Synonyms - 1 Flashcards
Synonyms: foreboding, premonition, presentiment, prognostication, augur, call, forecast, predict, foretell, prognosticate, prophesy, read, vaticinate
Synonyms: circuitous, circumlocutory, diffuse, garrulous, logorrheic, long-winded, pleonastic, wordy, rambling, verbose, windy, periphrastic, verbalism, verbiage,
Synonyms: commination, condemnation, denunciation, excoriation, objurgation, rebuke, censure, reproach, reproof, riot act, stricture,reprove
Synonyms: affection, affinity, aptitude, bent, bias, bone, devices, disposition, genius, habitude, impulse, leaning, partiality, penchant, inclination, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency, turn
Synonyms: bitter, brutal, burdensome, cruel, excruciating, grievous, grim, hard, hardhanded, heavy, inhuman, murderous, harsh, oppressive, rough, rugged, searing, severe, stiff, tough, trying
Antonyms: easy, light, soft
Synonym discussion: onerous burdensome oppressive exacting mean imposing hardship. onerous stresses being laborious and heavy especially because distasteful . burdensome suggests causing mental as well as physical strain . oppressive implies extreme harshness or severity in what is imposed . exacting implies rigor or sternness rather than tyranny or injustice in the demands made or in the one demanding .
Abhorrent (: causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred)
Synonyms: offensive, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, evil, foul, fulsome, gross, hideous, horrendous, horrible, horrid, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, nauseous, noisome, noxious, obnoxious, obscene, odious, rancid, repellent (also repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revolting, scandalous, shocking, sickening, ugly
aberrant (: different from the usual or natural type : unusual or abnormal
Synonyms: exceptional, aberrated, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, especial, exceeding, extraordinaire, extraordinary, freak, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, preternatural, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted
Abjure - to reject something formally
Recant, retract, forswear, renounce, avoid
Synonyms: home, diggings, domicile, dwelling, fireside, habitation, hearth, hearthstone, house, lodging, pad, place, quarters, residence, roof
Synonyms: profound, arcane, deep, esoteric, hermetic (also hermetical), recondite
Synonyms: glory, accolade, applause, bay(s), credit, distinction, homage, honor, kudos, laud, laurels, props [slang], réclame, sun, Synonyms: accredit, applaud, cheer, crack up, hail, laud, praise, salute, tout, doff one’s hat to (or doff one’s cap to)
Accord - grant
Accord - to bring into agreement
Synonyms: check, agree, answer, chord, cohere, coincide, comport, conform, consist, correspond, dovetail, fit, go, harmonize, jibe, rhyme (also rime), sort, square, tally
Synonyms: treaty, alliance, compact, convention, covenant, pact
Imputation, innuendo