Synoptic-Test 1 Flashcards
What is theoretical dynamics?
It is based on atmospheric forces/accelerations from the governing equations that have different importance at the different scales.
What is empiricism?
It is based on the ability to sense a given phenomena.
What scales do the following fall into?
a) Boundary layer cumulus clouds
b) hurricanes
c) thermals
d) mesoscale convective complexes
e) extra tropical cyclones
f) surface layer plume
g) small frequency waves
a) micro@
b) meso@
c) microB
d) mesoB
e) macroB
f) microY
g) macro@
S=sm. What does each variable stand for?
S is image scale-ratio of the distance in the map to corresponding distance on earth.
s is map scale-image scale at one or two standard latitudes.
m is map magnification factor-represents distortion
What is the difference between types of conformal maps?
Mercator- WMO 22.5, all parallels and meridians are straight, tropics
Lambert Conical- WMO 30 and 60 or 10 and 40, angle between two meridians is smaller than difference in longitude, mid latitudes
Polar Stereographic- WMO 60, polar
What are some examples of in situ measurement devices?
Bulb thermometer-temp
Sling psychrometer-humidity
Cup anemometer-wind
What are some examples of remote observations?
Satellite derived temps
Radar profilers
Acoustical profilers
How do we receive measurements from the surface and upper air?
Surface uses ASOS and AVHRR SST
Upper air uses radiosonde, satellite and aircraft
What is the difference between scalars and vectors
Scalar has magnitude while vector has magnitude and direction.
What is the formula for potential temperature?
Theta= T(1000/p)^Rd/Cp
What is a typical order of magnitude pressure tendency at the earths surface?
10^-2 Pa/s
What can we assume for a flat surface or sloped surface with no flow?
Assume that omega near the surface is equal to the corresponding pressure tendency.
In the presence of sloping terrain with flow we can assume what?
That omega at anemometer level is equal to w dp/dz
What must there be if there is a surface pressure tendency?
Must be a net horizontal divergence in the column
What does net positive horizontal divergence within a column result in?
Negative surface pressure tendency. Associated with upward vertical motion throughout column
What does net negative horizontal divergence(horiz convergence) within a column result in?
Positive surface pressure tendency. Associated with downward vertical motion throughout the column
Divergence of geostrophic wind is equal to on f-plane?
Magnitude of (du/dx+dv/dy) is what for developing systems?
Magnitude is larger and opposite sign aloft compared to below for developing systems
What is expected beneath regions of 300hPa horizontal convergence?
Downward motion
What is expected beneath regions of 300hPa horizontal divergence?
Upward motion
Thermally direct and thermally indirect circulations are associated with what?
Thermally direct-entrance region
Thermally indirect-exit region
Why does the acceleration vector not point directly perp to the orientation of the straight jet streak?
Using the equations of motion, the true horizontal wind must cut across isoheights towards low geopotential heights at entrance region and vice versa at exit region
Ageostrophic wind _______ on the upstream side of the trough and _______ on the downstream side.
Converges, diverges.