, deep flexor
(m. Affecting the tarsus and digits) Muscles under extensor
Extensor digitalis longus
Extensor digitalis brevis
Anterior tibial
Peroneus longus
Peroneus tertius
What nerve supplies the extensor muscles in the tarsus and digits?
Peroneal nerve
(m. Affecting the tarsus and digits) Muscles under superficial flexor
(m. Affecting the tarsus and digits) Muscles under deep flexor
Flexor digitalis longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Posterior tibial
What nerve supplies the deep flexor muscles in the tarsus and digits?
Tibial nerve