Basic Meteo Information Flashcards
What are the components of geostrophic wind in terms of stream function?
Ug= -dĮ/dy Vg= dĮ/dx
What is the continuity equation in pressure coordinates?
What are the units of stream function?
What is the hydrostatic balance equation?
Use it for large scale motion
What is the geostrophic wind equations?
Ug= -1/pf dp/dy Vg= 1/pf dp/dx
What is omega?
W= 7.29E-5
What is the u-momentum equation?
du/dt= (-1/rho dp/dx)+(2€vsinø)-(2€wcosø)+(¥del^2u)
What is the Coriolis parameter?
f= 2omegasin(ø)
What are the seven equations that govern the moist atmosphere?
1) U,V, and W momentum equations
2) Mass continuity equation
3) Water mass continuity equation
4) Thermodynamic equation
5) Equation of State
What are the 7 variables that describe the moist atmosphere?
What is the incompressible continuity equation? What conditions may it be used?
du/dx+dv/dy+dw/dz=0, when density is assumed to be constant
What is the thermal wind?
Thermal wind is the wind that runs from Vg1000 to Vg500. It shows in the atmosphere where there is warming and cooling.
What is the anelastic continuity equation? When may it be used?
Del•(rho*V)=0, appropriate form of continuity equation for real atmosphere on synoptic scale
What is the equation for virtual temperature?
Tv=T(1+0.61q) where q is specific humidity
How is potential temperature related to temperature? Equation?
Ø=T(1000/P)^Rd/Cp where Rd/Cp=.286
What equation shows how pressure(or density) changes with height in an isothermal atmosphere?
What are the Eulerian and Lagranian forms of the mass continuity equation?
Eulerian dp/dt = -del•(pV)
Lagranian Dp/Dt = -pdel•V
So that mass continuity equation = dp/dt + del•(pV)=0, p = rho
What is the ideal gas law(equation of state)?
P=pRdTv, Tv=T(1+.61q)
What is the water-mass continuity equation?
d(pq)/dt + del•(pqV) = Sources and Sinks
What is the gradient wind equation?
Vgr= -fR/2 +- 1/2sqrt(f^2R^2-(4R/p)(dP/dn)) R>0= anticyclonic R<0= cyclonic
What is a typical scale height?
8.1 km
What is the difference between backing and veering winds?
Backing- winds rotate CCW and indicate CAA
Veering- winds rotate CW and indicate WAA